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1938年10月出生于四川成都,父亲曾还久时任成都南熏中学校长,与著名国画大师张大千先生交厚,年幼时便常观大千先生作画,培养了对国画的兴味 。1947年入上海自新小学读书;1954年随父母到武汉入十四中学习,得画家张肇铭王霞宙、端木梦锡老师的悉心指点 与器重;1957年考入广州美术学院国画系,接受正轨 零碎 的绘画基础知识与技能训练,得到著名岭南派大师关山月黎雄才先生的指点 。在校其间,曾晓浒先生的绘画艺术才能迅速提高,1961年毕业时就已在南国画坛崭露头角。
曾晓浒先生分配到湖南师范大学艺术系任教后,5 十多年来笔耕不辍,教学相长,成就了本身 融贯南北之画风,构成 了表现湖南地域、气候等自然条件的独立风格,成为新时代湖南本土山水画最具代表性的画家,同时也是湖南最杰出的美术教育家,培养了1 大批优秀的教师和画家。


曾晓浒先生专业素质全面,既擅长山水、花鸟、人物,也精于诗词、书法、金石,技艺上相反相成 。1964年,年方26岁即编缉 为首都人民大会堂湖南厅绘制巨幅湘绣屏风《韶山》,随后又为大会堂创作大幅山水《南天独秀》,为画坛同行所注视 。1979年创作《放木排》山水画,在日本福冈举办的“亚洲三国近代美术博览会 ”上获奖。1981年,为广西灵渠宾馆创作巨幅山水画《清漓拥翠》,1983年,他带领5名弟子,完成了长沙火车站地方 大厅的巨幅山水《醴兰沅芷·岳色湘声》,该画高9米长18米,气势磅礴,集中体现了三湘景色的雄壮 隽秀,博得 南来北往中外旅客的啧啧称赞,被香港媒体誉为亚洲最大的山水画。1986年第三次为首都人民大会堂作《翠笼桃源》、《深谷 清奇》。1985年为日本长野善行寺作《峨嵋朝晖》,被该寺列为镇寺之宝,将祖国传统文明 向世界传播。以后 被韩国“世界美术文明 交流协会”聘为常任委员。1992年,由台湾著名作家琼瑶夫妇掌管 在台北“皇冠艺文中心”举办了“曾晓浒山水画展”,并出版了由琼瑶先生亲自撰写叙言 的《曾晓浒画集》,台湾媒体予以盛赞。1993年为毛主席纪念堂创作的大画《韶山》成为该堂永世 陈列并绣成巨幅湘绣展现 。2001――2002年两次应邀赴中国驻美旧金山总领事馆作多幅大型山水画。
作为一名 艺德高尚的画家,曾晓浒先生从1980年代开始前后 被推选为省政协委员,第八届全国人大代表,第九、十届省人大常委会委员,中国致公党地方 委员会委员等职务,在荣誉面前,他从不张扬,自始自终 默默耕耘,把丹青献给社会。

English Introduction

Born in October 1938 in Sichuan Chengdu, my father had also long when the Chengdu Nan Xun secondary school principals, and the famous Chinese painting master Mr. Zhang Daqian handed thick, when young will often view Mr. Daqian painting, the cultivation of interest in Chinese painting. The new primary school in Shanghai in 1947; in 1954 with his parents to Wuhan in 14 to study, painter Zhang Zhaoming, Wang Xiazhou, Duanmu tin dream teacher guidance and esteem; 1957 was admitted to the Guangzhou Acmdemy of Fine Arts Department of Chinese painting, painting basic knowledge and skills training of formal system, get the famous south of the Five Ridges master Guan Shanyue, Mr. Li Xiongcai's guide. In addition, Mr. Ceng Xiaohu's painting art can rapidly improve, graduated in 1961, has been in the southern figure painting.
Mr. Ceng Xiaohu was assigned to teach art department of Hunan Normal University after fifty years of writing, the style of their own achievements Teaching benefits teachers as well as students., combines the north and south of the natural conditions of Hunan, forming a regional climate and independent style, has become the new Hunan native landscape painting is the most representative painter, Hunan is also the most outstanding art educator, culture a large number of outstanding teachers and artists.

Mr. Ceng Xiaohu is good at comprehensive professional quality, landscape, flowers and birds, characters, also in poetry, calligraphy, stone art, complement each other. In 1964, the 26 year old is made for people in the capital Hunan Hall of the Great Hall of the embroidery screen drawing huge "Shaoshan", then to the Great Hall of a landscape "southern" creation show, attracted the attention of world counterparts. In 1979 the creation of "landscape painting" on the raft, winning in Fukuoka of Japan held the "Asian modern art exhibition". In 1981, for the creation of a huge hotel Guangxi Lingqu landscape painting of "Qing Li Yong Cui", in 1983, he led the 5 disciples, completed a huge landscape "the central hall of the Changsha Railway Station, Yuanzhi Li Lan Yue Shaixiang sound", the painting is 9 meters high and 18 meters long, of great momentum, embodies the Hunan scene vigorous Juanxiu won the Chinese and foreign tourists, always on the move by the Hongkong media as loud shouts of applause, Asia's largest landscape painting. In 1986 third as the capital of the Great Hall of the people for "green Taoyuan", "three cage Valley". As for "1985" Emei Zhaohui Nagano Japan temple is good, the temple as a temple in the town treasure, the traditional Chinese culture spread to the world. South Korea "world art and Culture Exchange Association," hired as a permanent member of the. In 1992, by the Taiwan famous writer Qiong Yao presided over the couple in Taipei "Crown Center" held "has Xiaohu landscape painting exhibition" and published by Mr. Qiong Yao personally wrote the "Ceng Xiaohu album", the Taiwan media to be praised. In 1993 the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall creative painting "Shaoshan" became the permanent display hall and embroidery embroidery into a huge display. 2001 - 2002 two invited to the Chinese Embassy in the United States, the Consulate General in San Francisco for more than a large landscape painting.
As a German art noble painter, Mr. Ceng Xiaohu from the beginning of 1980s has been elected to the provincial CPPCC members, the Eighth National People's Congress, the ninth, the Ten Session of the provincial people's Congress Standing Committee, the Central Committee of the party China Commissioner, in the face of honor, he never advertised, as in the past quietly, the painting to society.

