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 傅廷煦,1958年2月生于江东北 昌。擅长中国画、宣扬 画、书籍装帧设计。1980年毕业于江西师院南昌分院美术专业。毕业于江西师院南昌分院美术专业。曾在南昌无线电厂从事工业设计,1993年任<房地产世界>杂志美编,1997年调入江西美术出版社工作。历年来国画作品被海内外多家艺术机构和个人收藏。现为中国美术家协会会员。任江西美术出版社副社长、副总编辑。


 作品多次入选全国美展,数次获奖。作品《赌难填》获1991年全国宣扬 画展三等奖;宣扬 画《角逐沟通》入选第二届全国体育美展;<晨雾>获首届中国花鸟画展佳作奖;《古代 陶瓷艺术》获第四届全国包装艺术展封面设计三等奖。


 从唐代李思训到清初“四王”,中国山水画完成了从古典到文人的传统历程。上世纪初的黄宾虹等人“以复古为革新”,在选择古人、学习古人、研讨 古人、研究 古人、综合古人的同时,独出蹊径,使中国山水画靠近了古代 精神。当代山水画坛更是百家竞秀、千家绽蕾,这其中就有出生于江西,成才于江西的傅廷煦先生。傅先生的山水,以古典的构成方式、传统的笔墨技巧,创造了清朗俊逸的画面意蕴,既有南方山水的娟秀 ,又有北方山石的奇峭;应用 水墨,却又吸收“青绿”;承袭文人传统,却又走出传统文人意趣,更多地赋予画面古代 的装潢 效果,朴素、精致而又不失高贵、典雅。1 言以蔽之,在传统与古代 、表达与赏悦之间,傅廷煦先生创造了本身 也开辟了中国当代山水画发展的又1 蹊径。

English Introduction

 Fu Tingxu was born in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province in February 1958. At Chinese paintings, posters, book design. 1980 graduated from Jiangxi Normal University Nanchang branch of fine arts. Graduated from Jiangxi Normal University Nanchang branch of fine arts. Had engaged in industrial design in Nanchang radio factory, 1993, "real estate world" magazine, 1997 transferred to the Jiangxi Art Publishing house. Over the years, traditional Chinese painting works have been collected by many art institutions and individuals at home and abroad. Member of Chinese artists association. Ren Jiangxi Fine Arts Publishing House vice president, deputy chief editor.
Selected works of several national art exhibition, winning several times. "Bet" works to fill a third-prize 1991 national publicity exhibition; posters "competition communication" was selected into the second national sports art exhibition; < > morning was the first China flower and bird painting masterpiece Award; "modern ceramic art" won the fourth national art exhibition packaging cover design third-prize.
From the Tang Dynasty to the early Qing Dynasty, Li Sixun "and" China landscape painting completed from the classical to the history of traditional literati. The beginning of the last century, Huang Binhong and others "to restore for innovation, in the choice of the ancients, learning the ancient, ancient, ancient, comprehensive study of the ancients at the same time, a single line, the China landscape near the modern spirit. The contemporary landscape painting is a hundred thousand show, bud bud, which is born in Jiangxi, Jiangxi Tingxu Mr. Fu talent. Mr. Fu of the landscape, to form style, classical traditional painting techniques, to create a clear picture meaning of outstanding ability, both south of the beautiful landscape, and the steep rocks of the north; the use of ink, but the absorption of "green"; inherited the literati tradition, but also out of the traditional literary charm, give more decorative effect of the picture of modern, simple, exquisite and elegant, elegant. To sum up in a word, the expression in the traditional and modern, and saint-york, Mr. Fu Tingxu created his own also opens up a way Chinese contemporary landscape painting development.

