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 1947年7月生于陕西省潼关县。1967年毕业于西安美术学院附中。近年来,多幅作品曾参加国内外展览、获奖,并被收藏。其中油画《高原古城红旗飘》、《塔尔寺节日印象》被青海省博物馆收藏,油画《边塞·马》被青海省美术家协会收藏。八幅作品分别参加了在新加坡举办的中国古代 油画避孕药和中国西部油画展,《转经者》、《草原盛夏》、《雪山牧场》被收藏。1989年在青海美术馆举了“井汉升作品展”。现为中国美术家协会会员、中国版画家协会会员、中国版协装帧艺术委员会常务委员、青海美术家协会主席。传略收入《中国古代 美术家人名大辞典》、《中国当代美术家人名辞典》、《中国当代美术人名录》、《中国文艺传集》等辞书。





1963年 考入西安美术学院附中学习。

1967年 毕业分配到咸阳国棉七厂工作。

1970年 特招应征入伍到青海省军区政治部服役。

1973年 参加全军美术训练班油画班。

1981年 参加青海省第二次文代会,当选为中国美协青海分会常任理事。

1982年 加入中国美家协会。

1985年 转业到青海人民出版社工作。

1989年 举办“井汉升作品展”;任命为美术编辑室副主任。

1994年 荣获“首届全国优秀中青年图书编辑”奖。

1995年 任命为美术编辑室主任;当选为中国版协装帖艺术委员会常任委员。

1998年 参加“中国美术家协会第5 次全国代表大会”。

1999年 当选为中国美协插图装帖艺术委员会委员;出版《井汉升画集》,举办“井汉升写生画展”。

2002年 出版《书画情缘》1 书。



井汉升现从事编辑工作与书书籍装帖艺术,擅长油画,兼及书法,国画,版画及书画评论.创作重视 真情实感的流露,善于应用 色彩渲染情绪,作品具有强烈的高原特色



Introduction in English

 Born in Tongguan County, Shaanxi Province in July 1947. He graduated from the attached middle school of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in 1967. In recent years, many works have participated in exhibitions at home and abroad, won prizes, and been collected. Now he is a member of China Artists Association, China Printers Association, Standing Committee of China Printing Association and Chairman of Qinghai Artists Association.


Born in Tongguan County, Shaanxi Province in July 1947. He graduated from the attached middle school of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in 1967. In recent years, many works have participated in exhibitions at home and abroad, won prizes, and been collected. Among them, the oil paintings "Red Flag in the Old City of Plateau" and "Impression of the Festival of Tar Temple" were collected by Qinghai Museum, and the oil painting "Frontier Fortress Horse" was collected by Qinghai Artists Association. Eight paintings participated in the exhibition of modern Chinese oil painting contraceptives held in Singapore and oil paintings in Western China, and the collections of The Translator, Grassland Summer and Snow Mountain Ranch were collected. "Jing Hansheng Works Exhibition" was held in Qinghai Art Museum in 1989. Now he is a member of China Artists Association, China Printers Association, Standing Committee of China Printing Association and Chairman of Qinghai Artists Association. The biographies include Dictionary of Names of Modern Chinese Artists, Dictionary of Names of Contemporary Chinese Artists, List of Contemporary Chinese Artists and Biography of Chinese Literature.


His works include "Spring Dawn in Zaoyuan" and "Yanhe Warhorse".


In 1963, he was admitted to the attached middle school of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts.


In 1967, he graduated and was assigned to the seventh National Cotton Mill in Xianyang.


In 1970, he was recruited to serve in the Political Department of Qinghai Military Region.


In 1973, he participated in the oil painting class of the Army Art Training Course.


In 1981, he participated in the Second Cultural Congress of Qinghai Province and was elected as a permanent member of Qinghai Branch of China Artistic Association.


In 1982, he joined the Chinese Association of Beautiful Countries.


He transferred to Qinghai People's Publishing House in 1985.


In 1989, he held "Jing Hansheng Works Exhibition" and was appointed Deputy Director of Art Editorial Office.


In 1994, he was awarded the First National Excellent Young and Middle-aged Book Editor Award.


In 1995, he was appointed Director of the Art Editorial Office and was elected a permanent member of the Art Committee of China Edition Association.


In 1998, he participated in the Fifth National Congress of China Artists Association.


In 1999, he was elected a member of the Illustration and Posting Art Committee of the Chinese Association of Arts. He published Jing Hansheng Painting Collection and held the "Jing Hansheng Painting Exhibition".


In 2002, he published the book "Love between Calligraphy and Painting".


Jing Hansheng is currently engaged in editing and book binding art. He is good at oil painting, calligraphy, Chinese painting, printmaking and painting criticism. His creation pays attention to the expression of true feelings, and is good at using color to render emotions. His works have strong plateau characteristics.


Oil paintings: Red Flag Flying in the Old Plateau City, Impression of the Festival of Tar Temple, Frontier Fortress Horse, Translator, Grassland Summer, Snow Mountain Ranch, etc.

