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梁玉龙,1922年出生,湖南长沙人。1947年南京国立地方 大学艺术系毕业;1949年6月参加上海美协组织部工作;1949年9月应徐悲鸿之邀赴北京协助田汉领导的戏曲改革美术工作;1950年前后 任地方 美术学院油画系助教、讲师、副教授、教授;1951年任吴作人助教;1963年地方 美术学院教师油画研讨 班毕业;1952至1964年前后 兼任地方 工艺美术学院、地方 戏剧学院、北京电影学院等校教学。

梁玉龙先生多次在国内外举办展览,如1988年中国美术家协会、地方 美术学院联合举办《梁玉龙画展》在中国美术馆展出;1988年受巴西圣保罗利斯达画廊之邀赴巴西举办个展;1988年受美国纽约苏荷ARIEL画廊之邀赴美举办个展;1988年赴法国巴黎参观、访问、考察;1995年参加文明 部中国艺术博览会举办个展;1999年参加老教授协会画展;1999年在上海,由中共上海市委宣扬 部、中国美术家协会联合主办“地方 美术学院教授张德华梁玉龙联合美展”;2000年由中国美术家协会、地方 美术学院、中国老教授协会文艺专业委员会、中国国际友人研讨 会、中国雕塑学会、中国美术馆主办“地方 美术学院教授张德化、梁玉龙联合美展”。

梁玉龙先生代表作品:《李大钊》由首都博物馆收藏;《卖唱》、《李欧丽格教授》、《三老图》、《少女黄花》由中国美术馆收藏;《马海德大夫》、《作家路易.艾黎》、《友谊》由北京美术家协会收藏;《献血》由中国革命博物馆收藏;著作有《油画色彩成绩 》、《素描教学50例》、《梁玉龙油画》等。

Introduction to the artist

Liang Yulong, was born 1922, hunan Changsha person. Nanjing is national 1947 central university art fastens graduation; Attended Shanghai beauty in June 1949 assist constituent ministry works; Answered in September 1949 of Xu Beihong invite the opera that goes to Beijing to assist Tian Han to lead to reform art to work; Held the post of canvas of the academy of fine arts central to fasten assistant, instructor, associate professor, professor early or late 1950; Ren Wu made person assistant 1951; Canvas of teacher of academy of fine arts studies the class graduates in the center of 1963; 1952 come to held the school teacher and student such as institute of central arts and crafts, central Thespian institute, Beijing film institute part-time early or late 1964.

Mr Liang Yulong is holding an exhibition domestic and internationally for many times, if Chinese artist association, central academy of fine arts was held jointly 1988 " art exhibition of bridge jade dragon " exhibit in Chinese art gallery; Sufferred what Brazilian emperor Paul protects gallery of benefit Si Da to invite 1988 go to Brazil to hold exhibit; Sufferred gallery of ARIEL of Su He of American new York 1988 invite go to the United States to hold exhibit; Went to French Paris to look around 1988, visit, make an on-the-spot investigation; Attended artistic exposition of culture ministry China to hold 1995 exhibit; Entered art exhibition of old professor association 1999; Was in Shanghai 1999, publicize association of artist of ministry, China to be sponsorred jointly by municipal Party committee of Shanghai of the Communist Party of China " Zhang Dehua of professor of central academy of fine arts, Liang Yulong combines the United States to exhibit " ; Often taught association by Chinese artist association, central academy of fine arts, China 2000 art gallery of meeting, China sponsors sculptor of seminar of friend of literary and professional committee, China International, China " Zhang De of professor of the academy of fine arts central is changed, Liang Yulong combines the United States to exhibit " .

Mr Liang Yulong represents work: " Li Dazhao " collect by capital museum; " sing for a living " , " Lioulige is taught " , " 3 old plans " , " girl chrysanthemum " collect by Chinese art gallery; " Dr Ma Haide " , " writer Louie. Ai Li " , " friendship " collect by Beijing artist association; " donate blood " collect by Chinese revolution museum; Composing has " canvas colour problem " , " sketch education 50 " , " Liang Yulong canvas " etc.

