郑叔方,(1941年3月—)生于浙江宁波,中国美术家协会理事、中国版画家协会常务理事,北京美术家协会副主席,北京市文联理事,中国藏书票研讨 会常务理事,中国美协水彩画艺术委员会副主任。擅国画、版画,国画创作在继承传统的基础上善于吸收版画、油画的表现技法,使作品既保持中国画的笔墨特点,又使画面意境深远,富有新意。
现为北京市美术家协会副主席,北京市文联理事,中国藏书票研讨 会常务理事,中国美协水彩画艺术委员会副主任。中国美术家协会理事、中国版画家协会常务理事。1959年于宁波第1 中学毕业后考入地方 美术学院版画系,1964年毕业到新华社从事美术工作。曾在北京文艺编辑部工作。郑叔方创作的中国画,水墨淋漓,清新淡雅,并吸收其它画种的表现手法,使人耳目1 新。国画创作在继承传统的基础上善于吸收版画、油画的表现技法,使作品既保持中国画的笔墨特点,又使画面意境深远,富有新意。
三十余年来,创作大量的水彩画,中国画作品,并多次参加国内外展出。作品被中国美术馆、天安门及其它博物馆收藏。黑白木刻《南国春早》为中国美术馆收藏,套色木刻《火车来到咱山村》为天津艺术博物馆收藏,中国画《江南水乡》获“中华杯”中国画大奖赛三等奖。作品入选《美术》《中国书画》《人民日报》《当代著名中国画家作品选》、《中南海收藏 书画集》、《中国当代书画选》等画册。曾赴新加坡、韩国、芬兰举办画展。1994年应丹麦科伊博物馆的约请 ,赴丹麦举办画展。
Zheng Shufang, (in March 1941, ) be born at Zhejiang Ning Bo, association of home of woodcut of director of Chinese artist association, China is standing director, vice-chairman of Beijing artist association, director of Beijing article couplet, china collects books ticket seminar is standing director, china is beautiful assist vice director of aquarelle art council. Traditional Chinese painting of arrogate to oneself, woodcut, creation of traditional Chinese painting is good at absorbing the expressional ability law of woodcut, canvas on the foundation of successive tradition, make work maintains the writing characteristic that China draws already, make picture artistic conception far-reaching again, be full of new idea.
It is vice-chairman of Beijing artist association now, director of Beijing article couplet, china collects books ticket seminar is standing director, china is beautiful assist vice director of aquarelle art council. Association of home of woodcut of director of Chinese artist association, China is standing director. After one middle school graduates, Yuningbodi took an examination of woodcut of the academy of fine arts central to fasten 1959, graduation pursued art job to Xinhua News Agency 1964. Ever worked in Beijing literary editorial office. The China that Zheng Shufang creates is drawn, dripping wet of water Chinese ink, pure and fresh quietly elegant, absorb other to draw planted expressional gimmick, make the person finds everything new and fresh. Creation of traditional Chinese painting is good at absorbing the expressional ability law of woodcut, canvas on the foundation of successive tradition, make work maintains the writing characteristic that China draws already, make picture artistic conception far-reaching again, be full of new idea.
Come more than 30 years, create many aquarelle, china draws work, attend to exhibit domestic and internationally for many times. Work is collected by Chinese art gallery, Tian An Men and other museum. Black and white woodcarving " austral spring early " collect for Chinese art gallery, colored woodcut " the train comes our village " for Tianjin art museum is collected, china is drawn " Changjiang Delta a region of rivers and lakes " obtain " China cup " award of third class of competition of Chinese picture large award. Work is selected " art " " Chinese painting and calligraphy " " People's Daily " " work of artist of contemporary and famous China is chosen " , " medium collect of painting and calligraphy of Nanhai collect carefully " , " Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy is chosen. Ceng Fuxin adds slope, Korea, Finland to hold art exhibition. Answered 1994 of museum of Danish division Yi invite, go to Denmark to hold art exhibition.