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赵永夫 - 含蓄如轻云蔽月 妩媚若薄雾萦花--赵

2022-03-11 17:39:08 3888




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赵永夫-深入古法 独出新意

 作品入选纪念邓小平诞生100周年画展,入选建国60周年画展,并获奖。2009年在山东泰山举办了"京﹑津﹑鲁"十人展。2010年5 月在临洮美术馆举办个人画展,引发 极大的轰动,十月1 日在兰州博物馆举办画展.作品被多家美术馆、美术机构及国内外收藏家收藏。作品《溢》被全国美协举办的"16届亚运会"激情盛会,翰墨流芳"全国画展入选。现为国家1 级美术师,甘肃省美术家协会会员,中国国画家协会员。被聘为广东画院的特聘画师。




 作品《江南》中那弹奏古琴的女子和旁边手持竹简的同伴眼神里都流露出淡淡的感伤。香炉里的袅袅的烟雾兀自缭绕。竹林里,几只鸟散落枝叶间。鸟声伴着琴声,书香伴着曲韵......此情此景,煞是旖旎迷人。这幅画的线条很流畅、飘逸,似行云流水普通 ;设色淡,自然全无艳俗之气。由此看出,画家赵永夫在线与形的结合、全体 设色的把握、绘画艺术性的提炼中都开始构成 本身 的风格和面貌。


作品《花落有声》中,和风 拂过,有数 花瓣悄然飘零,1 个丰神绰约的女子独自坐于席上仰首采撷空中的落花,这缤纷的落英能解女子的淡淡心事吗?女子身旁有下完的棋子、古朴的香炉,二者似乎都渲染了桃花的清香,芬芳、灵动起来......整幅画面呈现1 种典雅、宁静的气息。

Introduction in English

 Zhao Yongfu, born in Lintao, Gansu Province, now lives in Tianjin. Since childhood, I love painting. Graduated from the master's program of traditional Chinese painting of Tianjin Academy of fine arts. He Jiaying, Yang Peizhang, Huo Chunyang, Jia Guangjian and other professors studied fine brushwork figure painting and fine brushwork flower and bird painting, especially the ladies.


His works were selected in the exhibition to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping's birth and the 60th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China. In 2009, a ten person exhibition of "Beijing, Tianjin and Shandong" was held in Taishan, Shandong Province. In May 2010, a personal painting exhibition was held in Lintao Art Museum, which caused a great sensation. On October 1, the exhibition was held in Lanzhou Museum. The works were collected by many art museums, art institutions and collectors at home and abroad. His work "Yi" was selected in the "16th Asian Games" held by the National Association of fine arts, and the "National Painting Exhibition" with calligraphy flowing. Now, he is a national first-class artist, member of Gansu Artists Association and member of Chinese Painting Association. He was hired as a special painter of Guangdong Academy of painting.


He has published a series of Chinese painting techniques, painting techniques of ancient Chinese ladies. His works have been reprinted by many magazines, newspapers and networks, such as Chinese painting classics, mountain net, Chinese painting and calligraphy daily, Yachang art net, Huaxia art net, people's art, fortune art net art life, Shanghai Painting and calligraphy daily, Chinese painting and calligraphy art market newspaper, and collected by friends, art institutions and art galleries at home and abroad.


Evaluation of works


In Jiangnan, the woman who plays the Guqin and the companion holding the bamboo slips show a light sadness in their eyes. The smoke curled up in the censer. In the bamboo forest, several birds are scattered among the branches. The sound of birds is accompanied by the sound of zither, and the fragrance of books is accompanied by the melody... In this situation, it is charming. The lines of this painting are very smooth and elegant, like flowing clouds and flowing water; the color is light, so there is no gaudy and vulgar air in nature. It can be seen that Zhao Yongfu began to form his own style and appearance in the combination of online and form, the grasp of overall color design, and the refinement of painting artistry.


In the work "the sound of falling flowers", the breeze blows, and countless petals flutter quietly. A gorgeous woman sits on the table alone and picks up the falling flowers in the air. Can the colorful falling flowers solve the woman's light mind? There are chess pieces and simple censers beside the woman, both of which seem to render the fragrance of peach blossom, fragrance and flexibility... The whole picture presents a kind of elegance A sense of peace.

