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谭华牧 - 谭华牧和他的绘画

2022-03-11 17:34:08 3595




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谭华牧(1895-1976),广东台山人。1919年考入日本东京美术学校西洋画科,1924年取得毕业资历 。回国初期,曾与留日同学何三峰、陈士洁在广州创办私立“主潮美术学校”。民国年间,历任上海艺术大学西画系主任兼教授、上海新华艺术大学及上海美术专科学校教授、广州市立美术学校教务主任兼西画系主任,广州沦陷,流亡澳门。抗克服 利后任广东省立艺术专科学校美术科教授。四十年代末期重赴澳门从事美术活动,曾任澳门美术研讨 会名誉副会长。1956年返回广州定居,同年加入中国美术家协会广东分会。1959年开始成为在编广东画院画家。油画《春耕》由中国美术馆收藏。
画展开幕2008年3月,谭华牧油画展在广东美术馆开幕。共展出油画作品60余件,素描、水彩百余幅。展出至9月9日。谭华牧(1895—1976)毕业于日本国立东京美术学校西画科。前后 任上海艺术大学教授兼西画系主任,上海中华艺专、上海新华艺专、上海美专教授,广州市立美术学校教授兼西画科主任,广东省立艺专教授兼美术科主任。其画作稚拙、天真,受野兽派影响较深,八大山人对其画风也有必然 的影响。

Introduction to the artist

Tan Hua Mu (1895-1976) , person of Guangdong stage hill. Studied family of picture of West of school of Japanese Tokyo art 1919, gained graduation competence 1924. Go back to the motherland earlier, ever established in Guangzhou with He Sanfeng of classmate taking day, Chen Shijie private " advocate wet art school " . The Republic of China year, have successively held the posts of Shanghai art the university draws department head to hold professor, Shanghai concurrently on the west city of university of Xin Huayi art and professor of Shanghai art training school, Guangzhou establishs director of art school educational administration to hold concurrently the picture is a director on the west, guangzhou falls into enemy hands, exiled Macao. Division of art of provincial and artistic schools teachs Guangdong of successor of victory of war of resistance against aggression. 40 time evening goes to Macao to undertake art activity again, ever held the post of vice-chairman of reputation of Macao art seminar. Returned Guangzhou to settle 1956, of the same age adds branch of Guangdong of Chinese artist association. Began to become 1959 booking artist of Guangdong imperial art academy. Canvas " spring ploughing " collect by Chinese art gallery.
Art exhibition kicks off in March 2008, oily art exhibition of Tan China herd kicks off in Guangdong art gallery. Exhibit in all canvas work more than 60, sketch, watercolour more than 100. Come showpiece on September 9. Tan Hua Mu (1895, 1976) be graduated from Japan school of national Tokyo art is drawn on the west division. Hold the post of professor of Shanghai artistic college to hold concurrently early or late the picture is a director on the west, shanghai China art only, Shanghai Xin Huayi only, Shanghai beauty is taught only, guangzhou city establishs art school professor to hold concurrently division director is drawn on the west, guangdong provincial art teach only hold art division director concurrently. Its draw childish clumsy, innocent, suffer fauvism the influence is more profound, person of 8 big hill draws wind to also have certain effect to its.

