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张景祜(1892,7—1967),古代 工艺家、雕塑家。字培承,天津人。九岁入私垫读书,并随同祖父张长林(泥人张第1 代),父亲张继荣、伯父张玉亭(第二代)学做彩塑。在几十年的艺术实践中,广泛吸收民间泥塑传统的特点。建国后,第三代传人张景祜前后 受聘于地方 美术学院、地方 工艺美术学院任教。同时负责在天津建立泥人张彩塑工作室,前后 招收5 批学员,为国家培养了1 大批彩塑艺术专门人才。曾任中国文联全国委员、中国美术家协会常务理事。后在地方 工艺美术学院设立泥塑工作室,培养大批雕塑和工艺美术人才,如郑于鹤,对泥塑进行新的探索。创作多以神话故事、古典名著、风俗人情等为题材,作品万余件,外型 完全 、严谨,色彩鲜明淳朴,构成 肯定确切、生动传神的艺术风格,代表作有<<惜看作画>>、<<将相和>>等。(泥人张,泛指天津张姓1 家祖孙相传的泥塑名手)。

Introduction to the artist

Zhang Jinghu (1892, 7, 1967) , modern technology home, sculptor. The word is earthed up bear, tianjin person. Mat of 9 revenue illicit reads, and Zhang Changlin of be accompanying grandfather (clay figurine piece generation) , zhang Yuting of father Zhang Jirong, uncle (the 2nd generation) learn to make painted sculpture. In artistic practice of a few years, absorb the characteristic of tradition of civilian clay sculpture extensively. After founding a state, the 3rd generation passes person Zhang Jinghu to suffer early or late hire at the center institute of the academy of fine arts, arts and crafts central teachs. Be in charge of building studio of model of clay figurine Zhang Cai in Tianjin at the same time, recruit 5 batches of student early or late, fostered large quantities of one painted sculpture for the country artistic and technical qualified personnel. Association of artist of committee member of whole nation of couplet of article of Ceng Ren China, China is standing director. Institute of centrally arts and crafts establishs clay sculpture atelier after, develop large quantities of sculpture and person with ability of arts and crafts, be like Zheng Yuhe, undertake new exploration to clay sculpture. Creative work is much wait with favor of fairy tale, classic famous work, custom for subject matter, work more than 10000, model is complete, compact, flaming honest, form the artistic style that affirms exact, vivid lifelike, masterpiece has << cherish to perceive a picture >> , << general photograph and >> etc. (Clay figurine piece, tianjin of generally refer to piece the clay sculpture a famous player that surnames according to legend of a grandparent and grandchild) 

