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 马培童:笔名守1 ,1956年7月生,江苏沛县人。自幼酷爱绘画。1978-1985年,任胡寨镇电影院美工,创作的电影海报《喜盈门》《乌纱梦》在省、市获奖。1985-1988年,任沛县梆子剧团舞美设计。20世纪70年代,师从沛县著名画家周节文、程大利老师学习中国画创作。90年代始,拜张仃为师学习焦墨山水。2000-2002年,在中国美术学院山水画研修班进修。2008-2009年,在中国国家画院程大利导师山水画工作室进修。2014年,创立铜柱堂焦墨研讨 室。 

现为中国画院、惠州创作基地专职画家,中国香港美术家协会会员;中国教育台水墨丹青栏目组、名家大讲堂栏目组、专职画家,常务理事。英国牛津艺术学院兼职教授。国家1 级美术师,全国政协特邀画师,政协委员。作品被国内外图书馆、博物馆、艺术馆及书画爱好者广为收藏

Introduction in English

 Ma Peitong: Shouyi, a pseudonym, was born in Peixian, Jiangsu Province in July 1956. I love painting since I was young. From 1978 to 1985, Ren huzhai worked as a cinematographic artist, and the movie posters "happy yingmen" and "black yarn dream" won prizes in the province and the city. From 1985 to 1988, Ren Pei county Bangzi troupe designed the dance beauty. In the 1970s, he studied Chinese painting from Zhou Jiewen, a famous painter in Peixian County, and Cheng Dali, a teacher in Peixian county. Since the 1990s, Zhang Ding has been learning Jiaomo mountains and waters. From 2000 to 2002, he studied in the landscape painting workshop of China Academy of fine arts. From 2008 to 2009, he studied in the landscape painting studio of Cheng Dali, tutor of China National Academy of painting. In 2014, the Jiaomo Research Office of Tongzhu hall was founded.


At present, he is a full-time painter of China Academy of painting and Huizhou creative base, a member of Hong Kong Artists Association of China, a professional painter and executive director of the ink painting column group of China education platform, the column group of famous lecture hall. Part time Professor, Oxford School of art, UK. National first-class artist, painter specially invited by CPPCC, member of CPPCC. The works are widely collected by libraries, museums, art galleries, calligraphy and painting lovers at home and abroad

