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严荣滨,浙江杭州人。1941年2月7日生于杭州,1965年毕业于中国美术学院油画系。水彩画家、油画家。擅长油画。1960年入中国美术学院油画系学习。曾任部队文明 工作广告设计、编辑。杭州文联美协秘书长,浙江水彩画会副会长。作品《鱼池》等入选首届全国水彩画展。
1956年考人中国美术学院附中。1965年毕业于中国美术学院油画系。当过兵,做过美工、记者,后较长时间作美 协工作,直至退体。曾在国内外举办个展7次,作品多为海内外收藏家收藏。现为中国美术家协会会员,淅江省美协理事,杭州市美协副主席.浙江省水彩画会副会长.浙江省开明画院副院长,研讨 馆员。2008年12月12日上午10时,杭州市美术展现 交流中心人头攒动,由杭州市美术家协会、杭州画院、杭州市级机关工会“艺术鉴赏沙龙”主办的著名画家严荣滨油画展在这里拉开帷幕,高而颐、陈1 辉、吴山明、马玉如徐永祥吴德隆潘长臻金1 德潘鸿海、楼浩之、王庆裕等众多文明 艺术界佳宾出席了开幕式。大家以清茶美酒,共贺严荣滨先生艺术之树常青
和谐之歌”严荣滨作品展由杭州市美术家协会油画创作委员会主办的“和谐之歌—严荣滨油画、水彩作品展”在泽恩美术馆(筹)开幕,此次展览共展出严荣滨先生不同时期的油画、水彩作品50余幅,比较全面的反映了其艺术创作、艺术探索的次要 历程。严荣滨的油画以写实为主,基础扎实而富有生机,色彩嘹亮 而又不失沉稳。而水彩更是强项,其作品润泽而幽雅,充满了单纯、明晰的自然神韵 。

Introduction to the artist

Yan Rongbin, zhejiang Hangzhou person. Was born at Hangzhou on Feburary 7, 1941, was graduated from department of canvas of Chinese academy of fine arts 1965. Watercolour painter, oily painter. ? Be good at canvas. Fastened study into canvas of Chinese academy of fine arts 1960. Ever held the post of design of advertisement of army culture job, editor. Hangzhou article couplet is beautiful assist secretary-general, zhejiang aquarelle is met vice-chairman. Work " piscine pool " wait selected art exhibition of watercolour of first whole nation.
 Checked attached middle school of person China academy of fine arts 1956. Was graduated from department of canvas of Chinese academy of fine arts 1965. Had become arms, had become art design, journalist, hind do the United States more for long assist the job, till withdraw system. Ever holding domestic and internationally exhibit 7 times, work is collected for global collector more. It is Chinese artist academician now, wash rice thing of river province beautiful assistant manager, hangzhou city is beautiful assist vice-chairman. Zhejiang province aquarelle is met vice-chairman. Zhejiang saves assistant dean of enlightened imperial art academy, the member that study a house. On December 12, 2008 morning 10 when, hangzhou city art reveals assemble of communication center poll to move, by labour union of mechanism of class of city of imperial art academy of association of Hangzhou city artist, Hangzhou, Hangzhou " artistic appreciate salon " canvas exhibits sponsorred famous artist Yan Rongbin to pull open heavy curtain here, of sea of Gao Eryi, Chen Yihui, Wu Shanming, Ma Yuru, Xu Yongxiang, Wu Delong, Pan Changzhen, Jin Yide, Pan grand, Lou Hao, Wang Qingyu. Everybody with green tea beautiful wine, in all the tree of art of congratulate Mr Yan Rongbin is evergreen.
Harmonious song " does work exhibit Yan Rongbin? By canvas of association of Hangzhou city artist creation committee sponsors " harmonious song, work of Yan Rongbin canvas, watercolour is exhibited " in Zeenmei art house (chip) kick off, this the exhibition exhibits in all Mr Yan Rongbin is different work of the canvas of period, watercolour more than 50, more comprehensive mirrorred its the main course of artistic creation, artistic exploration. Yan Rongbin's canvas with be being given priority to realistically, the base is strong and rich lease of life, colour is resonant and do not break composed. And watercolour is a strong point more, its work moist and quiet and tastefully laid out, was full of pure, clear natural lasting appeal.

