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(1937-)上海人。1957年毕业于地方 美术学院附中。1962年毕业于地方 美术学院油画系,同年调到中国人民解放军海军政治部创作室。现为中国美术家协会会员,国家1 级美术师。
1964年,《返航》《传经》参加第三界全军美展,后者被军博收藏。1968年,创作《击沈太平号》后参加全军美展。1969年,《首次海战》参加建军50周年美展。1975年,《人若犯我,我必犯人》入选第六届全国美展并多次出版。1977年,多件作品参加建军50周年展。1979年,《爱海洋》参加建国30周年北京市美展并获二等奖,84年被评为部队优秀作品,参加全国美展,多次发表。1980年,《太平军胜利进军图》历史博物馆收藏,入选雅片 和平 150周年美展。1981年,《爱岛》《火红的军旅》入选建军60周年全国美展。1982年,《瑞雪》入选全国美展。1984年,《晚风》赴东京参加‘中国古代 美术家展’。1991年,参加当代画廊举办的‘5 人画展’《童年的梦》为美术馆收藏。1994年,《老人与羊》《海》入选第八届全军美展。1995年,应巴基斯坦海军约请 ,赴巴进行创作活动。1996年,《检阅》参加海军美展,获1997年度海军金锚文艺创做美 术特别奖;1997年此作品入选全军美展,获第六届中国人民解放军文艺奖;1999年,参加第九届全国美术作品展览,获银奖。1998年,《海》《南海蓝鲸》《西沙海战》参加海军建军50周年美展。

Introduction to the artist

(1937- ) Shanghai person. Was graduated from attached middle school of central academy of fine arts 1957. Was graduated from department of canvas of central academy of fine arts 1962, attune of of the same age controls a creation chamber to stratocracy of sea of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. It is Chinese artist academician now, country division of one class art.
1964, " return to base " " pass classics " attend beauty of horse and foot of the 3rd bound to exhibit, latter is collected by army rich. 1968, creation " date of the peace and tranquility that attack Shenyang " hind attend beauty of horse and foot to exhibit. 1969, " first naval battle " attend found an army 50 years the United States is exhibited. 1975, " if the person makes me, I need convict " selected beauty of the 6th whole nation is exhibited and publish for many times. 1977, many work attends found an army 50 years to exhibit. 1979, " love is marine " attend found a state 30 years to Beijing beauty is exhibited and win second-class award, be judged 84 years to be army outstanding work, attend countrywide beauty to exhibit, publish for many times. 1980, " victory of army of peace and tranquility marchs graph " historical museum is collected, 150 years of beauty exhibit selected the Opium War. 1981, " love island " " fiery army brigade " selected found an army 60 years countrywide beauty is exhibited. 1982, " auspicious snow " beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited. 1984, " late wind " go to Tokyo to attend ' Chinese contemporary artist is exhibited ' . 1991, attend contemporary gallery to hold ' 5 people art exhibition ' " the dream of childhood " collect for art gallery. 1994, " old person and sheep " " the sea " selected beauty of the 8th horse and foot is exhibited. 1995, should Pakistan navy invites, go to cling to undertake creating an activity. 1996, " inspect " attend naval beauty to exhibit, obtain anchor of gold of 1997 year navy literary creation art is special award; Beauty of selected horse and foot exhibited this work 1997, obtain the 6th the Chinese People's Liberation Army literary award; 1999, enter exhibition of work of art of the 9th whole nation, win silver-colored award. 1998, " the sea " " Nanhai blue whale " " Xi Shahai battle " attend navy to found an army 50 years the United States is exhibited.

