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何香凝 - 何香凝艺术的地理发现:策展札记 (

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 何香凝(1878-1972)女,原名瑞谏,别名 谏,广东(今广州市芳村区)南海人。









1920年起在广东任“出征军人慰问 会”总干事。


1926年当选为国民党地方 执委,并任妇女部部长、广东省政府委员,掌管 广东妇女工作,创办“罢工妇女读讲习所”,发起组织“支援 海丰农民自卫军筹备会”、“军人家属妇女救护员传习所”、“妇女运动讲习所”、“中国各界妇女联合会”,援助 北伐和平 。

1927年大革命失败后,她坚持孙中山“联俄、联共、扶助农工”的三大政策。抗日和平 时期,她极力反对国民党政府的卖国、独裁、内战的反动政策,努力 于抗日救亡运动和爱国民主运动。解放和平 时期,她团结国民党的民主力量,组建国民党革命委员会,呼应 中国共产党召开新政治协商会议的号召。她为新中国的建立做出了严重 而特殊的贡献。

1927年“四.1 二”政变后,与宋庆龄、毛泽东等通电讨伐蒋介石。

1929年愤然与蒋介石决绝,后出国旅居欧洲。“九.1 八”事变后回国从事抗日救亡斗争,任全国各界救国联合会常务委员等职。

1935年与宋庆龄等率先呼应 中国共产党地方 发表的《八1 宣言》,担任全国各界救国会理事。

1937年在国民党5 届三中全会上与宋庆龄等提出恢复孙中山手订联俄、联共、扶助农工三大政策案,要求国共两党团结合作、共同抗战。抗克服 利后努力 于爱国民主运动,反对蒋的独裁与内战政策。1946年参加发起成立中国国民党民主促进会的筹备工作。

1948年1月与李济深等在香港创建中国国民党革命委员会,任地方 常务委员。中华人民共和国成立后任地方 人民政府委员、华侨事务委员会主任委员、全国政协副主席、全国人大常务委员会副委员长、全国妇联名誉主席、中国国民党革命委员会主席等职。

新中国成立后,何香凝历任地方 人民政府委员,华侨事务委员会主任,中国国民党革命委员会主席,全国妇联名誉主席,政协全国委员会副主席,全国人大常委会副委员长等职,她还被选为中国美术家协会主席。

何香凝的画作讲究立意,她常借对松、梅、狮、虎及山川等的描绘,抒情明志。她的充满斗争之意的作品不仅记录着本世纪初叶以来的变幻风云,是中国古代 史的缩影,同时也是她七十年革命生涯和高尚品德,人格的生动写照。她的作品成就 高深,是中华民族画菀中的瑰宝。



 何香凝,笔名双清楼主,于1911年毕业于女子美术大学。她与丈夫廖仲恺一同 来日留学,在女子美大学习日本画,后跟随 孙中山参加辛亥革命。为革命的需求 绘制和刺绣军旗、符号、告示和军用票图案等。辛亥革命后在广州受岭南派影响,作水墨山水画。

1925年当前 ,为革命奔波斗争,1 段时间没法 作画。20年代末常画寒冬不谢的梅菊和百岁长青的松。在上海、香港举办画展。

1929年去法国巴黎。“九·1 八”和“1 ·二八”当前 立即回国,投身抗日救亡运动,与柳亚子、经颐渊、陈树人等组成“寒之友社”,举办义卖展览,慰劳 前线抗日将士。

1938年当前 ,迁居香港,支持宋庆龄建立的中国保卫大同盟,向海外华侨宣扬 抗战,并为八路军、新四军募捐筹款。这时候 期所作多为松梅菊,偶作山水,大都赠送或出售给华侨。香港沦陷后到桂林,以卖画为生。光复后重回香港。

1949年当前 历任地方 人民政府委员、华侨事务委员会主任、中国美术家协会主席等职务。作为中国革命的元老级人物,何香凝不断 没有放下画笔,初期 作品有浓厚的日本画风格,她以梅花和老虎为题材的绘画作品享誉海内外。她擅作花鸟,偶作山水,笔致圆浑细腻,色彩古艳雅逸,意态生动。擅长中国画。作品有《狮》、《梅花》、《高松图》等。

作品《山水》表现的是深山农户人家的田园风光。远山几重,运笔草草,远处幡杆、屋顶模糊 可见,近处小桥流水人家,仿佛 1 幅世俗风情画。在这淡然的画面背后,隐藏着画家心思 的?a href=https://www.meishu.com/baike/1/17/19834.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>黄健Mü骰甏吞馐赏浦夥腔腋鋈诵那榈男梗餐侣冻龌倚闹欣硐氲纳罴以啊?/p>



 1 九九5 年5 月十三日,何香凝美术馆经地方 批准兴修 ;1 九九六年三月1 日动工,1 九九七年四月建成,四月十八日正式开馆。江泽民总书记亲自题写了馆名。

它是中国第1 个以个人名字命名的国家级美术馆,也是继中国美术馆以后 的第二个国家古代 博物馆.

它坐落 在中国改革开放的窗口城市-深圳华侨城,毗邻驰名中外的三大文明 旅游景区“锦绣中华”、“中国民俗文明 村”、“世界之窗”,和民俗文明 村西门入口紧相连。


何香凝美术馆以收藏、陈列、研讨 何香凝书画作品为主,亦将关注相干 的美术家并对美术史料加以整理、保存,并组织海内外高品位的美术展览与精品典藏,通过对古代 美术的学术研讨 及美术教育的推广等,弘扬中华文明 传统,促进我国社会主义精神文明及我国美术界与海外的文明 艺术交流。

为艺术家和艺术观众、鉴赏家、收藏家提供全方位的服务,与华侨城文明 旅游景区1 流环境相融合。以舒适、典雅的环境氛围,鼓励人们问津艺术、座谈作品、聆听讲座、参与创作;重视 艺术家个人的艺术表达,搭建海内外美术界与广大观众之间的桥梁,使艺术家、艺术作品和艺术欣赏者之间融为1 体,从真正意义上推动中国美术事业的大发展、大繁荣。

美术馆建筑面积5000余平方米。其建筑设计力求体现何香凝先生终身 的品格和严肃 、实效、适度的准绳 。宽广的广场,与中国民俗文明 村西门入口相连接,是人与人交流、活动的生活化空间,同样成 为该建筑的前奏曲。通过十几个宽大的花岗岩台阶和二十余米长的人行天桥,将参观者1 步步引入了馆内。全部 建筑采用灰、白两色调,典雅、严肃 ;外观凹进的墙面与凸出的玻璃盒子构成 强烈的对比,长长的狐形墙面上开出长方形的洞口,墙后数十株竿青翠竹随风摇摆 。进入主展厅之前,设计了1 个四合院式的中庭,中庭的南北中轴线与人行天桥和主展厅的中轴线相吻合,使该院成为重要的过度空间。中庭三面采用大面积的木棂窗门,摒弃了繁琐的装潢 ,在简洁、朴素、具有浓郁的传统文明 氛围中散发出古代 感。

室内设计充分借用外环境的优美景致,当参观者欣赏二楼的展品后,拾阶而上三楼,楼梯的正前方,通透的大玻璃将民俗村的石林借进来,仿佛 1 幅活的山水画。

“天井”中庭,不仅弥漫 着东方庭院的逸趣,且使室内、室外互相呼应,从而丰富了参观者的视觉效果。

公共大厅等处的屋顶使用了玻璃天棚。在天棚下,游人可见蓝天、白云,通过阳光的照耀 ,建筑映照在地面和墙体上产生的光影,增加 了室内空间的趣味性。

English Introduction

 He Ningxiang (1878 - 1972), formerly known as Rui Jian, also known as the Guangdong bridge, (now Guangzhou city Fangcun District Nanhai).

1897 and Liao Zhongkai married.

At the summer of 1903 in japan. At the beginning of twentieth Century, He Ningxiang and Liao Zhongkai, under the leadership of Sun Zhongshan, engaged in the revolution of 1911 and the struggle against the north and the South;

1905 to participate in the China League, the same year in September to introduce Liao Zhongkai to join the meeting.

The Museum of 1906 into the white women's university.

In 1908 to the rural women's fine arts school of higher education. After graduation to return to Hong Kong by day, with Sun Zhongshan engaged in revolutionary activities.

Graduated from the University of women's fine arts in 1911.

1913 "the two revolution" after the failure of his family went to japan.

In 1914 Tokyo joined the Chinese revolutionary party, and actively participate in the Taoyuan (Shi Kai) and the law of motion.

Since 1920 the military expedition to the director general in Guangdong ".

In 1924, Sun Zhongshan worked to assist the new three people's principles before and after the revolution, the Kuomintang communist cooperation, to contribute to Chinese.

1926 was elected to the KMT Central Committee, and served as Minister of women, member of the government of Guangdong Province, presided over the Guangdong women's work, the founder of "strike women reading workshops", the organization launched the "aid Haifeng peasant self-defence corps Preparatory Committee", "military families ambulancemen chuanxisuo women", "Women Movement Institute", "China women of all walks of life the Federation, in support of the northern expedition.

After the failure of the 1927 revolution, she insisted on the three major policies of Sun Zhongshan "United Russia and the Soviet Union, assisting the peasants and workers". During the Anti Japanese War, she strongly opposed the Kuomintang government of the country, dictatorship, civil war reactionary policies, is committed to the Anti Japanese national salvation movement and patriotic democratic movement. During the liberation war, she united the Kuomintang's democratic forces, the formation of the Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee, in response to the Chinese Communist Party held a New Political Consultative Conference call. She made a significant and special contribution to the establishment of new China.

1927 "four. One or two" after the coup, and Song Qingling and Mao Zedong power against Jiang Jieshi.

In 1929 Jiang Jieshi angrily and refuse, abroad after living in europe. The "September 18 Incident" after returning in the Anti Japanese struggle, the National Salvation Association Standing Committee from all walks of life and other staff.

1935 and Song Qingling, the first to respond to the CPC Central Committee issued the "Declaration of the Communist Party of China", as the National Association of national salvation council.

In 1937 the third Plenary Session of the 5th CPC Central Committee the Kuomintang and Song Qingling proposed to restore Sun Zhongshan hand set with Russia and the Soviet Union to help farmers, three policies, requirements of unity and cooperation between the Communist Party and common war. After the victory of the war of resistance against Japan, devoted to the patriotic democratic movement against Chiang's dictatorship and civil war policy. In 1946 to participate in the establishment of the Democratic Party of China to promote the preparatory work of the kuomintang.

January 1948 and Li Jishen in Hongkong to create the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang, the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee of the Chinese kuomintang. The establishment of People's Republic of China he served as member of the Central People's government and the overseas Chinese Affairs Committee Chairman, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, the National Women's Federation, the honorary chairman of the Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang chairman China.

After the founding of new China, He Ningxiang served as a member of the Central People's government, director of the overseas Chinese Affairs Committee, chairman of the Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang China, the National Women's Federation honorary chairman, vice chairman of the National Committee of the CPPCC, vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee and other staff, she was also elected chairperson of China artists association.

He Ningxiang's painting exquisite conception, she often borrow on depicting and plum, lion, tiger and other mountains, Ming lyric. Her struggle means works not only records the situation changes since the beginning of this century, Chinese is the epitome of modern history, but also her seventy years of revolutionary career and noble character, vivid portrayal of personality. Her works are of high attainments, is a treasure of Chinese painting in the art world.

Died in Beijing in September 1, 1972. Works for "double volume anthology".

He Ningxiang, under the pseudonym Shuangqing landlord, graduated in 1911, women's University of fine arts. She and her husband Liao Zhongkai study in the future, in the women's Meida to learn Japanese painting, followed by Sun Zhongshan to participate in the revolution. For the needs of the revolution and drawing embroidery flag, symbol, sign and military ticket patterns. After the 1911 Revolution by the Lingnan School in Guangzhou, as Chinese landscape painting.

After 1925, fight for the revolution, a period of time can not paint. At the end of 20s in the winter often draw plum chrysanthemum and 100 evergreen pine. Held exhibitions in Shanghai and Hongkong.

1929 to Paris, france. "September 18" and "January 28th" immediately after returning to join the Anti Japanese national salvation movement, and Liu, Yi Yuan, Chen Shuren composed "in the society of friends, held charity exhibition, visiting the front of Japanese soldiers.

After 1938, moved to Hongkong, Song Qingling established China defend Support Alliance, to overseas Chinese propaganda war, and the Eight Route Army and the New Fourth Army fundraising. Most of the time for the song Mei Ju, even for landscape, mostly donated or sold to the overseas chinese. After the fall of Hongkong to the Guilin, to sell paintings for a living. In return to Hongkong.

In 1949 and later served as member of the Central People's government, director of the overseas Chinese Affairs Committee China Artists Association chairman. As the Chinese revolution veteran, He Ningxiang has not put down the pen, the early works of Japanese painting style strong, she with plum and tiger paintings of chicago. I presume her flowers and birds, landscape, elegant and delicate color Yanya Yuanhun, ancient Yi, vivid feeling. Good at Chinese painting. Works with "Lion", "plum" and "Takamatsu map" etc..

Works of "landscape" is the performance of the farmer family pastoral scenery of mountains. The mountains a few heavy transport, pen, distance rod, streamers looming near the roof, bridges people, like a secular style painting. Behind this indifferent picture, hiding his mind uneven. Through painting and poem's can be inferred that this painting is his personal feeling of catharsis, also reveal the artist's heart ideal home life.

In 1979 China Art Museum He Ningxiang painting works exhibition China, 1982 Liao Zhongkai He Ningxiang Memorial Hall in Guangzhou. The publication of "He Ningxiang album", "He Ningxiang", "Poetry Poetry Series Shuangqing album" etc..

In May 13, 1995, He Ningxiang Art Museum, approved by the central construction started in March 1, 1996, completed in April; 1997, April 18th officially opened. General secretary Jiang Zemin personally wrote the name.

It is the first National Museum of art in China. It is also the second National Museum of modern art after the Chinese Art Museum.

It is located in the Chinese window of reform and opening up city - Shenzhen overseas Chinese town, adjacent to the famous three cultural tourism "Splendid China", "China Folk Culture Villages", "window of the world", and Folk Culture Village Simon entrance is tightly connected.

He Ningxiang Art Museum collection, display, research on He Ningxiang's calligraphy and paintings, will also focus on related artists and art materials collected, stored, and organizations at home and abroad high grade art exhibition and fine collection, through academic research and art to the modern art education promotion, promote traditional Chinese culture, promote culture the art of communication of our country's socialist spiritual civilization and our arts and overseas.

Provide a full range of services for artists and art audience, connoisseurs, collectors, and the integration of overseas Chinese town cultural tourism first-class environment. In a comfortable and elegant environment, encourage people interested in art, the forum works, listen to lectures, participate in the creation of personal artistic expression; focus on artists, build a bridge between art circles at home and abroad and the majority of the audience, the integration between the artists, works of art and art appreciation, promote the development of the arts, Chinese from real significance on the prosperity of.

Art museum building area of more than 5000 square meters. His architectural design to reflect the character of Mr. He Ningxiang's life and the solemn, practical, moderate principle. Broad square, and the entrance of the Chinese Folk Culture Village West gate connection, is the exchange of people, activities of living space, but also as a prelude to the construction of the building. Through more than a dozen large granite steps and 20 meters long pedestrian bridge, visitors will be introduced in a step by step. The whole building adopts the grey and white two colors, elegant and solemn; in contrast with the convex concave surface appearance of the glass box shaped wall, fox on the long out of the rectangular hole, the wall green bamboo swaying rod of dozens of strains. Before entering the main hall, the design of a courtyard atrium, and the north-south axis of the atrium and the main hall of the bridge axis coincide, so that the hospital became an important transitional space. The three face of the wood window door area, discarded the cumbersome decoration, in a concise, simple, with sporadic modern rich traditional culture.

Interior design full use of beautiful scenery outside the environment, when visitors to enjoy the two floor of the exhibits, and pick up order on the third floor, in front of the stairs, transparent glass will borrow folk village like a stone forest, living landscape.

"Patio" atrium, not only filled with the Oriental Garden Garden, and the indoor and outdoor echo each other, so as to enrich the visitors visual effect.

The public lobby roof used glass ceiling. In the ceiling, visitors can see the blue sky, white clouds, the sun shines in the building, floor and wall light, add to the interior space of interest.

