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陈葆棣 - 艺海畅游----陈葆棣

2022-03-11 17:39:04 3780




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陈葆棣,1947年出生,本籍 山东龙口。中国美术家协会会员,国家1 级美术师,王雪涛艺术研讨 会理事,北京文史研讨 馆馆员,北京中国古代 花鸟画研讨 会副会长,国际敌对 文明 交流协会理事,景德镇陶瓷艺术研讨 院艺术顾问。自幼酷爱绘画,19岁起入室师从著名花鸟画艺术大师王雪涛先生。是雪涛先生的得意弟子,是国画大师齐白石的再传弟子。他继承了先师灵动、洒脱、清新感人的绘画风格,并努力提高传统笔墨功力和综合素养,在研讨 中国写意花鸟画的继承与发展中,树立了创新又不阔别 传统的绘画理念,现为臻纪签约艺术。

从事绘画几十年来,他坚守中国画传统,强调笔墨功力,重视 文学涵养 。在国画领域取得了骄人事迹 。近年来,在中国美术家协会主办的全国性美术大展中,八次入选并多次获得铜奖、优秀奖。为庆祝建国50周年与刘大为詹庚西郭怡孮田镛金鸿钧霍春阳等共同创作巨幅国画《祖国颂》。作品《百花争艳》、《迎春》现收藏陈列于全国政协礼堂宴会厅,多幅作品收藏陈列于中南海、人民大会堂、驻外大使馆等国家政要部门,作品《国色》以国务院副总理钱其琛名义作为国礼赠送韩国总统卢武铉。他的十余部个人画集和绘画专著在全国广为发行。

陈葆棣多年来积极拓展绘画艺术空间,他将陶瓷作为绘画的新的载体,以其深厚的绘画功力和工美设计之优势,把中国画的笔墨神韵与陶瓷工艺相结合,在陶瓷无限 的创作空间,严谨、奇巧、精到,既保留了国画的水墨效果,又体现了陶瓷晶莹典雅的特质。他的花鸟画在陶瓷上显得更加灵动、传神,作品得到了专家、学者的高度评价,深受收藏者的青睐。


从事绘画几十年来,他坚守中国画传统,强调笔墨功力,重视 文学涵养 。在国画领域取得了骄人事迹 。八次入选并多次获得铜奖、优秀奖。为庆祝建国50周年与刘大为詹庚西郭怡孮田镛金鸿钧霍春阳等共同创作巨幅国画《祖国颂》。作品《百花争艳》、《迎春》现收藏陈列于全国政协礼堂宴会厅,多幅作品收藏陈列于中南海、人民大会堂、驻外大使馆等国家政要部门,作品《国色》以国务院副总理钱其琛名义作为国礼赠送韩国总统卢武铉。他的十余部个人画集和绘画专著在全国广为发行。
陈葆棣多年来积极拓展绘画艺术空间,他将陶瓷作为绘画的新的载体,以其深厚的绘画功力和工美设计之优势,把中国画的笔墨神韵与陶瓷工艺相结合,在陶瓷无限 的创作空间,严谨、奇巧、精到,既保留了国画的水墨效果,又体现了陶瓷晶莹典雅的特质。他的花鸟画在陶瓷上显得更加灵动、传神,作品得到了专家、学者的高度评价,深受收藏者的青睐。
1990年至2007年前后 在北京、上海、珠海、顺德、烟台、景德镇等地举办个人画展。由人民美术出版社、天津人民美术出版社、北京工艺美术出版社等出版有《陈葆棣画集》、《陈葆棣写意花鸟画》、《中国画精品系列·陈葆棣写意花鸟作品选》、《新编芥子园画传——水族篇》、《当代名家画谱丛书·陈葆棣写意鱼画谱》、《任伯年名画技法解秘》、《写意牡丹画法》等多部画集与专著。他的诗、书、画作品及论著多发表于各种专业报刊杂志。

English Introduction

Chen Baodi, born in 1947, native of Shandong longkou. A member of Chinese Artists Association, national artist, director of Wang Xuetao art seminar, Beijing literature and history research librarian, vice president of Beijing research China modern flower and bird painting, director of international friendship and Cultural Exchange Association, Jingdezhen Ceramic Art Institute of art consultant. His childhood love of painting, from the age of 19 -- under the famous flower and bird painting master Mr. Wang Xuetao. Is a proud disciple of Mr. Qi Baishi, is the master of traditional Chinese painting master disciple. He inherited lots of smart, fresh and moving style of painting, and improve the traditional pen and ink skill and comprehensive quality efforts, in the inheritance and development of painting freehand China, set up the innovation and not far away from the traditional concept of painting, now Ji Zhen signed art.
Engaged in painting for decades, he stressed that Chinese stick to the traditional painting, writing skill, paying attention to the literature accomplishment. Has made outstanding achievements in the field of traditional Chinese painting. In recent years, by China Artists Association National Art Exhibition, selected eight times and has won the award, award of excellence. To celebrate the 50 anniversary of the founding of Liu Dawei, Zhan Gengxi, Guo Yicong, Tian Yong, Jin Hongjun, Huo Chunyang and other co created the huge painting "Ode to the motherland". "Works", "Spring Festival" a hundred flowers contend in beauty collection is now on display in the National Political Consultative Conference Hall banquet hall, a number of works on display in the Zhongnanhai Department of dignitaries, the Great Hall of the people, embassies and other countries, works of "national beauty" to the name of Vice Premier Qian Qichen presented as South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun. A dozen of his personal collections and painting Monographs on nationwide issue.
Chen Baodi for many years to actively expand the art space, he will ceramic as a new carrier of painting, with its profound painting skill and art design, the China paintings charm and ceramics combination in Ceramic Co., creative space, rigorous, ingenious, fine, not only to retain the traditional Chinese painting ink effect, but also reflects the characteristics of elegant ceramic crystal. His painting is more agile and vivid in the ceramic works, has been highly praised by experts and scholars, collectors of all ages.

Engaged in painting for decades, he stressed that Chinese stick to the traditional painting, writing skill, paying attention to the literature accomplishment. Has made outstanding achievements in the field of traditional Chinese painting. Selected eight times and has won the award, award of excellence. To celebrate the 50 anniversary of the founding of Liu Dawei, Zhan Gengxi, Guo Yicong, Tian Yong, Jin Hongjun, Huo Chunyang and other co created the huge painting "Ode to the motherland". "Works", "Spring Festival" a hundred flowers contend in beauty collection is now on display in the National Political Consultative Conference Hall banquet hall, a number of works on display in the Zhongnanhai Department of dignitaries, the Great Hall of the people, embassies and other countries, works of "national beauty" to the name of Vice Premier Qian Qichen presented as South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun. A dozen of his personal collections and painting Monographs on nationwide issue.
Chen Baodi for many years to actively expand the art space, he will ceramic as a new carrier of painting, with its profound painting skill and art design, the China paintings charm and ceramics combination in Ceramic Co., creative space, rigorous, ingenious, fine, not only to retain the traditional Chinese painting ink effect, but also reflects the characteristics of elegant ceramic crystal. His painting is more agile and vivid in the ceramic works, has been highly praised by experts and scholars, collectors of all ages.
From 1990 to 2007 in Beijing, Shanghai, Zhuhai, Shunde, Yantai, Jingdezhen and other places to hold solo exhibitions. By the people's fine arts publishing house, Tianjin people's fine arts publishing house, Beijing Art Press published a "Chen Baodi album", "Chen Baodi", "Chinese freehandbird painting series Chen Baodi freehand selected works", "new" Aquarium - mustard seed garden painting, painting series "contemporary artists Chen Baodi freehand fish picture collection", "Ren", "painting techniques revealing peony painting" and many other paintings and books. His poems, books, paintings and works are published in a variety of professional newspapers and magazines.

