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王澎(1930.8—2005.12)原名王鸿文,别名雨行,天津武清人。擅长雕塑。1948年入国立北平艺专,1952年毕业于地方 美术学院,后在雕塑训练班学习。1958年地方 美院研讨 生毕业后留校任教,副教授。曾参加天安门《人民英雄纪念碑》、《毛主席纪念堂》雕塑工作。作品有《武工队员》、《老农》等。1990年离休。王澎同志为中国美术家协会会员、中国雕塑家协会会员、中国书法家协会会员、地方 美术学院副教授,2005年12月19日因病抢救有效 ,在北京逝世,享年75岁。
王澎。男,曾用名黄沙。青年作家、诗人。生于1975年9月,陕西省彬县人。1993年开始发表作品。著有诗集《叩问心灵》(1998年)、《面具》(2008年)等。有诗歌、评论、散文等散见于《诗选刊》、《诗歌月刊》、《古诗 大观》、《星星》、《诗刊》、《美文》、《文明 艺术报》、《写作导报》、《前卫报》、《济南时报》、《蒙自文艺》等报刊媒体和 网络。其诗歌作品多以第三人称出现,诗句冷竣,语境冰冷,常以游移的伤感笔调抒写1 个个飘忽不定的、半真半幻的内心世界,从而反映出时代发展过程中的种种人文失落,在必然 程度上做到了对于商品时代的文学价值审美的1 种“反向性”的思考,同时也使诗歌的审美达到了1 个哲学的层面。
生命,本来 就只是1 段有意 义的行程,人们却都在渴望和幻想着“永久 ”!我也如此,就开始了写作!
从表征上讲,“灵感”永久 是滞后的。它之所以会超前,是由于 我们没法 确定它的下1 目标和方向
在“有意 义的行程”当中 ,我们寻求 “永久 ”的努力方式和选择究竟会有多少才能真正成为算得上的“成心 义”和“有价值”?而事实上,真实的 属于我们本身 的“选择”究竟会有多少?即便就是我们做出了“选择”与“努力”,我们的“命运之花”就必然 会灿然而放?
选择本身是1 种痛,绽放也是1 种痛,最初 的结果中也肯定还会有痛存在!这类 “痛”愈深,对于“美”与“快乐”的期望和呼唤就愈强烈,生命的“意义”也就在于这类 “痛”与“快乐”交替的“行程”当中 !正由于 人们从已 是过去时的“选择”中或多或少的尝到了“苦”和“甜”,就对这“选择”有了或深或浅的记忆,使得灵魂总固守和遗留在那1 个个的“叉口”,境遇和思绪1 但接近和抵达,许多往事就1 下子旺盛起来,那些记忆的痕迹也就更为的清晰和深刻,我们仿佛又找到了本身 的灵魂!
对于这些枝末细节、所谓的“痛”的表达与倾诉,我让她成为1 首首或沉重、或轻盈的诗歌,展现 和绽放的不仅仅只是我个人的内心,还有我看到和晓得 的1 切关于生活、存在和 选择的形而上的理解与共鸣!
从十多年前我的诗集《最初 的先锋》出版事宜搁浅以后 ,我也因“生存角色”的数次改变而1 度冷落诗歌,1 面忙于生活琐事,1 面从事其它体裁的写作。1 段很长的时间过去以后 ,我还是发现我离不开诗歌,离不开这个对于我来说“绝对灵魂”1 样的情势 存在。
当然,也非常感激那段时期的“冷落”和“选择”。许多朋友赠寄来本身 “待出”或“已出”的集子,或校订 、或写评、或交流,1 种“局外人”的角色让我产生了许多从前不曾 有过的新颖 认识 和特殊审美!放弃矜持,静心的学习更为宽泛、更加多样的诗歌、哲学思想和理论,与此同时,本身 也找到了对于本身 诗歌创作的新构架——“没有灵感时必须有激情;没有激情时必须有哲理”。“冷落的痛”蝶变为1 种自然而然的喜悦………

Introduction to the artist

Wang Peng (1930.8, article of grand of king of 2005.12) original name, alias rain goes, tianjin fierce clear person. Be good at sculpture. Made the same score into national north 1948 art only, was graduated from central academy of fine arts 1952, learn in sculpture training class after. After beautiful courtyard graduate student graduates in the center of 1958, stay school teach, associate professor. Ceng Can adds Tian An Men " people hero is monumental " , " Chairman Mao memorial hall " sculpture works. Work has " team member of skill in acrobatics in Chinese opera " , " old farmer " etc. Retired 1990. Comrade Wang Peng is associate professor of academician of calligrapher of Chinese artist academician, Chinese sculptor academician, China, central academy of fine arts, on December 19, 2005 due to illness rescue is invalid, die in Beijing, die at the age of is 75 years old.
Wang Peng. Male, ever used a Huang Sha. Young writer, poet. Was born in September 1975, shaanxi saves Bin county person. Began to publish work 1993. have peotry anthology " make inquiries heart " (1998) , " mask " (2008) etc. Poetry, comment, essay waits medicinal powder see at " anthology print " , " poetry monthly magazine " , " grand sight of free verse written in a vernacular " , " star " , " poetic print " , " beautiful article " , " culture art signs up for " , " compose a gazette " , " . Its poetry work appears with the 3rd person more, line cold complete, words condition is frozen, constant the sentimental style describe with vacillate of each rove, half true the inner world of half unreal, mirror a variety of humanitarian lose in giving a times to develop a process thereby, one aesthetic to the literary value of commodity times kind is accomplished on certain level " retrorse sex " think, also make at the same time of poetry aesthetic the level that reached a philosophy.
The trace of the choice (king splash work) -- peotry anthology " mask " author's preface
Life, it is a paragraph of insignificant journey only originally, people is worn in longing and illusion however " lasting " ! I am such also, began writing!
Tell from token, "Inspirational " be lag forever. It is met lead, because we cannot determine its below one target and direction,be!
Be in " insignificant journey " in, are we gone after " lasting " hard how many ability can means and choice have to be become truly after all calculate those who go up " significant " and " valuable " ? And in fact, belong to ourselves truly " choice " how many can you have after all? Even if is we were made " choose " with " hard " , our " the flower of the destiny " is Can of regular meeting put however?
Choosing itself is a kind painful, blossomming also is a kind painful, still also meet for certain in final result have painful presence! This kind " painful " more deep, to " beautiful " with " happy " expect and call heal intense, of life " meaning " also depend on this planting " painful " with " happy " alternant " the journey " in! because of people from had been in the past when " choose " in more or less savor " suffering " and " sweet " , right this " choose " had or deep or shallow memory, make the soul always adherence be in with bequeath each " forked mouth " , circumstances and feeling one but be close to and arrive at, a lot of pasts at a draught exuberant rise, the trace of those memory also more clarity and profundity, we ased if to find our soul again!
Detail, so called to these branch end " painful " expression and pour out, I let she becomes first one or heavy, or lightsome poetry, the is my individual only not just heart that reveal and blossoms, still have all about the life, existence and choice superorganic that I see and know understanding and resonance!
From my peotry anthology more than 10 years ago " final pioneer " after publication matters concerned is hard and fast, I also because of " live part " be changed several times and for a time desolate poetry, busy at the same time life bagatelle, be engaged in the writing with stylistic other at the same time. After a paragraph of very long time goes, I still discover I cannot leave poetry, cannot leave this to me " very soul " same form exists.
Of course, also be very obliged of that paragraph of period " desolate " and " choice " . A lot of friends give send oneself " wait for piece " or " already went out " anthology, or proofread, or write judge, or communication, one kind " outsider " the part let me arise a lot of fresh consciousness that have not had had once upon a time and special and aesthetic! Abandon missish, thought of the poetry with the more more wide extensive, diversiform study of static heart, philosophy and theory, meanwhile, oneself also found the new structural frame that to oneself poetry produces -- " there must be intense emotion when doing not have inspiration; There must be philosophic theory when doing not have passion " . "Desolate painful " butterfly turn into a kind of automatical joyance... ...

