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中国著名版画家、水彩画家藏书票画家。河北沧州人。自学绘画,曾受著名版画家李桦古元等指点 。1971年起前后 在大港油田、华北油田文化宫从事美术创作、辅导、组织工作。1987年获河北省自学成材者称号。1991年—1992年在地方 美术学院版画系专业学习。1993年3月调入北京北辰广告公司。
中国美术家协会会员、中国版画家协会会员、中国藏书票艺委会委员、北京美协会员、北京水彩画会员。国家1 级美术师。九十年代被中国古代 文明 学会授予“世界铜奖艺术家”称号。
作品前后 选送到日本、德国、加拿大、美国、荷兰、意大利、新加坡、韩国、英国等十几个国家及香港、台湾两地区展出。很多作品被国内外博物馆、美术馆及国内外艺术爱好者收藏。老1 辈著名版画家们对他的作品给予很高的评价;在日本展出时,他的版画新作颇受日本各界观众高度评价。一名 日本著名艺术评论家尾崎文惠女士盛赞他的新型版画“是对国际版画新品种的创新和可贵的贡献。”
画家出版有《杨忠义版画集》,作品载入《中国版画家新作集》、《河北风景画集》、《中国古代 版画集》、《第四届全国水彩粉画展作品集》、《全国第九届美术作品展·水彩粉画集》、《全国第九届美术作品展·版画集》、《1979-1999中国优秀版画家作品集》、《中国版画百年回顾展画集》等多部大型文献性画册。成就载入《中国美术家大辞典》、《中国美术年鉴》、《世界华人艺术家成就博览大典》《美术内参》等。

Introduction to the artist

Painter of Chinese famous edition, watercolour painter? Collect books ticket painter. Person of city of Heibei dark blue. Self-study is painterly, ever sufferred Li Hua of famous woodcut home, Gu Yuan to wait for guidance. Be in early or late since 1971 palace of culture of big harbor oil field, China north oil field is engaged in art creation, coach, the organization works. Obtained Heibei to omit name of the person that self-study becomes a useful person 1987. 1991, woodcut of centrally academy of fine arts fastened major study 1992. Transferred into in March 1993 firm of ad of Beijing north celestial bodies. 
Academician of Chinese artist academician, Chinese edition painter, China collects books ticket art appoint conference committee member, Beijing is beautiful assist member, Beijing aquarelle member. Country division of one class art. 90 time can be awarded by chemistry of Chinese contemporary article " artist of world copper award " title.  
It is large and important that work attends domestic international art exhibition more than 120 second. Had obtained meridian art to communicate a center gold prize, " woodcut world " world of Lu Xun award, Tokyo collects books the ticket exhibits contributive pot, whole nation to collect books the 6th times greatly the ticket exhibits gold prize and Chinese woodcut domestic association awards " 1979 - home of 1999 China fine print. ?
Work is chosen early or late send ten countries such as Japan, Germany, Canada, United States, Holand, Italy, Singapore, Korea, England and Hong Kong, Taiwan two areas showpiece. A lot of work are collected by domestic and international museum, art gallery and domestic and international artistic lover. Famous edition painters are opposite older generation his work gives very high opinion; When Japan exhibits, his woodcut is made newly get opinion of height of audience of Japanese all circles quite. A Japan is famous and artistic highly praise of essayist end Qi Ms. Wen Hui his new-style woodcut " the innovation that is new to international woodcut breed and commendable contribution. A Japan is famous and artistic highly praise of essayist end Qi Ms. Wen Hui his new-style woodcut " the innovation that is new to international woodcut breed and commendable contribution..
The painter is published have " collect of Yang Zhongyi woodcut " , work loads " Chinese edition painter makes part newly " , " Heibei landscape collect " , " collect of Chinese contemporary woodcut " , " collect of work of art exhibition of pink of watercolour of the 4th whole nation " , " work of the 9th art of countrywide exhibits · watercolour. Achievement loads " Chinese artist big dictionary " , " Chinese art almanac " , " achievement of world Chinese artist reads extensively grand ceremony " " the ginseng inside art " etc.

