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 李荣光,本籍 山东莱州。1939年生于辽宁丹东。自幼从其父李月秋学习诗、琴、书、画。1964年毕业于鲁讯美术学院中国画系。


作品除在国内多次参加各级展览,举办联展,个人展外还到过港、澳、台地区和蒙古、朝鲜、韩国、日本、新加坡、泰国、摩洛哥、西班牙等国展出。部分作品被香港、台湾、日本、韩国、泰国、比利时、英国、加拿大和美国人收藏。代表作《瞻望 》1987年获《中日古代 水墨画展》优秀作品奖;《海恋》1989年获《中日韩汉城国际绘画祭》优秀作品赏。《血沃关东》1991年获中国美协《纪念九1 .八事变六十周年国画展》银牌奖。1992年入编《中国当代艺术家名人录》、《远望》1995入编《中国美术书法界名人名作博览》(上卷)。《戏水》1993年入选《20世纪国际古代 美术精品荟萃》并获国际文明 交流荣誉奖。同年入编《国际古代 书画篆刻大词典》、《鹰击长空》入选《全国著名画家作品展》、《永久 的见证·芦沟桥1937》分别入选文明 部、中国文联、中国美协举办的《纪念抗日和平 胜利50周年中国画展》和中国人民大学艺术研讨 所主办的《勿忘国耻》展。1996年《英姿》入选《中国当代著名花鸟画家作品展》入编《中国当代著名花鸟画家作品集》。1997年曾应邀赴日本讲学。2008年《放飞》、《国珍》(与夫人王敬致教授合作)被奥林匹克美术大会收藏。2011年《幽兰》、《华夏之声》等七幅作品入编《百年辛亥.名家大典》大型艺术纪念画册。(上卷)同年《中国近古代 名家画集·李荣光》、《国琴新声—李荣光打谱编创琴曲琴歌集》问世。


李荣光现任中国美术家协会会员、中国民族管弦乐学会古琴专业委员会荣誉顾问、中国社会科学院书画家协会顾问、中国同泽书画研讨 院特邀顾问、鲁讯美术学院教授、研讨 生导师,中国文明 部、教育部、特聘中国关心下1 代工程委员会绘画部分评审委员。英国皇家艺术研讨 院荣誉院士。


Introduction in English

 Li Rongguang, born in Laizhou, Shandong Province. Born in Dandong, Liaoning Province in 1939. He studied poetry, Qin, calligraphy and painting from his father Li Yueqiu. Graduated from the Department of Chinese painting, Luxin Academy of Fine Arts in 1964.

In addition to participating in exhibitions at all levels, holding joint exhibitions and individual exhibitions, his works have also been exhibited in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Morocco, Spain and other countries. Some works are collected by Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Belgium, Britain, Canada and the United States. In 1987, the representative work outlook won the excellent work award of modern Chinese and Japanese ink painting exhibition; in 1989, love at sea won the excellent work award of international painting festival in Seoul, China, Japan and South Korea. In 1991, xuewoguandong won the silver medal of the National Painting Exhibition commemorating the 60th anniversary of the September 8th incident. In 1992, he was included in the catalogue of Chinese contemporary artists, and in 1995, he was included in the exhibition of famous works in the field of Chinese fine arts and calligraphy (Volume I). "Playing in water" was selected into "the collection of international modern fine arts in the 20th century" in 1993 and won the honor award of international cultural exchange. In the same year, the dictionary of international modern calligraphy, painting and seal cutting, the eagle strikes the sky were selected into the national famous painter works exhibition, the eternal witness · Lugouqiao 1937 were selected into the Chinese painting exhibition in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Anti Japanese War held by the Ministry of culture, the China Federation of literary and art, the China Association of artists, and the national shame not to be forgotten exhibition sponsored by the Art Research Institute of the people's University of China. In 1996, yingzi was selected into the exhibition of works of famous contemporary Chinese flower and bird painters and included in the collection of works of famous contemporary Chinese flower and bird painters. In 1997, he was invited to lecture in Japan. In 2008, "flying" and "Guozhen" (in cooperation with his wife Professor Wang Jingzhi) were collected by the Olympic Art Conference. In 2011, seven works, such as Youlan and the voice of China, were included in the large art commemorative album of the grand ceremony of famous artists in 1911. (Volume I) in the same year, Li Rongguang, a collection of paintings by famous Chinese artists in modern times, and Li Rongguang, a new voice of Guoqin, composed and composed Qin music and songs, were published.

Li Rongguang is a member of China Artists Association, honorary consultant of Guqin Professional Committee of China National Orchestra Society, consultant of painting and Calligraphy Association of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, invited consultant of Tongze painting and Calligraphy Research Institute of China, professor and graduate tutor of Luxun Academy of fine arts, as well as a review member of the painting section of the next generation Engineering Committee of the Ministry of culture and education of China. Honorary member of the Royal Academy of Arts.

