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刘万琪,贵州大学艺术学院教授。1935年生于四川省新津县,擅长雕塑。1956年四川美院毕业,同年分配到贵州省群众艺术馆工作。1958年下放到贵州平坝羊昌与农民同吃同住同劳动,劳动锻炼1 年多。1959年考入地方 美院雕塑研讨 班,导师刘开渠,付天仇,钱绍武。1963年毕业后回贵州省群众艺术馆工作,常年下乡搜集民间美术,少数民族挑花、刺绣、蜡染等工艺品,举办专业 美术培训班。1985年调贵州艺术专科学校任教,为贵州大学艺术学院教授、1 级美术师。获国务院有突出贡献专家特殊津贴。现为中国美术家协会会员,中国雕塑专业委员会会员。

1980年《勇士 》等作品参加地方 美术学院师生作品展,在中国香港展出大公报撰文介绍。1982年《苗女》经全国美协评选参加法国春季沙龙美展,在巴黎展出,中国美术馆收藏。同年7月,20余件作品参加中国美术馆举办《贵州民间工艺美术新作展》中国美术馆收藏作品是1 件。
2000年《5 彩世界》参加首届中国雕刻艺术节。
1992年文明 部外联局收藏作品20件送西欧四国展出。
1995年参加由文明 部组织中国雕塑家城市雕塑考察团赴巴西,阿根延,智利,哥伦比亚进行考察和学术交流。

Introduction to the artist

Liu Moqi, the institute teachs Guizhou university art. Was born at Sichuan to save new ferry county 1935, be good at sculpture. Sichuan beautiful courtyard graduated 1956, allocation of of the same age works to house of art of Guizhou Province masses. Transfer to a lower level made the same score dam sheep prosperous and farmer to eat to live to work together together together to Guizhou 1958, labor takes exercise more than one year. Took an examination of sculpture of central beautiful courtyard to study a class 1959, adviser Liu Kaiqu, fu Tianchou, qian Shaowu. Graduation hind answered job of house of art of Guizhou Province masses 1963, all the year round art of folk of collect of go to the countryside, the handicraft such as minority cross-stitch work, inwrought, wax printing, hold spare art to groom class. Schools of tone Guizhou art taught 1985, for division of art of professor of college of Guizhou university art, one class. Obtain the State Council to have outstanding contribution expert special allowance. It is Chinese artist academician now, member of committee of Chinese sculpture major.

1980 " hero " wait for work to attend work of teachers and students of central academy of fine arts to exhibit, exhibit in Chinese Hong Kong big bulletin writes civil introduction. 1982 " Miao Nv " classics throughout the country is beautiful assist spring salon beauty extends state of selection ginseng addition, exhibit in Paris, chinese art gallery is collected. Of the same age July, more than 20 work attends Chinese art gallery to hold " Guizhou folk arts and crafts is made newly exhibit " Chinese art gallery collects work is.
1983 " wintry winter " exhibit in American new York, Washington, international friend is collected.
1984 " elder brother two good " attend the 6th beauty of countrywide to exhibit the award that obtain copper, chinese art gallery is collected.
Schools of tone Guizhou art taught 1985. 1989 " mountain fastness daughter " obtain beauty of 7 whole nations to exhibit cupreous award, of the same age is obtained " Liu Kaiqu root art award " the commissioner is special award.
1989 " mountain fastness daughter " obtain beauty of 7 whole nations to exhibit cupreous award, of the same age is obtained " Liu Kaiqu root art award " the commissioner is special award.
Held in Chinese art gallery 1989 " Tian Shixin, Liu Moqi " sculpture is exhibited, showpiece work more than 40, chinese art gallery collects 6, international art and literary circles collects more than 20.
1993 " wind " " bamboo carving " attend countrywide beauty assist those who sponsor " the two sides of the Taiwan Straits " carve art communication to exhibit, exhibit in Chinese Taiwan. 1994 " roc charm " obtain beauty of the 8th whole nation to exhibit outstanding work reward.
2000 " multicoloured world " attend first China to carve artistic part.
2002 " travel stepping a song " attend sculpture of Beijing international city to exhibit, of the same age " Dashanli's story " attend western wind is in Beijing, shanghai, the urban circuit such as Chengdu exhibits.
2003 " Qiu Yun " attend art of Chinese Beijing international double year exhibit, chinese sculpture high-quality goods is exhibited, be in Beijing, the city such as Tianjin exhibits.
2 achievement reach honor
Bureau of the couplet outside culture ministry collected work 1992 20 send Western Europe Shikoku to exhibit.
1995 by countrywide beauty assist sponsorred countrywide beauty exhibits outstanding work exhibit in Taiwan of Chinese Hong Kong, China.
Attended to organize investigation group of sculpture of Chinese sculptor city to go to Brazil by culture ministry 1995, a Genyan, chile, colombia undertakes learning communicates making an on-the-spot investigation mixing.
Went to the United States to inspect urban sculpture and academic communication 1997.
Went to Belgium to attend China, Belgian contemporary sculpture to exhibit an opening ceremony along with Chinese sculptor delegacy 2004, visit France, Holand, Germany inspects urban sculpture and academic communication activity.
2006 " bore " selected plan of sculpture of Olympic Games landscape collected a contest 2008, item on display is in Beijing, tianjin, the urban circuit such as Xi'an exhibits. Of the same age " green dream " attend Guizhou Province first sculpture is exhibited obtain " crackajack contribution award " .

