杜牧野(1929——2007),男,汉,暮年 自号牧翁,浙江衢州人,中共党员。1952年毕业于山东师范学院艺术系美术专业,1952——1956年执教于泰安1 中,后执教于山东师范学院、山东艺专、山东艺校兼教学行政。1974年起负责山东省摄影艺术展览办公室。1976年该办公室并入美术馆后任副馆长兼艺委员会主任,系中共美术家协会会员、中国摄影家系会会员,曾被选为中国摄影家协会第三届理事及美协影协山东分会常务理事,山东书协第1 届理事,省美学学会名誉理事,是我省著名美术、美学教育家,史论家,评论家,书画家。
擅长中国画、素描及美术史论。1952年毕业于山东师范学院艺术系。留校任教,曾在浙江美院、南京艺院进修美术史论。前后 担任素描、美术史论课程,并兼系主任。后任山东省美术馆副馆长兼艺委会主任。有连环画、年画、宣扬 画及肖像画等出版。编著有《透视学讲义》、《世界美术史讲义提纲》、《世界美术发展概况介绍》等。
Du Mu is wild (1929 -- 2007) , male, chinese, old age from date herd old man, zhejiang thoroughfares city person, party member of the Communist Party of China. Was graduated from art of institute of Shandong normal school to fasten art major 1952, 1952 -- taught 1956 Yu Taian one in, teach after at institute of Shandong normal school, Shandong art only, Shandong art school holds education administration concurrently. Responsible Shandong saves photography art to show the office since 1974. This office merged into 1976 deputy curator of art gallery successor holds concurrently art committee chairman, fastening photographer of academician of artist of the Communist Party of China, China is conference member, ever was chosen to be Chinese photographer association the 3rd director and beauty assist shadow assist Shandong branch is standing director, shandong book assist the first director, province aesthetic learns reputation director, it is I save famous painting, aesthetic educationist, history consider the home, essayist, home of painting and calligraphy.
The traditional Chinese painting in be good at, sketch reachs art history to talk. Was graduated from art of institute of Shandong normal school 1952 is. Stay school teach, art of attend in a advanced studies of beautiful courtyard of Ceng Zaizhe river, Nanjing art courtyard history theory. Hold the position of sketch, art history to consider course early or late, hold department head concurrently. Deputy curator of art gallery of successor Shandong province holds concurrently art appoint conference chairman. Comic, New Year picture, poster and portraiture wait publish. Compile have " fluoroscopy learns teaching materials " , " world art history teaching materials outline " , " world art develops general situation introduction " etc.