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倪萍 - 倪萍画得怎么样?乡亲们说了算

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1980年,参加了故事片《女兵》的拍摄,在影片中饰演女配角 周忆严。1982年,从山东艺术学院毕业后,分配到山东话剧院工作,同时参与了电影《他们并不陌生》的拍摄。
1987年参与电视剧《中国姑娘》,在剧中饰演“1 号主攻手”。
1988年起,倪萍任地方 电视台专业 节目掌管 人,工作二年,同时参与了电视剧《雪域》和《那5 》的拍摄,在《雪域》中饰演“姚玉慧”,在《那5 》中饰演“风魁”。
同年因参演电视剧《雪城》获得第6届中国电视金鹰奖最好 女配角奖。
1990年,调入地方 电视台任《综艺大观》节目掌管 人。
1991年,搭档赵忠祥掌管 春晚,前后 13次掌管 过中国地方 电视台的春节联欢晚会。
1992年,因掌管 春节联欢晚会获得第6届星光奖最好 掌管 人奖。
1994年,获得第1届全国广播电视“百优双十佳”节目掌管 人金话筒奖。
1995年,获得第2届全国广播电视“百优双十佳”节目掌管 人金话筒奖。
1996年,搭档朱军掌管 掌管 地方 电视台国庆晚会《祖国万岁》。
1997年,获得第3届全国广播电视“百优双十佳”节目掌管 人金话筒奖.同年掌管 庆祝香港回归大型文艺晚会《回归颂》。
1998年,掌管 地方 电视台元宵晚会《千家万户把门开》。
1999年,掌管 庆祝中华人民共和国成立50周年大型文艺晚会《祖国颂》。1999年,掌管 地方 电视台国庆晚会《江山如此多娇》。
2000年,开始担任《聊天》栏目的制片人和掌管 人。
同年掌管 公安部春节晚会《祝愿 平安》。
2001年,出演话剧《霓虹灯下的哨兵》。同年获得第9届中国电影表演艺术学会金凤凰奖学会奖。并掌管 了中国共产党成立80周年大型文艺晚会《红旗颂》。
2002年,凭借电影《美丽的大脚》获得金鸡奖最好 女演员奖。
凭借参演的电视剧《美丽的大脚》获得第9届中国电影华表奖优秀女演员奖和第10届北京大先生 电影节最好 女演员奖。
2004年,辞去央视掌管 人职务,转入中国电视剧制造 中心,
在电影《阳光天井》中客串饰演“亚军妈”,同年出版书籍《自行车的日子》和表演 话剧《决战》。同年9月凭借参演电视剧《浪漫的事》获得了第22届中国电视金鹰奖观众爱好 的电视剧女演员。
2005年,出演《两个人的芭蕾》,4月出演电影《泥鳅也是鱼》在电影中扮演配角 “女泥鳅”,12月,主演爱情伦理剧《大浴女》。
2006年,凭借电影《雪花那个飘》获得蒙特利尔国际电影节最好 女配角 。同年5月凭借电影《泥鳅也是鱼》获得第13届北京大先生 电影节最好 女演员奖。
2009年,开始复出掌管 ,接连掌管 贵州卫视《中国农民工》和云南卫视《民生大议》等节目,同时也在电影《寻觅 微尘》中客串出演“酒店老板”,12月出演电视剧《美丽的事》在剧中饰演“何美丽”。
2010年,凭借电影《大太阳》在中美电影节上获得最好 女演员奖,同年《姥姥语录》出版,凭此书获得冰心散文奖。
同年7月10日,在“纪念建党90周年·共和国脊梁系列活动颁奖盛典”上,获得“共和国脊梁十大出色 人物”的称号。
2012年,凭借电影《大太阳》获得第11届中国长春电影节最好 女配角 奖。
2013年,与赵忠祥做客湖南卫视《天天向上》,并在节目中献上本身 的书法作品。
2014年,担任地方 电视台综合频道《等着我》节目掌管 人;
9月做客重庆卫视《超级访问》;10月参加《由于 是医生》节目的录制。


倪萍的感情之路可谓十分坎坷,第1 任丈夫是在山东时结合的,早年在山东工作的倪萍因赌气匆匆走进婚姻,并育有1 女,后来,28岁的倪萍调到北京地方 电视台工作后,二人分道扬镳;1997年与王文澜结婚,1999年40岁的倪萍生下儿子虎子;2005年与王文澜离婚后不久,就与多次合作过的导演杨亚洲喜结连理,低调办完了婚事。
倪萍的儿子出生于1999年2月,属虎,倪萍给儿子起了个大名 叫虎子。虎子11个月时,倪萍发觉虎子老是摔跤,很难站稳,眼睛好像有点不正常,不能凝视 ,不能随着光线游走,抓不到眼前的物品。到病院 去,结果很不乐观后天 性白内障,1 种很麻烦的病,而医治 的最好 时间应当 是重生 儿出生817周之间。
虎子的眼疾发现得太晚,错过了最好 医治 时机,直到做了手术后,虎子还是有弱视的后遗症,他必须从小就配戴眼镜进行矫正,将来还要根据眼球发育和视力情况再施行二期人工晶状体植入。对于倪萍夫妻而言,虎子的不测 疾病是1 个沉重的打击。由于 这个孩子的到来,本来就是1 个艰辛非常 的过程。
倪萍很小的时候父母就离婚了,她是跟着姥姥长大的,在缺少父爱环境中成长的她,成年后不断 希望本身 能有个幸福的家庭,然后生1 个健康的孩子,让孩子在暖和 中长大。但理想 不断 没有给她1 个做好母亲的机会。
倪萍在山东时有过1 段婚姻,并育有1 女。但随着这段婚姻的解体,女儿被判给了前夫。后来到了北京,遇到了陈凯歌,两人相爱8年。可到了谈婚论嫁的时候,另1 个女人声称本身 怀了陈凯歌的孩子不管出于自尊还是出于无法 ,倪萍选择了黯然离开。
倪萍的三次婚姻5 段感情
倪萍最早的男朋友是演小品的郭达,但郭达家庭特殊,终究 由于 郭达的母亲反对而分手;在与王文澜结婚前,曾与陈凯歌曾有过1 段情缘,她在《日子》1 书中,对此也做了披露。
1991年陈凯歌和倪萍同居;1996年二人分手,倪萍在《日子》1 书中,对这段情感的描述为“这是1 段没有自尊、失去自我的日子”。后来陈红暗讽倪萍老女人没魅力让陈凯歌爱上她。陈红与陈凯歌结婚获得美国籍;而陈凯歌美国籍是靠与洪晃结婚获得的;洪晃美国籍又是与1 美国律师结婚获得的。


倪萍在北京的首次个展在2012年3月2日至8日亮相荣宝斋美术馆。此次个展展出倪萍半年来创作的百余幅画作,倪萍称本身 是随性而画。
掌管 人倪萍1 年多前重拾画笔专注于画画。在不到两年时间里,她就向外界传达了其进军画坛的雄心:2011年在深圳美术馆开个展,此次又转战北京,在荣宝斋美术馆亮相其近半年创作的百余幅作品。在2012年2月22日举行的媒体预展上,倪萍曝光了此次个展的20多幅作品,包括《王者之雁》《追美》等。倪萍本身 作画称为“跟着日子去写意”。
倪萍画展,央视1 线掌管 人赵忠祥朱军、敬1 丹、鞠萍和 杨澜等人现身前来。

相干 信息

倪萍说,当年离开,是由于 “左侧 董卿、右侧 周涛”,挡了人家的路;如今回来,是由于 “估计找不到人,想起我了。其实我还是台里的职工,本来 我推了又推……”
她并不讳言,本身 由于 太久没有拿话筒,担心做不好这档节目。她甚至花了半个月时间看各种电视谈话节目。
开始掌管 这档节目以后 ,倪萍尝试着在微博上频繁更新,分享本身 减肥和儿子互动的故事。这个曾经1 度躲藏在画画和写作小天地中的倪萍,以这类 方式,回归大众的视野。
就在名嘴们纷纷告别的时候,最迟到 出央视荧屏的掌管 界1 姐倪萍,却出人预料 地选择了回归,以55岁“高龄”站上了央视大型公益节目《等着我》的舞台。
开始掌管 这档节目以后 ,倪萍尝试着在微博上频繁更新,分享本身 减肥和儿子互动的故事。这个曾经1 度躲藏在画画和写作小天地中的倪萍,以这类 方式,回归大众的视野。面对观众的点评,她说:“如今 观众水平特别高,特别不好糊弄。如今 比我过去做节目更难了要求高了。但我承受力比年轻时大太多了。过去,那种难受是真以为?a href=https://www.meishu.com/baike/2/1/1972.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>约翰缓谩6衷诨崴妓鳎男┠阈枰哪男┠悴恍枰摹?rdquo;


倪萍始终是个优秀的掌管 人,她很善于把握人的感情心灵,作到以情动人,她在掌管 方面有很高层次的专业积累,同时她又是1 个非常爱读书的人。(赵忠祥评)
她确实让我们看到了1 个掌管 人的真实形态 ,她也给人带来很多优秀电影、是金鸡奖影后。(新浪影音文娱 评)
她在《综艺大观》及春节联欢晚会中的朴实自然的掌管 风格给观众留下了深刻的印象。(人民网评)
不管 从掌管 人身份还是演员身份来评价倪萍,她都是个有才华的女性(凤凰网评)。
倪萍的悲剧 天赋,那真的是叫好(赵本山评)。

English Introduction

In 1980, in the story "soldier" shot in the film plays the heroine Zhou Yi yan. 1982, graduated from Shandong College of Arts, assigned to the Shandong drama work, while participating in the film they are not unfamiliar, the shooting.
1983, Ni Ping was designated as the national two actor.
1987 to participate in the TV series, Chinese girl, in the play as one of the main attacker".
In 1988, Ni Ping served as CCTV amateur presenter, working for two years, while participating in the TV drama "Snow" and "the five" shot in the "Snow" as "Yao Yuhui" in the "Five" plays "wind quebec".
The same year starred in TV series "Syracuse" was the sixth Chinese TV Golden Eagle Award for best supporting actress.
In 1990, CCTV served as the "Arts" program host.
1991, partner Zhao Zhongxiang presided over the Spring Festival Gala, has presided over the 13 Chinese CCTV Spring Festival gala.
1992, presided over the Spring Festival Gala won the sixth Star Award Best presenter award.
In 1994, won the first national radio and television "100 excellent double top ten" golden microphone award presenter.
In 1995, won the second national radio and television "100 excellent double top ten" golden microphone award presenter.
1996, partner Zhu Jun presided over the CCTV National Day Gala "long live the motherland".
In 1997, won the third National Radio and television "100 excellent double top ten" host golden microphone award. The same year presided over the celebration of Hongkong gala show "homecoming".
1998, presided over the CCTV Lantern Festival "thousands of households open the door".
1999, presided over the celebration of the establishment of the 50 anniversary of People's Republic of China large-scale literary evening "Ode to the motherland". 1999, presided over CCTV National Day party "Jiangshan so much charming".
2000, began as the chat column producer and moderator.
In the same year presided over the Ministry of public security Spring Festival party "blessing peace".
2001, starred in the drama neon sentinel. In the same year won the Ninth China Academy of performing arts Gold Phoenix award. And presided over the 80 anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China large-scale literary party "red flag song".
In 2002, the Golden Rooster Award for best actress award with the movie "beautiful big feet".
In 2003, in the TV series "Romance" as the song "Snow" in the TV series "; August, to participate in the shooting in the immensity of heaven and earth", "Bao Yuezhi", played the role of rural women in November, sixth golden microphone award held in Shandong, Ni Ping won the Golden microphone award special.
By virtue of participating in the TV drama "beautiful big feet" was the ninth China Film Awards Best Actress Award and the tenth Beijing Student Film Festival Award for best actress.
2004, resigned from CCTV host duties, into the Chinese drama production center,
In the movie "the sun" in the courtyard guest plays "runner up mom", the same year published "bicycle day" and play "battle". In September of the same year with the TV series "Romance" won the twenty-second Chinese TV Golden Eagle Award audience favorite TV drama actress.
In 2005, "the two man ballet", starred in the April movie "loach is fish" plays a starring role in film "female loach", December, starring love drama "the Bathing Woman".
2006, with the film "snow floating" won the Montreal International Film Festival best actress. In May of the same year with the movie "loach is fish" was the thirteenth Beijing Student Film Festival Award for best actress.
In 2009, again hosted successive Guizhou TV host Chinese "migrant workers" and Yunnan TV "livelihood big discussion" and other programs, but also in the movie "search" in the dust "hotel boss", guest starred in December starred in the TV series "beautiful thing" plays "He Mei Li in the play".
2010, with the film "big sun" won the best actress award at the Sino American Film Festival, the same year, "Grandma's sayings" published, with this book Bing Bing prose award.
2011, began serving as China's Got Talent third quarter judges.
In July 10th of the same year, in the "ceremony" to commemorate the ninetieth anniversary of the CPC founding, Backbone of Republic Award series of activities, "Backbone of Republic Award ten outstanding figures in the title.
2012, with the movie big sun won the Eleventh China Changchun Film Festival Best Actress award.
In 2013, Zhao Zhongxiang guest Hunan TV "every day", in the program and offer their calligraphy works.
2014, served as CCTV integrated channel waiting for me host;
September guest Chongqing satellite TV "super visit"; in October to participate in "because it is a doctor" program recording.

Ni Ping's love of the road is very bumpy, first husband was combined in Shandong, Shandong in the early years of the work of Ni Ping because of anger hurried into the marriage, and have a daughter, 28 years later, Ni Ping transferred to Beijing CCTV, two people part company each going his own way married in 1997 and Wang Wenlan, 1999; 40 year old Ni Ping a son in 2005 and gained; Wang Wenlan shortly after the divorce, and has worked with director Yazhou Yang tied the knot, low-key after marriage.
Ni Ping's son was born in February 1999, is a tiger, Ni Ping gave his son a nickname called tiger. Children 11 months, Ni Ping found the child is always wrestling, it is difficult to stand, eyes seem to be not normal, not watching, not as the light walk, catch sight of items. To the hospital, the results are not optimistic about congenital cataract, a very troublesome disease, and the best time to treatment should be born between 817 weeks.
Tiger eye discovered too late, missed the best treatment time, until after the surgery, children with amblyopia or sequelae, he must have to wear glasses to correct, but also the future development of eye and vision according to the situation and then performed two IOL implantation. For Ni Ping and his wife, an unexpected illness would be a heavy blow. Because this child's arrival, originally is a difficult incomparable process.
Ni Ping was very young parents divorced, she followed the grandmother grew up, grew up in the lack of fatherly love in her adulthood, want to have a happy family, and give birth to a healthy child, let the children grow up in the warmth. But reality has not given her a chance to be a mother.
Ni Ping had a marriage in Shandong and had a daughter. But with the collapse of the marriage, her daughter was awarded ex husband. Later arrived in Beijing, met Kaige Chen, two people love each other for 8 years. But when it comes to marriage, another woman claimed Kaige Chen conceived a child no matter for self-esteem or Ni Ping chose to leave as it cannot be helped.
Five feelings of Ni Ping's three marriage
Ni Ping's first boyfriend play pieces of Guo Da, but Guo Da family, eventually because of Guo Da's mother opposed to break up; in marriage with Wang Wenlan, Zeng and Kaige Chen had had a love, she is in "days" in the book, which also made the disclosure.
1991 Kaige Chen and Ni Ping cohabitation; two people broke up in 1996, in the book "day" in the book, the description of this emotion as "this is a period of no self-esteem, loss of self of the day" in". Later Chen Hong innuendo Ni Ping old woman charm Kaige Chen did not love her. Chen Hong and Kaige Chen get married to the United States; and the United States is based on the marriage of the United States and the United States to get married; the United States and the United States is a lawyer to marry the United States to obtain the marriage of the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States, the United States and the United States, the United States and the.

In February 22, 2012, Ni Ping painting exhibition held a media preview in rongbaozhai.
Ni Ping for the first time in Beijing exhibition debut rongbaozhai Museum in March 2, 2012 to 8. The exhibition exhibition Ni Ping six months to create more than a hundred paintings, said he was painting along with the sex and the painting of Ni Ping.
Moderator Ni Ping more than a year ago brush brush focus on painting. In less than two years, she communicated to the outside world of its ambitions into painting: a 2011 exhibition in the Shenzhen Museum of art, he moved to Beijing, in rongbaozhai Museum unveiled its nearly half of the creation of hundreds of paintings. In February 22, 2012 held a press preview, Ni Ping exposed the exhibition of more than and 20 works, including the "king of Yan" "chasing beauty" etc.. Ni Ping himself painting called "follow the day to freehand brushwork".
The exhibition of hundreds of works have come from the journey Ni Ping feel. For example, the king of the wild goose, is Ni Ping inadvertently seen in Canada scene, and happy China year is its spring festival bell sounded the mood when the bell.
Ni Ping exhibition, CCTV frontline moderator Zhao Zhongxiang, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, he came to China, the first line of the host, such as CCTV,, and so on, and so on.
Ni Ping said, was leaving, because "left Qing Dong, right side of the road", blocking the other people's road; now come back, because "can not find people, think of me," said. In fact, I still Taiwan workers, originally I pushed and pushed......"
She does not deny that he did not take too long because the phone, do not worry about this show. She even spent half a month watching all kinds of TV talk shows.
After hosting this program, Ni Ping tried to update frequently on micro-blog, sharing their weight loss and son interaction story. This once hidden in painting and writing in the small world of Ni Ping, in this way, return to the public view.
When Oprah said goodbye, hosted the first exit CCTV screen of the world a sister Ni Ping, but chose to return to beyond all expectations, the 55 year old station on the CCTV large-scale public program "wait for me" stage.
After hosting this program, Ni Ping tried to update frequently on micro-blog, sharing their weight loss and son interaction story. This once hidden in painting and writing in the small world of Ni Ping, in this way, return to the public view. Facing the audience's comments, she said: "now the audience levels are particularly high, especially in poor fool. Now it's harder than I used to do. But I bear much more than I did when I was young. In the past, the kind of uncomfortable is really think they are not good. And now think, what you need to change what you do not need to change."

Ni Ping has always been a good host, she is very good at grasping the feelings of the heart, so to love moving, she has a very high level of professional accumulation in the chair, and she is also a very love reading people. (Zhao Zhongxiang)
She really let us see a host of real state, she also brought a lot of good movies, is the Golden Rooster Award for best actress. (Sina video entertainment review)
She presided over the naturalness in the "Arts" and the Spring Festival Gala in style to the audience left a deep impression. (people comment)
To evaluate Ni Ping from both the identity of the host or an actor, she is a talented woman (from Phoenix).
Ni Ping's comedy, that is really good (Zhao Benshan).

