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张如风自幼酷爱绘画艺术,13岁拜师学画,在大学期间零碎 地学习研讨 了西洋画派的理论与技法,毕业后为采风写生走遍大江南北、名山大川,行程数万里,在从事书画艺术研讨 与创作的数十年中,他继承传统,汲取唐宋历代大家及近代大师张大千书画艺术之精髓;遵守 古为今用,洋为中用的理念,逐渐 构成 了中西合璧、墨彩交融的古代 艺术风格。张如风擅长泼墨山水、彩墨花鸟、油画、水粉风景画,作品将光、色技法与传统笔墨无机 融合,既有西洋画的外型 美,又有国画的意境美,成功将中西文明 进行了完善 结合。

  张如风在博采众长、传承古今的同时,还博览群书,广泛涉猎文学、历史、哲学、易经等领域,使本身 具有 了较深的文明 素养。三十多年中脚印 遍布山东、山西、安徽、河南、新疆等地,饱览祖国大好河山,多方积累素材,其中他还独创性的将易学融入绘画,这些风水画作不但展示 了诗情画意的艺术氛围,更可借助作品来弥补收藏者命理中的5 行不足,受到各界人士的热捧。

  2007年,张如风云游山东时,被齐鲁大地博大精深的文明 和泰山宏伟 绚丽 的气魄所震动 ,不但广泛查阅研讨 了大量泰山文献,还曾几度落脚泰山,十登泰岳诸峰,遍览彩霞云雾,踏遍青山绿水,从万物勃发的春天到硕果累累的秋季,从喷薄而出的朝阳 到朝霞 燃烧的旭日 ,从灵气四射的峻石到暮色苍茫的劲松,从潺潺流水的小溪到飞流直下的瀑布……博纳泰山文明 精髓,广收自然风光灵气,寄情于笔墨而创作出了《泰山全景图》、《泰山迎客松》、《泰山玉皇顶》、《泰山朝云》、《泰山英姿 》、《泰山经石峪》、《泰山南天门》等泰山系列传世佳作。

  张如风笔下的泰山,千峰竞秀,万壑峥嵘,云海苍茫,奇松遍布,大气磅礴,意境高雅,在瀚墨烟云中营建 出泰山所包含 的“1 柱东天”、“拔地通天”的人文质核和雄壮 壮观的山水境界,具有强烈的视觉冲击力和艺术感染力。中国美协主席刘大为给予了充分肯定并指出其泰山作品“日出表现生动,尤以云海变幻富有特色”,著名书法家欧阳中石赞以“墨韵独具,意境旷远,气势非凡”,其也被业内称赞为“泰山全景1 支笔”。张如风泰山系列作品不但常被地方 有关部门及各省市政府作为指定为外事礼品,同时被人民大会堂、国家博物院、钓鱼台紫光阁及国内外政商名流所收藏。

Introduction in English

 Zhang Rufeng was fond of painting since he was a child. At the age of 13, he studied the theories and techniques of Western painting school systematically. After graduation, he traveled thousands of miles for the study and creation of painting and calligraphy. During his decades of research and creation, he inherited the tradition and absorbed the essence of painting and calligraphy art of Zhang Daqian, a great master of Tang and Song Dynasties and modern times Follow the concept of "make the past serve the present, make the foreign serve the Chinese", and gradually form a modern art style of combination of Chinese and western, and integration of ink and color. Zhang Rufeng is good at splashing ink landscape, color ink flowers and birds, oil painting and gouache landscape painting. His works organically integrate the light and color techniques with the traditional brush and ink. They have both the modeling beauty of Western painting and the artistic conception beauty of Chinese painting. He has successfully integrated Chinese and Western culture.


At the same time, Zhang Rufeng learned from all the people's strengths and inherited the ancient and the modern, he also read a lot of books, widely involved in literature, history, philosophy, the book of changes and other fields, so that he had a deeper cultural quality. For more than 30 years, he has traveled all over Shandong, Shanxi, Anhui, Henan, Xinjiang and other places, enjoying the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, accumulating materials in many ways, among which he has also creatively integrated Yi Xue into painting. These Fengshui paintings not only show the artistic atmosphere of poetic and picturesque, but also make up for the lack of five elements in the life philosophy of collectors with the help of works, which are popular among people from all walks of life.


In 2007, when Zhang Ruyun visited Shandong Province, he was shocked by the vast and profound culture of Qilu and the magnificent and magnificent spirit of Mount Tai. He not only extensively consulted and studied a lot of Mount Tai literature, but also set foot in Mount Tai several times, climbed the peaks of Mount Tai ten times, looked at the clouds and mist, walked through the green mountains and waters, from the spring when all things are blooming to the autumn when there are many fruits, from the sun when it is rising to the night when sunset is burning Yang, from the majestic stone of aura to the vigorous pine of dusk, from the brook of gurgling water to the waterfall of flying water Bona Tai Mountain is the essence of culture. It has a wide range of natural sceneries and spirit. Relying on pen and ink, it has created the panorama of Mount Tai, the welcome pine of Mount Tai, the Jade Emperor peak of Mount Tai, the clouds of Mount Tai, the majestic appearance of Mount Tai, the jingshiyu of Mount Tai, the South Tianmen of Mount Tai and other excellent works of Mount Tai.


In Zhang Rufeng's works, Mount Tai, with thousands of competing peaks, lofty valleys, vast sea of clouds, scattered pines, majestic and elegant artistic conception, has built the human culture core of "a pillar of East sky" and "pulling the earth to connect the sky" and the magnificent landscape realm contained in Mount Tai, with strong visual impact and artistic appeal. Liu Dawei, chairman of the China Artists Association, fully affirmed and pointed out that his Taishan works "are vivid at sunrise, especially the sea of clouds changing with characteristics". Ouyang Zhongshi, a famous calligrapher, praised "unique ink rhyme, broad artistic conception and extraordinary momentum", which is also praised as "a pen of Taishan panorama". Zhang Rufeng's Taishan series of works are not only often designated as foreign affairs gifts by the relevant departments of the central government and provincial and municipal governments, but also collected by the Great Hall of the people, the National Museum, the Ziguangge of Diaoyutai and domestic and foreign political and business celebrities.

