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陈湘波 - 本位与追求—陈湘波、文祯非作品珠

2022-03-11 17:39:13




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 陈湘波,曾用名陈正,湖南衡阳人,1986年毕业于广州美术学院中国画系,1994年获广州美术学院中国画硕士学位。现为深圳关山月美术馆艺术总监、收藏研讨 部主任,国家1 级美术师,中国美术家协会会员,深圳市花鸟画会会长。作品多次参加国内外重要展览并获奖,并被多家专业美术机构收藏。出版有个人画集《陈正作品》、《中国画范本丛书·陈湘波古代 工笔花鸟》、《当代美术家作品丛书·陈湘波》。


 出版的专著有:《艺术大师之路·关山月》(湖北美术出版社,2002年);出版的个人绘画专集有《中国画范本丛书·陈湘波古代 工笔花鸟》(天津杨柳青画社,2001年),《陈正作品》(岭南美术出版社,1995年等;《晓露清风碧荷香》、《春风拂羽》收入《当代中国工笔画集》 (上海书画出版社,2001年),《当代中国线画.翎毛卷》收入本人作品30幅,(湖北美术出版社,1998年),《觅》、《野趣》发表在《中国高等美术院校先生 研讨 生作品集》(河南美术出版社,1986年)。美术论文散见于《国画家》、《中国花鸟画》、《美术》、《美术界》、《美苑》及相干 的专业文集,画集中。

作品曾获“广东省第三届中国画展”铜奖(2002年)、“广东省第二届中国画展”优秀奖(2000年)、“当代中国青年书画展”优秀奖 1999年、“广东省青年美术家协会作品展”优秀奖(1999年)、“广东省第1 届中国画展”铜奖,1998年“1990年当代中国画展珠海约请 展”优秀奖1990年。


 作品参加“迎接新世纪中国工笔画展”(北京,2000年),“关照自然——中国当代著名中青年花鸟画家作品展”(兰州,2001年),“中国美术家协会第十5 次新人新作展”(北京,2001年),“当代中国青年书画展”(北京,1999年),“全国当代花鸟画名家作品约请 展”(杭州,2002年)“21世纪中国画澳大利亚展”(澳大利亚,2001年),第八、九、十届当代花鸟画约请 展,广东省庆祝建国40、45、50、55周年美术作品展,广东省第1 、二、三、四届中国画展等展览。作品被中国人民革命军事博物馆、广州美术学院、广州美术馆、深圳美术馆、深圳关山月美术馆、马来西亚第1 古代 美术馆等专业机构收藏。

参与和策划了多种美术展览和学术活动:曾担任第九届全国美展艺术设计展区组织委员会委员,《第九届全国美展艺术设计作品集》编委,负责宣扬 和画集编辑工作,特别是策划的“关山月写生展”、“关山月山水手卷展”、“人文关怀·关山月人物画学术专题展”、“激情岁月·毛泽东诗意革命圣地作品专题展”、“建设新中国·20世纪50至60年代中期中国画作品专题展”等展览,在美术界产生了较好的影响。


English Introduction

 Chen Xiangbo, formerly Chen Zheng, Hunan Hengyang people, in 1986 graduated from the Department of Chinese painting Guangzhou Acmdemy of Fine Arts, 1994 master's degree from Guangzhou Acmdemy of Fine Arts China painting. Is the artistic director of the Shenzhen Art Museum GuanShanYue research director, national artist, member of China Artists Association, President of Shenzhen painting will. Works many times to participate in important exhibitions at home and abroad and won the award, and by a number of professional art institutions. The publication of the works of Chen Zheng "," personal collections "China painting series - Chen Xiangbo model", "contemporary modern flower and bird painting artists series - Chen Xiangbo".

Published books: "masters of the art of the road - GuanShanYue" (Hubei Fine Arts Publishing House, 2002); published a personal painting album "model China painting series" (Tianjin Chen Xiangbo modern flower and bird paintings Yangliuqing, 2001), "Chen Zheng works" (south of the Five Ridges Fine Arts Publishing House, 1995; "the blue lotus" breeze spring breeze "," feather "Contemporary Meticulous Painting" income Chinese (Shanghai painting and calligraphy press, 2001), "contemporary painting line Chinese. Feathers volume" income I 30 works (Hubei Fine Arts Publishing House, 1998), "seeking", "wild" published in the "China graduate students in Institutions of higher art works" (Henan Fine Arts Publishing House, 1986). The art in "the painter", "China painting", "art", "art", "beautiful garden" and the relevant professional papers, painting.

His works have won the "Guangdong Province third Chinese Exhibition" Bronze Award (2002), "Guangdong Province, the second session of the China exhibition Excellence Award (2000)," contemporary China youth painting exhibition Excellence Award in 1999, "Guangdong Youth Artists Association Exhibition Excellence Award (1999)," Guangdong Province, the first China exhibition in 1998 1990 China Bronze Award, contemporary painting exhibition in Zhuhai exhibition Excellence Award in 1990.

Works in the "meet the new century China painting exhibition" (Beijing, 2000), "take care of nature -- China famous contemporary young artist Exhibition" (Lanzhou, 2001), "China Artists Association fifteenth new works exhibition" (Beijing, 2001), "China young contemporary painting and calligraphy exhibition" (Beijing, 1999), "national invitational exhibition of contemporary painting famous works" (Hangzhou, 2002) "in twenty-first Century China painting show in Australia" (Australia, 2001), eighth, nine, ten contemporary painting exhibition, Guangdong province to celebrate the 40, 45, 50, 55 anniversary art exhibition, the first in Guangdong Province, two or three. The four Chinese exhibitions exhibition. Works by the people's Revolutionary Military Museum, China Guangzhou Acmdemy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou Art Museum, Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen Art Museum GuanShanYue, Malaysia Museum of Contemporary Art and other professional bodies.

And planning involved in a variety of art exhibitions and academic activities: served as member of the Ninth National Art Exhibition Art Design Exhibition Organizing Committee, "the Ninth National Art Exhibition of works of art and design" editorial board, responsible for publicity and collection of editing work, especially the planned "GuanShanYue painting exhibition", "GuanShanYue landscape scrolls Exhibition", "humanistic care. GuanShanYue Painting Academic thematic exhibition" and "passion, Mao Zedong's poetic works the sacred place of the revolution Exhibition", "the construction of new Chinese, twentieth Century 50 to mid 60s China painting exhibition" exhibition, has a good effect in the art circles.

