钱慧安(1833-1911年),初名贵昌,字吉生,号清路渔子,1 号清溪樵子,室名双管楼,上海高桥镇人,出身农家,自幼学画传神。
同治元年(1862) 萍花社画会邀集社员二十四人,有顾春福、周闲、钱慧安、包子梁、王秋言、陶锥庵、朱梦泉、朱仁峰、秦炳文、吴大澂等。钱慧安与包子梁、王秋言三人为之合绘《雅集图》(《海上墨林》卷三)。
光绪宣统间与倪田、宋海、邓启昌、舒浩卖画海上,为“城隍庙画派”代表画家。时胡公寿、任伯年最为杰出,其次画人物则钱慧安,皆名重1 时,至暮年 ,求画者仍踪门不绝。
光绪5 年(1879年),钱慧安、王礼、任预等合作《杂画册》八开,天津市艺术博物馆藏。
光绪十1 年 (1885年),《十大名家画谱(上)》发行,内收戴熙、钱慧安、张熊、胡远、任熊、任颐、朱梦庐、孙子书、余竹修、周备笙十家作品。(《清末画苑纪事补白》)
钱氏所绘民间祈福吉祥人物故事题材,各地年画作坊乐于借用。光绪中叶,1 度应邀北上;前后 为天津杨柳青“齐健隆”、“爱竹斋”诸画铺作年画粉本,计有《红楼梦》、《皆大欢喜》、《谢庭咏絮》及唐人诗意稿样四十余种,广泛印发,深入北方乡村。
光绪二十六年(1900年),张楠、吴梼、李叔同、许幼园发起成立书画公会,以“提倡风雅、复兴 文艺”为主旨 ,入会者有朱梦庐、杨伯润、潘飞声、钱慧安、高邕之等。(《清末画苑纪事补白》)
宣统元年(1909)三月,“豫园书画善会”于豫园得月楼成立,会员有高邕、蒲作英、吴昌硕、杨东山、程瑶签、王1 亭、汪仲山、张善男、马骆等二百余人,推钱慧安为会长,订立章程,会员卖画, 得款半归作者,半归会中储蓄,公议拨用;施米送药,助赈各省水旱灾馑。
扇页有自题:“双柑斗酒听鹂声。壬午秋日仿新罗本,沂青仁兄大人雅属。清溪樵子钱慧安。”钤“吉生” 白文 印。“壬午”是清光绪八年(1882年),钱慧安时年50岁。
图绘1 文士侧耳静听的场景。自题“双柑斗酒听鹂声”,但是图中没有绘出有着动听 鸣声的鹂鸟(亦称“黄莺”、“仓庚”、“黄鸟”)。鹂鸟的“存在”,完全是通过童子举手轻指的动态,和 文士全神贯注地“听”表现出来的,因而可知 ,作者对人物有着细致的观察力和精确 的外型 能力。
钱氏工人物、仕女,笔意遒劲,态度娴雅;间作山水花卉,亦佳。寓意多喜庆吉祥,多画神仙寿星等。外型 多作丰满脸型,形体上下小、两头 大,形同青果,颇有福相。线描作干笔细线,钉头鼠尾,劲峭古劲。
借鉴于西画,以线条勾画5 官,后略加淡彩渲染,肌理自然。勾画侧面或半侧面人物轮廓,施以透视处理,更趋饱满。
钱慧安为近代史上一名 独具创意的人物画宗师,自幼擅肖像写真,其男性人物实为其自画像之艺术化。自财神,文士,寿星,至老农,渔夫者,钱慧安皆以自画像贯穿始终,幻化无量 ,妙趣横生,显示出国画史上前所未有之画家自我认识 。晚岁构图越发 洗炼 ,意境空灵简约,生活情趣盎然,极富民间烟火气息。程十发誉其为"海派艺术宗师" (《钱慧安评传》)。
钱慧安更将文人画、院体画风格融入杨柳青年画,打破其对称式构图方式,色调由浓艳转向淡雅,突出文人画诸要素 ,有耳目1 新之感。作有百余种粉本,著名者有《麻姑献寿》、《钟馗嫁妹》、《风尘三侠》、《东山丝竹》、《桃源问津》等粉本,及《刘姥姥醉卧怡红院》、《薛蘅芜讽和螃蟹咏》、《史湘云偶填柳絮词》等红楼故事。
钱慧安 对民国时期景德镇瓷绘风格广有影响,包括珠山八友王琦等。
Qian Huian, born in 1833 in Daoguang, died in 1911 in Xuantong in the third year. He was seventy-eight years old. Baoshan Gaoqiao Town Garden Bangcun (now Pudong, Shanghai) people. The word Jisheng is called Qingxi Woodcutter, an old man retired, and a double-pipe landlord. When I was young, I learned to portray from folk painters, imitated Qiuying, Tang Yin and Chen Hongshou at an early age, followed by Danxu, Jianqi, Shangguan Zhou, and so on. I also sought to imitate "The Painting Biography of the Night Laughter Hall" and integrate the methods of various schools.
Qian Huian is the first president of the Yu Garden painting and Calligraphy Association and one of the representative artists of Shanghai style. Workers, ladies, fine brush and dry ink, strong brushwork, elegant manner, its mediation between Lao Lian, Shizhou. Flowers and landscapes are also good. Late age tends to be more vigorous with pen. There are many scholars, such as Shen Xinhai, Cao Hua, Xu Xiaocang, Cao Zhongxiu, Shi Zhonghe, Xie Xiaoou, and so on.
Qian Hui'an paints characters, often with self-portraits, with unique creativity. Cheng Shifa called it "the master of Shanghai art".
Involved in woodcut New Year's paintings, painting Yangliu youth sketches of dozens. He is the author of Qingxi Painting Spectrum.
See Hansong Pavilion Talking about Art, Marine Moulin, History of Qing Dynasty Painting, Biographies of Sixty Modern Artists and Commentary of Qian Huian.
Qian Hui'an (1833-1911) was born in Gaoqiao Town, Shanghai. He was born in a farmer's family and learned painting from his childhood.
In the first year of Tongzhi (1862), the Pinghua Painting Society invited 24 members, including Gu Chunfu, Zhou Lei, Qian Huian, Baoziliang, Wang Qiuyan, Taoconian, Zhu Mengquan, Zhu Renfeng, Qin Bingwen and Wu Dahuang. Qian Hui'an, Baoziliang and Wang Qiuyan jointly painted Atlanta (Volume 3 of Marine Moulin).
Guangxu Xuan Tong and Ni Tian, Song Hai, Deng Qichang and Shu Hao sell paintings on the sea and represent the painters of the Town God's Temple painting school. Hu Gongshou and Ren Bonian were the most outstanding painters, followed by Qian Huian, both of whom were renowned for a long time. In his later years, painters continued to follow suit.
Guangxu five years (1879), Qian Hui'an, Wang Li, Ren Xu and other cooperation "Miscellaneous Pictures" eight open, Tianjin Museum of Art Collection.
In 1885, Guangxu Eleven Years (1885), Ten Paintings by Ten Famous Artists (Part I) was published, including 10 works by Dai Xie, Qian Huian, Zhang Xiong, Hu Yuan, Ren Xiong, Ren Yi, Zhu Menglu, Sun Tzu Shu, Yu Zhuxiu and Zhou Sheng. (Painting Garden Chronicle Supplementary White in the Late Qing Dynasty)
Qian's folk stories about lucky and lucky characters are borrowed by local New Year's Painting Workshops. In the middle of Guangxu period, he was invited to go north for a time. He has successively painted new year's picture powder books for Yang Liuqing's paintings "Qi Jianlong" and "Ai Zhuzhai" in Tianjin, including "Dream of Red Mansions", "All Joy", "Xie Ting Yong Xu" and more than 40 kinds of poems of Tang people, which have been widely published and gone deep into the northern countryside.
Qian Huian lost his wife in middle age. Continuing to marry Chu is also good at painting. Husband and wife work together and draw together. Qian's studio is called "Double Pipe Tower".
In the 26th year of Guangxu (1900), Zhang Nan, Wu Hao, Li Shutong and Xu Youyuan initiated the establishment of the Calligraphy and Painting Association with the aim of "promoting elegance and revitalizing literature and art". The participants included Zhu Menglu, Yang Borun, Pan Feisheng, Qian Huian and Gao Yong. (Painting Garden Chronicle Supplementary White in the Late Qing Dynasty)
In the first year of (1909) March, the Yu Garden painting and calligraphy association was established in the Yuyue building of Yu Garden. Its members were over 200 people such as Gao Yong, Pu Jo Ying, Wu Changshuo, Yang Dongshan, Cheng Yao sign, Wang Yiting, Wang Zhongshan, Zhang Shannan, Ma Luo and so on. They were appointed as the president. They made charters, members sold paintings, half of them were returned to the author, half of them went to the meeting to save, and public discussion was appropriated; Shi rice gave medicine to help the provinces. Flood and drought.
Xuantong died in the private house of Taoshachang Street in the old city of Shanghai in 1911.
Qian Hui'an Memorial Hall is located in the West Street of Gaoqiao Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai. Cheng Shifa is the inscription of the memorial hall entitled "Origin of Shanghai School".