溥心畲之父载滢为奕欣次子。溥心畲的长兄过继给了伯父载澄,袭了王爵;排行老二的溥心畲与三弟溥德奉母定居北京。溥心畲出生满5个月蒙赐头品顶戴,4岁习书法,5岁拜见慈禧太后,?a href=https://www.meishu.com/baike/1/10/3332.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>尤萃⒍裕窨?quot;本朝灵气都钟于此童";6岁受教,9岁能诗,12岁能文,被誉为皇清神童。溥心畲幼年除于恭王府习文,亦在大内接受"琴棋书画诗酒花美学"培育。辛亥革命后,隐居北京西山戒台寺十余年,再迁居颐和园,专事绘画。1924年迁回恭王府的萃锦园居住,涉足于社会当中 ,开始与张大千等著名画家来往 。两年后,他在北京中山公园水榭,举办了首次书画展览,因作品丰富、题材广泛而声名大噪,获评"出手惊人,俨然马夏"。1928年应聘赴日本京都帝国大学执教,返国后于北平国立艺专沐雨春风,其后又与夫人罗清媛合办画展,再度名震丹青,被公推为"北宗山水第1 人"。1932年,溥仪在"满洲国"当了伪皇帝,溥家兄弟趋之若鹜。溥心畲却拒任伪职,并以1 篇著名的文章《臣篇》痛斥溥仪"九庙不立,宗社不续,祭非其鬼,奉非其朔",继而怒骂这位堂弟"作嫔异门,为鬼他族"。
1924年冬宣统出宫后,溥心畲遂与溥雪斋(号松雪),溥毅斋(号松邻),关松房(号松房),惠孝同(号松溪)等创立了近代著名国画团体松风画会,自号"松巢"。松风画会是京津画派的次要 成员,迄今已有近90年的历史。
1949年10月18日,新中国成立不久,溥心畲藏在1 艘小船里,从上海冒险偷渡至舟山群岛(当时舟山仍为蒋军所据),又从舟山展转 赴台,并于台湾师范大学执教,为贴补家用,亦曾在自宅开班授徒、至亚洲各国讲学,并以愧对前清先祖为由,拒绝了第1 夫人宋美龄的拜师习艺邀约。在其自传中,溥心畲提及居台期间,曾为堂弟溥杰夫人回大陆夫妻相聚之事与寻觅 战后失落的末代皇后婉容之着落 ,数度赴日;由于溥杰之妻乃日本昭和天皇舅妈之女,故他赴日时曾住居日本皇宫,还与天皇聊聚旧事;让他印象最深刻的是,昭和天皇曾问他:"身为亡国的贵族有何感想?"
1959年,台湾历史博物馆特地为他举办个展,展出作品多达三百八十幅。1963年11月溥心畲患鼻咽癌在台北病故,年仅68岁,葬于阳明山。1991年溥心畲长子溥孝华病危,家宅遭歹徒入侵并杀害其妻,由于溥孝华早已将其父遗作藏于壁内,致歹徒遍寻无所获;溥孝华去世后,遗物处理小组乃将溥氏遗作1 分为三,分别交由文明 大学华冈博物馆、台北故宫博物院与历史博物馆托管。
溥心畲的这些瑰宝 包括书法175件、绘画292件,和 其他收藏书画13件,砚石、印章、瓷器等58件,总计543件。华冈博物馆托管的为大小画作、各体书法、笔记、注疏及手稿等百馀件;故宫托管的则大作、小品、立轴、长卷俱全,并包括难得的鬼趣图册、西游记册与自绘瓷瓶、磁盘和四小幅自绘漫画,这是溥心畲在国外期间与人沟通的随笔之作。除了台北,吉林省博物馆也具有 不少溥心畲的传世作品;北京故宫博物院镇院之宝的中国现存最早的传世墨迹"平复帖"及唐代韩干"照夜白",据传都曾是溥心畲的旧藏。
溥心畲得传统正脉,受马远、夏圭的影响较深。他在传统山水画法度严谨的基础上灵活变通,创造出新,开创自家风范。溥心畲的清朝皇室后裔的特殊身份使他悟到荣华富贵以后 的平淡才是人生至境,因此 他在画中营建 的空灵超逸的境界令人叹服。《光宣以来诗坛旁记》云,"近三十年中,清室懿亲,以诗画词章着名 于时者,莫如溥贝子儒。……清末何尝 知名,入民国后乃显。画宗马夏,直逼宋苑,题咏尤美。人品高洁,今之赵子固也。其诗以近体绝句为尤工。"
这是1 幅罕见的微型山水,却具有大画的气势。近景1 角山石由浓重的解索皴写成,再染以青绿;中景绘有1 堵探身而出的崖面,上面有两株青松和几间茅亭,室内空无1 人,富有原任韵致;后面仍是青山伴依,山峦顶端用雨点皴点簇,接近于写意花鸟画里用墨点或色点的笔法;色彩上应用 了青绿和赭石的渐变。构图虽然留意 拉开了空间中的三个层次,但不像宋元山水那样给人自足的感觉,而是由明显的截取感,使人们似乎同时望见了条幅以外 层叠的群山。这类 切割的感觉是画家精心提炼的结果,也是画面精到的地方 。山石、松树、茅屋是溥心畲绘画中常见的要素,而且常常 是山空屋闲,不见人烟;与其说这是1 种古意的体现,倒不如说是画家在乱世当中 所感到的1 种虚无。与古人比拟 ,人们距离纯粹的大自然是愈来愈 悠远 了。溥心畲的1 声也是在纷乱的历史进程中漂泊流离,但是他始终保持了1 份向往山林的隐逸之心,并以此作为乱世当中 特有的精神排遣,是他心灵安息 的处所。正是这类 感受和需求使得他的作品和普通 的盲目复古之作有着本质上的区别,显得感人尤深。
溥心畲的画在笔法上具有北宗的厚重古朴,而在乎 境上却显示出南派的萧远淡泊。所谓的"宁静致使 远"就是描绘的这样1 种感受。然而"文章千古事,得是寸心知",从画幅中深邃稳健的风格与清雅淡逸的意境之间的交织中,我们终能体会到画家旷阔高深的情怀。
溥心畲天资颖悟,用功又勤,因而 虽然在比常人更多不利要素 的压力下,他仍有极高的文彩 与艺术成就展示 。他自许生平大业为管理 经学,读书由理学入手及至尔雅、说文、训诂、旁涉诸子百家以致 诗文古辞,所下功夫既深且精,因而 不免视书画为文人馀事。这使他毕生未能将全付创作精力投注于绘画当中 ,然而这虽是他的不足,却也因而 使他的画风露出1 种高雅洁静的人文特质,为常人之所不及。
溥心畲的画风并无师承,全由拟悟古人法书名画和 书香诗文蕴育而成,加以他出身皇室,因而 大内许多收藏 ,自然多有观摹体悟的机会。他曾经收藏1 件明代初期 佚名画家的山水手卷,细丽雅健,风神俊朗,俱是北宗家法,1 种大气清新的感觉满布画面,溥氏的笔法几全由此卷来。因而 其所作山水远追宋人刘李马夏,近则取法明四家的唐寅,用笔挺健劲秀,真所谓铁划银钩,将北宗这1 路刚劲的笔法──斧劈皴的表现特质阐发无馀,并兼有1 种娟秀 典雅的风格,再现了古人的画意精神。
观察溥心畲的作品时,在画面上的任何1 个部位,不管 在表现的技法、情势 、和 意念上,那种文人心灵、鱼樵耕读与神趣世界的向往,还有远承宋人体察万物生意,与自然亲和的宇宙观及文明 观,皆可谓完全谨守传统中国文人精神本位﹝农业社会的文明 结构﹞,而拒绝了与古代 世界﹝工业社会之文明结构﹞沟通的可能。然而他的书画作品却并未落于古典情势 的僵化,而有其生命内涵的真实与精采,只因他的世界本来如此。
从溥氏内在 表现的艺术情势 上来看,他似乎并没有较新颖不凡的创见。然而艺术的创造性并非仅著眼在内在 情势 上的考量,赋予旧情势 以内 涵有新的生命诠释,则有另1 层重要的创作意义,却很难由粗略的表面观察所能认知。就这点而言,民国以来的艺术史研讨 可谓并未给予溥氏应得之评审。
溥心畲然而在时代的意义上而言,溥心畲亦代表了传统中国知识份子﹝文明 ﹞在面对世界新文明 转型时众多反应中的1 种典型﹝价值取向﹞。以溥氏的背景养成来看,即使他早年曾有留学欧洲研习西学的背景,恐怕也不会使他像徐悲鸿1 样,扮演1 个积极寻求改革与沟通中西文明 的角色。形成 这样的缘由 ,1 方面固然来自于他对传统文明 中,高度的智慧与价值有深切的体悟与认同;另1 方面则多少由于知识份子面对西方强势文明 冲激时,高傲自尊之本位表现。这类 坚持文明 道统的立场,虽可视为极端的保守主义,对感应时代的开创性上或有不足,但在另1 层重要的意义而言,他却保存了1 个传统时代的人文精神与价值延续,这使得他的后继者在古代 的人文精神与新画风发展得以成为可能。
溥心畲行草学二王、米芾,飘洒畅酣,他主张树立骨力,强调书小字必先习大字,心经笔法,意存体势,如此书法方能刚健遒美,秀逸有致。其小楷作品金刚经用笔意境高古,气韵生动,堪称绝妙。溥心畲不仅书画好,且从小即通诗词及典籍,暮年 常对弟子说,称他画家,不如称他为书家,称他为书家,不如称他为诗人,可见他对本身 诗心的看重。
Yu Ying was the father of carrying yeup son. Yu's brother over to Uncle carrying Cheng, the passage of the king; the second and the third brother Yu Pu de mother settled in Beijing. Yu was born over 5 months you would head goods dingdai, 4 year old learning calligraphy, 5 years old at the Empress Dowager Ci Xi, from the content of "the ting, won praise at all on this clock Reiki child"; 6 years old 9 years old to poetry, his 12 year old Wen, known as Huang Qing prodigy. In addition to the juvenile Yu Gongwangfu Xiwen, also in the inner acceptance of "poetry aesthetic cultivation of hops fancies of men of letters". After the revolution of 1911, in Beijing Xishan Temple more than ten years, and then moved to the Summer Palace, specializing in painting. In 1924 moved back to Gongwangfu from living Jinyuan, involved in the society, began with Zhang Daqian and other famous painter. Two years later, he was in Beijing waterside Zhongshan Park, held the first exhibition of paintings and calligraphy works, with rich and varied fame, was honored as "the amazing shot, like Ma xia". In 1928 he went to Kyoto Imperial University of Japan coach, after returning to Beijing National Art College in spring, followed by Luo Qingyuan and his wife jointly organized by the exhibition, once again shock the Dan, chosen as "the first landscape in the north". In 1932, when the emperor Puyi in pseudo "Manchuria country", Pu brothers rush. Yu refused any pseudo post, and a famous article "Morrison" denounced the Puyi nine temple can not stand, not state continued, offering their ghost, in the moon ", then the" curse and exjunction gate, a cousin of his family as a ghost".
The winter of 1924 Xuantong palace, Yu Sui and Pu Xuezhai (No. Matsuyuki), Pu Yizhai (No. pine, pine (o) off the real number of loose housing), Hui (Songxi) with filial piety and established the famous painting groups in modern wind painting, call himself "pine nest". Shofu painting will be a main member of Beijing school, has been nearly 90 years of history.
In October 18, 1949, the new China established, Yu hidden in a small boat from Shanghai to Zhoushan islands perilous (when Zhoushan was still Jiang Jun, and according to) removed from Zhoushan to Taiwan, and taught at Taiwan Normal University, to supplement the family income, has been in the house since the opening of apprentices to Asia, lectures, and in order to get rejected by unworthy ancestors, first lady Song Meiling's Apprentice apprenticeship solicitation. In his autobiography, Yu Taiwan had mentioned in the period, as the cousin of Mrs. Pu Jie back to the mainland. The husband and wife together and looking for the lost the last empress Wanrong fall, the number of Japan; because Jiezhi Pu wife is Japanese emperor Showa aunt's daughter, so he went to Japan when the Japanese Imperial Palace also had lived, and the emperor of Japan chat together old; so that he was most impressed, Emperor Showa had asked him: "as the subjugation of the aristocratic feel?"
In 1959, the Taiwan History Museum held a special exhibition for him, and exhibited the works as many as three hundred and eighty pieces. November 1963 Yu suffering from nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Taipei died, only 68 years old, was buried in the yangminshan. In 1991, the eldest son of Pu Xiaohua Yu dying, home of gunmen invaded and killed his wife, because his father had left Xiaohua Pu hidden in the wall, to search the criminals; after the death of Pu Xiaohua, but the Pu's management team remains divided into three fragments, respectively by the Chinese Culture University Museum, Museum Museum of Taipei the Imperial Palace gang with a history of hosting.
Yu of these treasures include calligraphy 175, 292 paintings, 13 pieces of calligraphy and painting and other collections, inkstone, seal, porcelain and other 58 parts, a total of 543. The size of the paintings, calligraphy, notes, notes and manuscripts, hundred pieces of Hua Kang Museum hosted the the Imperial Palace; hosting the masterpiece, sketch, vertical, scroll and taste, and includes rare ghost album, journey to the West and painted porcelain, copies of disk and four slightly drawn from the comics, this is Yu communicate with people in foreign countries during the period of essays. In addition to Taipei, Jilin Province, the museum also has a lot of Yu masterpieces; Museum of Beijing the Imperial Palace town homes treasure Chinese the earliest "calming post" and handed down the ink in the Tang Dynasty Han Gan "night shining white", that was the old Yu tibet.
Yu traditional positive pulse, by Ma Yuan and Xia deep influence. He is rigorous in traditional landscape painting process based on flexible, to create a new, create their own style. The special status of the Qing Dynasty Royal Yu he realized after the dull glory, splendour, wealth and rank life is defined, and he in his paintings to create ethereal realm of amazing grace. "Since the" cloud Xuan poetry side, "in the past thirty years, Qing Yi pro, in poetry and famous in literature, Confucianism is very thin....... At the end of the Qing Dynasty have not known, into the Republic of China is significant. Ma Zong Xia Song painting, to the court, in particular the United States tiyong. Character Gao Jie, today's Zhao Zigu also. His body is especially in rhyme. "
"Songshan hut map"
This is a rare miniature landscape, but with a big picture of the momentum. Close a strong solution by the angle of rocks and then dyed with green shade written; a wall leaned out of the cliff face painted above the medium, two strains of pine and several thatched, indoor empty, full of former charm; the back is still at the top of Castle Peak with mountains in the rain Cun clusters, close to freehand the bird with ink or color brushwork paintings; color with green and ocher gradient. Although the composition of attention opened the three levels of space, but not to that song yuan landscape self-sufficient feeling, but a clear sense that people seem to intercept, also saw the banner outside cascade mountains. This feeling is the painter carefully refined cutting results, is also the picture ones. Rocks, pine, hut is the common elements of Yu painting, and often hill house at once; leisure, it is a manifestation of old-fashioned, but rather the painter felt in the chaos of a nothingness. Compared with the ancients, people are more and more distant from the pure nature. Yu a is also in the history of chaos in a vagabond, but he has always maintained a yearning mountain hermit heart, and as the chaos of the unique spirit of distraction, his heart is resting place. It is this feeling and demand that makes his works and the general blind retro make a difference in nature, it is touching.
Yu painting strokes with the north were heavy quaint, and in the mood has shown Southern Xiao far indifferent. The so-called "quiet Zhiyuan is depicted such a feeling. However, "the eternal things, is Cunxin know", from the interweaving between style and elegant picture in the deep sound light leisurely mood, we can appreciate the vast profound feelings of the artist.
Yu was bright, hard and often, although in more unfavorable factors under the pressure, he still has the literary and artistic achievements of high show. He hopes to learn the life industry for governance, science and reading by starting with ya, Shuowen, exegesis, poetry and ancient poems concerning all classes of authors, the Kung Fu deep and refined, so as not to rest. The literati painting. This makes his life will be full of energy to the creation in the painting, but this is his deficiencies, but also therefore made his style with a clean and elegant humanistic qualities, for the ordinary people are not.
Yu style no history, by the ancient calligraphy and paintings to be formed into scholarly poetry, he was born to the royal family, so many treasures, many natural view of understanding of the opportunity. He has a collection of early Ming Dynasty landscape painter anonymous scroll fine Liya Jian, Fukami Toshiro, the club is in the north of family, an atmospheric fresh feeling with the picture, Pu's writing this volume to all. So the landscape by far after song Liu Li Ma Xia, in four Tang Yin took faming, with straight Jian Jin Xiu, the so-called iron zoned Yingou, this road will beizong bold brushwork - ax cracked performance characteristics analysis without rest, and has a beautiful and elegant style, reproduction of the ancient people the spirit of painting.
Observation of Yu's works, any part of the screen, in terms of performance techniques, forms, and thoughts, the mind, fish farming and literati Qiao God fun yearning for the world, and far people understand things in business, and the natural affinity of cosmology and culture, cultural structure, it is completely keep the traditional spirit of the literati, China standard of agricultural society, and refused to communicate with the world, civilization structure of modern industrial society, may. However, his works did not fall in the classical form is rigid, real and exciting and the meaning of life, because his world was so.
From the external performance of the Pu's art form, he does not seem to be a novel extraordinary originality. However, the creativity of art is not only focused on the external form of the old form of consideration, meaning the interpretation of the new life, then there is another important meaning of creation, but it is difficult to observe by the surface rough to cognition. In this regard, since the Republic of China art history research is not given due Pu's review.
However, in the era of Yu sense, Yu also represents the traditional culture, Chinese intellectuals, in a typical, value orientation, many reactions in the face of the world new culture transformation. In the background of Pu's form, even if he had an early study of Western European study background, I am afraid that wouldn't make him like Xu Beihong, played a positive for the reform and the role of communication between Chinese and Western culture. The reasons for this, on the one hand, from him on the traditional culture, the height of wisdom and valuable experience and profound identity; on the other hand, because many intellectuals face strong Western cultural impulse, arrogant self-esteem performance standard. The position of adhering to the traditional culture, although can be seen as extreme conservatism, the induction times pioneering or inadequate, but in another layer of great significance, but he kept the humanistic spirit and the value of a traditional continuation of the times, which makes it possible to develop his successors in modern humane spirit with the new style.
Mi Fei, Wang Yu, cursive, Piaosa Chang intoxicated, he advocates strength, emphasize the book first XI heart print characters, strokes, intended to keep potential, so can the vigorous vigorous beauty of calligraphy, xiuyi. The small diamond sutra pen works artistic conception high ancient, vivid, wonderful. Yu not only painting, and since poetry and books, old age often said to his disciples, saying he called him as painter, calligrapher, called him a book, called him as a poet, seen his own poem heart value.