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李槐之(1919.2—2007)别名果克,四川人。擅长美术编辑、美术评论。1939年四川成都复兴艺专美术系肄业,1940年赴延安鲁迅艺术文学院美术系学习。后从事部队文艺宣扬 工作,1945年后调苏皖边区工作。1952年后历任上海文艺出版社副社长、上海人民美术出版社社长、总编辑,上海画报社社长、总编辑、编审,上海大学美术学院负责人。上海美协主席团成员、顾问,中国美术家协会第四届理事。次要 论文有《红太阳照亮桥尔沟》、《艺术大师黄宾虹先生》、《笔墨当随时代》等。曾主编《上海博物馆藏画》等。

Introduction to the artist

Of Li Huai (1919.2, gram of 2007) alias fruit, sichuan person. Be good at comment of art editor, art. Sichuan Chengdu revived 1939 art only art is study in school, went to art of courtyard of literature of art of Yan'an Lu Xun to fasten study 1940. Army is engaged in after literary conduct propaganda works, su Wan border area is moved to work after 1945. President of publishing house of art of people of assistant president of Shanghai literary press, Shanghai, editor in chief is had successively held the posts of after 1952, president of Shanghai pictorial company, editor in chief, read and edit, controller of Shanghai university academy of fine arts. Shanghai is beautiful assist presidium member, advisory, chinese artist association the 4th director. Main thesis has " red sun enlightens bridge Er channel " , " artistic Great Master Mr Huang Binhong " , " writing should take the place of at any time " etc. Ever chief editor " holding of Shanghai nature science is drawn " etc.

