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杨光,1964年生,吉林九台人。1986年考入东北师范大学油画系,1990年毕业,获文学学士学位。现为中国美术家协会会员,中国油画学会会员,辽宁省教学指点 委员会成员、辽宁省美术家协会油画艺委会委员、沈阳市美术家协会理事,沈阳大学美术学院油画系主任、教授、硕士生导师。主讲油画理论、传统油画与当代油画材料与技法等多门课程。
次要 科研成果:
2012油画《明亮的灯光之二》参加“纪念建党九十周年—辽宁优秀美术作品展”获1 等奖;

Introduction to the artist

Yang Guang, unripe 1964, jilin 9 people. Took an examination of department of canvas of northeast Normal University 1986, graduated 1990, obtain literary bachelor's degree. It is Chinese artist academician now, chinese canvas academician, canvas of association of artist of province of member of committee of guidance of Liaoning province education, Liaoning art appoint director of association of artist of city of conference committee member, Shenyang, canvas of Shenyang university academy of fine arts fastens director, professor, Master to lay a teacher. The much door course such as theory of canvas of give a lecture, traditional canvas and contemporary canvas material and ability law.
Achievement of main scientific research:
1993, canvas " teenager dream " attend " work of art of sports of the 3rd whole nation is exhibited " the award that obtain silver;
1994, canvas " warm winter " attend " northeast and contemporary oily exhibition of paintings " win academic award;
1995, canvas " birthday " art exhibition of effigies of canvas of master of a person of academic or artistic distinction of selected Liaoning province, win second-class award;
1996, canvas " kaleidoscope " selected " , Chinese canvas learns to exhibit " ;
1999, canvas " the impress that pink clouds leaves " selected found a state 50 years Liaoning art creates achievement to exhibit, win outstanding work award;
2001, canvas " bright light " attend " work of art of 80 years of whole nations exhibits found a party of commemorative Chinese Communist " win outstanding work award (top prize) , save in Liaoning the gold prize is won in congener exhibition;
2002, canvas " candle · male baby " selected " commemorate Comrade Mao Zedong " in Yan'an the speech of literary informal discussion " publish work of art of 60 years of whole nations to exhibit " , save in Liaoning silver-colored award is won in congener exhibition;
2003, canvas " language of the content below the lamp " selected " high-quality goods of the 3rd canvas of Chinese is exhibited " , save in Liaoning award of art of golden color canvas is won in congener exhibition;
2003, canvas " baby series 6# " attend " high-quality goods of small canvas in Liaoning is exhibited " win a gold prize;
2001, canvas " bright light " publish at commemorating a Chinese Communist 80 years collect of countrywide art work;
2003, canvas " language of the content below the lamp " publish at canvas of the 3rd China to extend work market;
2004, canvas " northward age issue " save in Liaoning the gold prize is won in receiving beauty of the 7th whole nation to exhibit;
2004, canvas " northward age issue " selected " work of art of the 10th whole nation is exhibited " ;
2012 canvas " of bright light " attend " commemorate found a party 90 years, fine art work exhibits Liaoning " win first prize;
2013 canvas " northward " attend " fine art work exhibits beautiful Liaoning " win second-class award.
Chief editor and the publication such as publication monograph have " manual of art examination room · still life piece " " material and mural of · of ability law a series of books " " Yang Guang canvas " " book of education of Shenyang university academy of fine arts is----Word of graph of canvas scenery paint from life " .

