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吴为山 - 吴为山在指墨江山《崔如琢指墨山水

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1990至1991年在北京大学研修心思 学硕士学位课程 ,任南京师范大学雕塑教研室主任。

1996年为欧洲陶艺工作中心高级访问学者,同年应荷兰政府之邀为荷兰女王贝娅特丽克丝塑像。同年12月6日,荷兰政府举行隆重雕像交接典礼 。次年,女王的首席代表、北布拉邦省省长胡本先生专程来中国拜访吴为山,并将陈立于荷兰布瑞达博物馆的女王铜像的照片赠送于他。


1998年回国任南京大学教授,创建南京大学雕塑艺术研讨 所,为宗教学、美术学两个方向的硕士生导师。

1999年,荷兰女王访华,提出见见吴为山和他的雕塑。在“吴为山雕塑作品展”上,女王评价:“吴先生通过塑造儿童,发现并升华了童性,体现了人类对童年的1 种真实情感。吴先生所塑的老人是从万千年文明 中走出来的。”同年,南京博物院设立永世 性“吴为山文明 名人雕塑馆”。这是国家级博物馆首次建立1 个当代艺术家的陈列馆。

2000年任香港科技大学文明 讲座教授,获得首位“包玉刚杰出艺术家”荣誉。

2003年创建南京大学美术研讨 院并任首任院长、院学术委员会主任。同年作品《睡童》获英国皇家肖像雕塑家协会“攀格林奖”,成为亚洲第一名 英国肖像雕塑家协会(Member of British Society of Portrait Sculptors)和英国皇家雕塑家协会(Fellow of Royal British Society of Sculptors)成员,并在英国国家美术馆成功讲演了《中国文明 背景下我的雕塑艺术》。


2006年被评为南京市十大文明 名人、享用 国务院政府特殊津贴专家。中国美术家协会等九家单位在中国美术馆联合举办《文心铸魂——吴为山雕塑艺术展》,该展前后 巡展于长春世界雕塑公园、江苏省美术馆。创作中国国家严重 美术创作工程项目(国家文明 部项目)《聂耳》。

2007年3月任苏州大学设计艺术学方向博士生导师,兼任中国艺术研讨 院中国雕塑院院长、全国城市雕塑指点 委员会委员。同年,韩国仁济大学学位委员会颁布发表 :“鉴于吴为山教授作为一名 艺术家,通过艺术和哲学对推动人类文明 的发展所做出的杰出贡献,授予吴为山名誉哲学博士学位。”

2008年当选第十1 届全国政协委员、江苏省美术家协会副主席,并当选为全国城市雕塑艺术委员会主任 ,掌管 国家社会科学基金艺术学项目《中国古代雕塑风格研讨 》和江苏省政府重点科研项目《中国雕塑史》。作品《国家公祭纪念碑——南京大屠杀组雕》获中国城市雕塑大奖。担任“全国首届城市雕塑高层论坛暨全国城雕委新1 届艺委会全体委员大会”的学术掌管 。

2009年任中国艺术研讨 院美术研讨 所所长、中国雕塑院院长、全国城市雕塑艺术委员会主任。同年,韩国釜山建“吴为山雕塑公园”。园内陈立了《老子》、《孔子》等几十尊中韩文明 名人雕像,使得中国传统儒道思想与韩国民族文明 精神通过雕塑艺术得以穿越时空的界限进行对话。这是韩国独一 1 个为中国雕塑家专门设立的永世 性雕塑公园。同年,英国菲茨威廉博物馆收藏并陈列吴为山的《孔子》。掌管 策划了“全国城市雕塑建设指点 委员会新1 届艺委会第二次全委会”、“徐悲鸿奖· 2009宜兴中国城市雕塑大赛”等活动。作品《天人合1 ——老子》,《国家公祭纪念碑——南京大屠杀组雕》获新中国城市雕塑建设成就奖 

2010年被香港中文大学授予荣誉院士,并赞其“走在艺术发展的前沿,为雕塑开拓新视野,界定新意义”。迄今为止,吴为山是独一 一名 获此殊荣的艺术家。为诺贝尔奖获得者高锟和韩国前总理塑像,并当选为全国城市雕塑建设指点 委员会副主任兼艺术委员会主任。作品《天人合1 ——老子》、《侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆大型组雕》参加“新中国城市雕塑建设成就展”获新中国城市雕塑建设成就奖。同年赴美参加“中美文明 高层论坛”,并在大会讲演《我雕塑艺术中的文明 观》

2011年1月,所塑孔子像落成于国家博物馆新馆北广场。掌管 策划了“任重道远·中国艺术研讨 院首届艺术大展”。担任“首届南昌·中国雕塑艺术节”、“第三届全国城市雕塑高层论坛暨江西名人雕塑园开园”活动的学术

掌管 。

2012年12月,获法国美术家协会颁发的“2012卢浮宫国际美术展”雕塑金奖。当选为民盟地方 常委。


2014年12月25日,文明 部任命担任中国美术馆馆长。




十三届全国政协文明 文史和学习委员会委员,第十三届全国政协常务委员。



 吴为山,现为中国美术馆馆长,全国政协常委,全国政协教科文卫委员会委员,第十1 、十二届全国政协委员,第十1 、十二届民盟地方 常委,文明 委员会主任。中国美术家协会副主席,中国城市雕塑家协会主席,住建部全国城市雕塑建设指点 委员会副主任兼艺术委员会主任,中国艺术研讨 院中国雕塑院院长,南京大学教授、博士生导师。教育部全国艺术教育委员会副主任,教育部全国高等教育指点 委员会副主任中国文联全委会委员,全国宣扬 文明 零碎 “四个1 批人才暨文明 名家”,享用 国务院政府特殊津贴专家。













2016年获中华人民共和国国务院旧事 办公室颁发的“讲好中国故事文明 交流使者”称号,


2016年获颁乌克兰总统基金会光荣勋章、乌克兰文明 部授予吴为山“乌克兰发展勋章”,



2017年12月10日,当选为中国民主同盟第十二届地方 委员会常务委员。


吴为山不断 以挖掘和精研中国传统文明 为人生命题,弘扬和传承中华传统文明 。他长时间 努力 于中国文明 精神在中国雕塑创作中的融渗和表现,创作了大量具有影响力的雕塑,在世界多国展览并被重要博物馆收藏。他所创作的近5 百件中国文明 名人系列雕塑被季羡林等大师誉为“时代造像”,被国际评论界认为是“中国时代新精神的代表”。韩国建有“吴为山雕塑公园”,南京博物院建有“吴为山雕塑馆”,太原建有“吴为山雕塑馆”,澳门理工学院建有“吴为山雕塑馆”,南京大学建有吴为山雕塑绘画陈列厅。意大利国家博物馆、英国剑桥菲茨威廉博物馆、巴西国家博物馆、白俄罗斯国家美术馆、俄罗斯国家艺术科学院美术馆等世界著名博物馆永世 安放其作品《齐白石与达芬奇对话》《问道》《孔子》《南京大屠杀组雕稿》等,他的代表作《孔子》《孔子问道于老子》立于世界多个国家和驻外机构,如:巴黎中国文明 中心、比利时中国文明 中心、丹麦中国文明 中心、新加坡中国文明 中心、中国驻意大利使馆等。2012年,联合国秘书长潘基文撰文称赞:吴为山作品表现了全人类的灵魂。

同时,吴为山数百件雕塑立于国内重要机构及公共空间,如《国家公祭纪念碑——南京大屠杀组雕》立于侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆;《孔子》《老子》《鲁迅》《国家公祭纪念碑——南京大屠杀组雕》立于中国国家博物馆;《延安窑洞对——毛泽东黄炎培》立于地方 社会主义学院;雕塑《问道》《总设计师邓小平》立于中共地方 党校;《伟大的友谊——马克思、恩格斯》立于地方 编译局;《画家黄宾虹》立于中国国家画院;《似与不似之魂——齐白石》立于中国美术馆。  世界多个国家的公共空间立有他的雕塑作品,如:2015年韩国奥林匹克雕塑公园立有他的大型雕塑《问道》,2017年,瑞士洛桑国际奥委会总部立有他的新作《浅笑 的顾拜旦》,《伟大的行者——马克思》将立于马克思故乡德国特里尔。

吴为山首创中国古代 写意雕塑之风,提出“写意雕塑”理论和“中国雕塑八大风格论”,全面总结中国雕塑优秀传统,对中国雕塑当下创作的发展方向起到极大的引领作用。




1. 当选为乌克兰国家艺术科学院外籍院士,2017年。

2. 获颁“国际奥委会主席奖”(在国际奥委会总部由巴赫主席亲自颁发),2017年。

3. 获颁乌克兰总统基金会光荣勋章、乌克兰文明 部授予吴为山“乌克兰发展勋章”,2016年。

4. 获颁俄罗斯艺术科学院最高金质奖章、俄罗斯艺术科学院荣誉院士、俄罗斯赫尔岑国立师范大学荣誉正博士、俄罗斯列宾美术学院荣誉教授,2016年。(这是艺术科学院建院260年来首次将这两项殊荣同时授予一名 境外艺术家)

5. 获美国洛克菲勒“RRC首届中国艺术年度人物”,2014年

6. 法国美术家协会授予“2012法国卢浮宫国际美术展”独一 雕塑金奖,2012年(系该奖设立122年以来中国艺术家首获此奖)。

7. 2003年作品《睡童》获英国皇家“攀格林奖”.(Pangolin Prize)(系该奖设立50年以来,首位亚洲艺术家获得此奖)

8. “斯洛伐克驻华大使特别奖”,2012年。

9. “尼泊尔文明 部长奖”,2012年。

10. “中日友谊交流贡献奖”,2010年。

11. 被授予韩国仁济大学名誉哲学博士,2007年,(韩国仁济大学学位委员会颁布发表 :“鉴于吴为山教授作为一名 艺术家,通过艺术和哲学对推动人类文明 的发展所做出的杰出贡献,授予吴为山名誉哲学博士学位)。



1.获中华人民共和国国务院旧事 办公室颁发的“讲好中国故事文明 交流使者”称号,2016年。




5.获“新中国城市雕塑建设成就奖”。获奖作品分别为“侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆扩建工程组雕”和大型雕塑《天人合1 ——老子》(18米高),2009年。


7.获江苏省“2012中华人物奖” ,2012年。




11.当选为中共地方 宣扬 部全国宣扬 文明 零碎 “四个1 批暨文明 名家”人才,2008年。



14.被中共江苏省委组织部评为江苏省“333工程领军人物” ,2007年。

15.被中共江苏省委宣扬 部确定为“5 个1 批”人才,2007年5月。


17.当选为首届“南京市十大文明 名人”,2006年。












2.在法国巴黎中国文明 及第 办“心灵对话——吴为山、克罗德·阿巴吉雕塑展”,2014年。(克罗德·阿巴吉是法兰西学院主席、毕生 院士。中法两位当代杰出艺术家联展,列入中法建交50周年的重要文明 交流项目,它标志着中国雕塑家的国际地位和文明 影响力,该展由中华人民共和国文明 部主办) [21] 

3.意大利国家博物馆罗马威尼斯宫举办“文心铸魂——吴为山雕塑艺术国际巡展·意大利罗马威尼斯宫展” 2012年。(威尼斯宫享有“文艺复兴圣殿”的美誉,历来只迎接最具影响力与创造力的艺术家。这是中国雕塑家的作品首次走进威尼斯宫。该展由中华人民共和国文明 部、意大利文明 遗产与活动部和 中国驻意大利大使馆共同主办。时任全国政协主席贾庆林在罗马参观该展览) [22] 

4.美国纽约联合国总部举办“文心铸魂——吴为山雕塑艺术国际巡展·联合国特展”,2012年。(该展由中华人民共和国文明 部、中国驻联合国常驻代表团共同主办,联合国秘书长潘基文出席开幕式并讲话) [23] 










3.奥林匹克美术大会(巴西 里约热内卢,2016年)

4.梦笔新境——中国新加坡艺术展(新加坡中国文明 中心,2015年)





9.韩国奥林匹克雕塑公园亚洲雕塑约请 展(2013年)

10.法国巴黎“冬季沙沙龙展”(巴黎 Montreuil会议中心,2013年)


12.奥林匹克美术大会(英国 伦敦,2012年)


14.加拿大第七届国际艺术展( 2003年)






1.《塑魂鉴史——吴为山创作侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆扩建工程主题雕塑展》(中国国家博物馆,2014年) [10] 




5.《文心铸魂——吴为山雕塑艺术展》(中国美术馆展出,中国美术家协会、中国美术馆、中共江苏省委宣扬 部、南京大学等单位主办,2006年)






11.《吴为山绘画展》(台湾地方 大学,2000年)



Introduction in English

 Wu Weishan, born in January 1962, is a Han nationality, a political figure of the People's Republic of China and a member of the 11th CPPCC National Committee. He joined the China Democratic League and served as a member of the Central Committee of the Democratic League and vice-director of the Central Committee on Cultural Work of the League. In 2008, he was elected member of the 11th CPPCC National Committee, representing the cultural and artistic circles, and was divided into the 28th group. He is currently a member of the CPPCC National Committee, director of the Institute of Fine Arts of the Chinese Academy of Art, president of the Chinese Academy of Sculpture, deputy director of the National Urban Sculpture Construction Steering Committee and director of the Arts Committee, president and professor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Nanjing University. Doctoral supervisors in the fields of fine arts and design arts shall enjoy special allowances from the Government of the State Council.


Personal Resume


Graduated from Wuxi Arts and Crafts School in 1981, majoring in sculpture.


He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of Nanjing Normal University in 1987 and remained as a teacher.


From 1990 to 1991, he studied the master's degree course in psychology at Peking University and was appointed Director of Sculpture Teaching and Research Department of Nanjing Normal University.


In 1996, he was a senior visiting scholar of the European Ceramic Work Center. In the same year, he was invited by the Dutch government to be the statue of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. On 6 December of the same year, the Dutch government held a solemn handover ceremony of statues. The following year, Mr. Hu Ben, the chief representative of the Queen and governor of North Brabang Province, visited Wu Weishan in China and presented him with a picture of the bronze statue of the Queen, which was displayed at the Breta Museum in the Netherlands.


From 1997 to 1998, he was a senior visiting scholar at the School of Fine Arts, University of Washington, USA.


In 1998, he returned to Nanjing University as a professor and founded the Institute of Sculpture Art of Nanjing University. He was a tutor of master's degree students in both religious and art fields.


In 1999, the Queen of the Netherlands visited China and offered to meet Wu Weishan and his sculptures. In the "Wu Weishan Sculpture Exhibition", the Queen commented: "Mr. Wu found and sublimated childhood through shaping children, reflecting a real human feeling for childhood. Mr. Wu's old man has come out of thousands of years of culture. In the same year, the Nanjing Museum established a permanent "Wuweishan Cultural Celebrity Sculpture Museum". This is the first time that a National Museum has established a museum for contemporary artists.


In 2000, he was professor of culture at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and won the first honor of "outstanding artist Bao Yugang".


In 2003, he founded the Academy of Fine Arts of Nanjing University and served as the first Dean and director of the Academic Committee of the Academy. In the same year, Sleeping Boy won the Royal Association of Portrait Sculptors Panglin Award, becoming the first member of the British Society of Portrait Sculptors in Asia and a member of the Royal Society of Sculptors in the United Kingdom, as well as the National Gallery of Art in the United Kingdom. Successfully delivered My Sculpture Art in the Context of Chinese Culture.


In 2005, he was invited to hold Wu Weishan Sculpture and Painting Exhibition at Youfu Gallery, Tokyo, Japan. The Yangzhou Museum and the Yangzhou Museum of Chinese Sculpture created by Li Wu Weishan are large sculptures such as Shi Kefa and Zhu Ziqing.

In 2006, he was named the top ten cultural celebrities in Nanjing and an expert enjoying special allowances from the State Council. Nine units, such as the Chinese Artists Association, jointly organized the Wuweishan Sculpture Art Exhibition, which was held in the Chinese Art Museum. The exhibition has been exhibited in Changchun World Sculpture Park and Jiangsu Art Museum successively. Create the National Major Art Creation Project of China (the project of the Ministry of Culture), "Nie Er".


In March 2007, he was a doctoral tutor in the direction of design art of Suzhou University, and also the president of China Sculpture Institute of China Art Research Institute, and a member of the National Urban Sculpture Steering Committee. In the same year, the Degree Committee of Renji University of Korea announced that "Professor Wu Weishan was awarded an honorary Ph.D. degree in Philosophy in view of his outstanding contribution to the development of human culture through art and philosophy as an artist."


In 2008, he was elected member of the 11th CPPCC National Committee and vice-chairman of Jiangsu Artists Association. He was also elected director of the National Urban Sculpture Art Committee. He presided over the National Social Science Foundation Art Project "Research on the Style of Ancient Chinese Sculpture" and Jiangsu Province Government Key Scientific Research Project "History of Chinese Sculpture". The work "National Monument to the Holocaust in Nanjing" won the Chinese City Sculpture Award. He served as the academic chairman of the First National Urban Sculpture Forum and the New General Assembly of the Arts Committee of the National Urban Sculpture Commission.


In 2009, he served as the director of the Institute of Fine Arts of the Chinese Academy of Art, the president of the Chinese Academy of Sculpture and the director of the National Urban Sculpture Art Committee. In the same year, Wu Weishan Sculpture Park was built in Busan, South Korea. Dozens of statues of Chinese and Korean cultural celebrities such as Lao Tzu and Confucius were erected in the garden, which enabled Chinese traditional Confucianism and Taoism to have a dialogue with Korean national cultural spirit through sculpture art across the boundaries of time and space. This is the only permanent Sculpture Park in Korea dedicated to Chinese sculptors. In the same year, the Fitzwilliam Museum in England collected and displayed Wu Weishan's Confucius. He presided over and planned the activities of the Second Plenary Committee of the New National Urban Sculpture Construction Steering Committee and the Xu Beihong Prize 2009 Yixing Chinese Urban Sculpture Competition. His works "Harmony of Heaven and Man - Laozi" and "National Monument to Sacrifice - Nanjing Massacre Group Sculpture" won the New China Urban Sculpture Construction Achievement Award.


In 2010, he was awarded honorary academician by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and praised him for "walking in the forefront of art development, opening up new horizons for sculpture and defining new meanings". So far, Wu Weishan is the only artist who has won this honor. The statues of Nobel Prize winner Gao Rong and former Prime Minister of Korea were selected as Vice Director and Director of the National Urban Sculpture Construction Steering Committee. His works "Harmony of Heaven and Man - Laozi" and "Large Group Sculpture of the Memorial Hall for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre of the Japanese invaders" participated in the "New China City Sculpture Construction Achievement Exhibition" and won the New China City Sculpture Construction Achievement Award. In the same year, he went to the United States to attend the "High-level Forum on Chinese and American Culture" and delivered a speech on "Cultural Views in My Sculpture Art" at the conference.

In January 2011, the statue of Confucius was completed in the North Square of the New Museum of the National Museum. He presided over and planned the First Art Exhibition of the Chinese Academy of Art, which has a long way to go. Academic Activities of the First Nanchang China Sculpture Art Festival, the Third National Urban Sculpture Forum and the Opening of Jiangxi Celebrity Sculpture Park




In December 2012, he was awarded the Gold Prize of Sculpture at the 2012 Louvre International Art Exhibition by the French Artists Association. Elected to the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Democratic League of China.


On November 27, 2013, he was elected Vice President of China Artists Association.


On December 25, 2014, the Ministry of Culture appointed the curator of the Chinese Art Museum.


In September 2015, the Ministry of Publicity, the Chinese Federation and the Ministry of People's Society awarded the title of "the fourth national young and middle-aged literary and artistic workers of virtue and art".


On December 3, 2015, he was awarded the honorary doctorate in literature of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


On May 14, 2016, he was a part-time professor of Peking University.


Member of the 13th CPPCC Committee on Culture, Culture, History and Learning, and Standing Member of the 13th CPPCC.


On December 24, 2018, Vice President of China Artists Association.

