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施云翔,清华大学美术学院美术理论研讨 与书画创作高级研修班导师,大风堂画学研讨 会会长,《中国艺术家》杂志履行 主编。
近年编著的《中国画学谱·云雾山水卷》、《山水画导学范本》、《山水技法丛书》等前后 由天津人民美术出版社、河南美术出版社、江西美术出版社及大连美术出版社等出版发行。《当代中国画名家技法讲座》已由福建美术出版社出版发行。《山水技法讲座》分期连载于《中国书画报》。论文《论中国画的意象道学观》、《中国画的立意与美学思想》被收入国家文明 部中国艺术研讨 院艺术评论杂志《文艺年志》,部分学术文章发表于国内各类艺术报刊。
从中国画的文明 立场出发,以“推进笔墨艺术”为已任,强调中国画应恪守“笔墨当随时代”的准绳 ,寻求 雄壮 、苍茫、磅礴大气和厚重、力健的境界,推崇具有正大气象的艺术表现情势 。提倡独立思考,探索创新,寻求 “厚、重、沉、稳”的人格精神和笔墨品质合二为1 的艺术风格。
1956年生于四川成都,原四川峨眉画院副院长。作品多次在国内外展出并获奖,其优秀作品均被日本、新加坡等国及我国香港、台湾等地区和欧美各国人士及国家收藏。1995年参加新加坡中华艺术宫主办的《当代中国画家精英》,获银奖。同年,其个人传记被载入《中国古代 书画名家人名录》。1996年在广州美术馆举办个人画展。1997年在台湾举办个人画展等,作品入编《20世纪中国古代 艺术精品集》。2000年以来前后 有作品入选全国画展和当代中国画家提名展,入编国内大型画集、画刊有《当代名家扇面图典》《当代中青年艺术家佳作选》《东方美术》《美术家》《美术界》《美述大观》《中国书画》《国画家》《水墨名家》等学术期刊及书画美术报。近年出版有《施云翔画集》、《施云翔画选》、《施云翔彩墨选》、《云翔写生作品选》、《施云翔彩墨山水画集》、《云翔书画》、《施云翔山水画技法》等。

Introduction to the artist

Research of theory of art of Tsinghua university academy of fine arts and creation of painting and calligraphy are high grind the adviser that repair a class, picture of fresh gale hall learns seminar chairman, " Chinese artist " the magazine carries out chief editor.
Compile in recent years " China draws landscape of cloud and mist of · learning music to coil " , " the landscape painting guides learn model for painting " , " a series of books of landscape ability law " wait to reach Dalian art publishing house by publishing house of art of publishing house of art of publishing house of Tianjin people art, Henan, Jiangxi early or late. " lecture of law of ability of a person of academic or artistic distinction of the traditional Chinese painting in now " already published by Fujian art publishing house. " lecture of landscape ability law " in installment serialize at " Chinese painting and calligraphy signs up for " . Paper " the image that draws by China is moralistic view " , " the conception that China draws and aesthetic thought " by art of China of ministry of income country culture academy art comments on a magazine " literary year of annals " , partial science literary works is published at the press of domestic of all kinds art.
The culture position that draws from China sets out, with " advance writing art " to already held the post of, the traditional Chinese painting in emphasizing should be scrupulouslied abide by " writing should take the place of at any time " principle, seek vigorous and firm, vast, boundless air and massiness, power be good at state, praise highly is had the artistic expression form of old scene. Advocate independence to think, exploration innovates, pursuit " thick, heavy, heavy, firm " character spirit and words tone close 2 for the artistic style of one.
Was born at Sichuan Chengdu 1956, assistant dean of imperial art academy of eyebrow of former Sichuan high mountain. Work is exhibiting domestic and internationally for many times and bear the palm, its are outstanding work all is reached by the country such as Japan, Singapore area of and other places of our country Hong Kong, Taiwan and personage of Euramerican each country and country are collected. Attended palace of Singapore China art to sponsor 1995 " elite of contemporary China painter " , win silver-colored award. Of the same age, its individual biography is record in " directory of person of a person of academic or artistic distinction of Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy " . Individual art exhibition was held in Guangzhou art gallery 1996. Individual art exhibition was held to wait in Taiwan 1997, work is entered make up " collect of high-quality goods of modern art of 20 centuries China " . There is work early or late since 2000 nomination of art exhibition of selected whole nation and contemporary China painter is exhibited, into make up collect of domestic large picture, pictorial section of a newspaper to have " graph of covering of the fan of contemporary a person of academic or artistic distinction is in charge of " " an excellent work of artist of the youth in now is chosen " " Oriental art " " artist " " art group " " the United States narrates grand sight " " Chinese painting and calligraphy " " traditional Chinese painting. Publish in recent years have " Shi Yunxiang draws volume " , " the picture chooses Shi Yunxiang " , " Chinese ink of Shi Yunxiang colour is chosen " , " sketchy work chooses Yun Xiang " , " Shi Yunxiang colour.

