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中国美术家协会会员,河南省美术家协会理事,中国蛋彩画研讨 会常务理事,河南省油画学会副会长,河南省优秀教师、河南省教育厅高级技术职务评审委员会委员,河南大学艺术学院特聘硕士生导师,洛阳市优秀专家、洛阳市跨世纪学术和技术带头人,洛阳师范学院美术学院副院长、教授、洛阳师范学院学术委员会委员、美术学学科带头人。
李建忠教授创作的油画作品连续入选第八、九、十、十1 届全国美术作品展、第二、三届中国油画展、孙中山与华侨国际美展、第二届中国静物油画展、“走向新世纪——中国青年油画展”、“研讨 与超越”全国小幅油画展、“纪念毛泽东同志《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表60周年”全国美术作品展、“中国百家金陵油画展”。
其中《干果》在“第八届全国美展优秀作品展”中被评为获奖作品。《土灶》获“鲁艺杯全国高等师范院校(系)美术专业教师作品大奖赛”优秀奖。《深秋》获第二届中国静物油画展二等奖。《豫西初雪》获“中国小幅油画展”优秀奖。《故事》获河南省高校美术教师作品1 等奖。
油画巨匠李建忠的油画创作博采众长为我所用,努力寻求 着用古典的绘画技巧表现古代 认识 ,用油画言语 体现中国的文明 精神。
在他看来,绘画就是把1 些事物、景象 、情感、心思 等,通过特定的媒介转化为1 种固定的、具有永久 意义的图像情势 。其中很大程度上反映着人们的怀旧心思 ,因而 他作品的基调大都是怀旧心思 的1 种消然流露。“他在无生命中画出生命,在毁灭生命后创造生命。”他的作品“是精巧的写实技巧和灵异的创造精神的完善 结合”,“既保持了凝重的古典绘画的气势,又弥漫 着生动的古代 精神风韵。”——叶鹏先生曾这样评价他。
没有文明 底蕴的感觉是苍白的,他的油画创作将1 些平常人家的不起眼的摆设,以静物的情势 、写真的表现手法,尽可能地传达出这些平常人家的寻常之物的内涵。与平凡的心灵达到共鸣。构图上多采用低视平线或平视构图,与人们的生活习气 相分歧 ,使观者能够进入作品,从而唤起观者对生存环境的更深层的关注;或通过古代 绘画的构成情势 ,使这些寻常之物具有新的内涵,给观者1 种启示或对文明 景象 的思考。在技法上,他把古典主义的凝重,超写实主义的精确和古代 绘画的情势 感融为1 体。
极度写真是李建忠作品的特点,那丝丝入扣的质感和重返本原的色彩处理,收到了良好的艺术效果,让观者叹为观止。超写实绘画要求作画者具备过硬的功底和高超的技巧,绘画材料的影响来自尼德兰画家凡.爱克兄弟,这是李建忠十几年来吸收东方 古典主义、理想 主义和超理想 主义创作养分 的结晶,是他对伦勃朗维米尔夏尔丹等大师不断学习和 对静物和光感长时间 体验的成果。
沉浸在绘画当中 ,是他对生活的最奢侈的要求。他以其勇于研究 的个性,甘于奉献的精神,宁静豁达的人格魅力,博得 了社会各界的赞誉,拓出了人生的新天地,登上了艺术的新殿堂.
但只需 有空,他还是会静静的呆在画室,用画笔描绘着他本身 对世间万物的真实感受……

Introduction to the artist

Li Jianzhong, was born at Henan to visit business grave town in November 1959. Show living Luoyang.
Was graduated from Henan university art to fasten canvas major 1984. Graduation hind teachs in school of attend in a advanced studies of teacher of mesa Bureau of Mines, taught to institute of Luoyang normal school in November 1986. Academy of fine arts of institute of Luoyang normal school is taught, master of institute of Henan university art lays a teacher.
Chinese artist academician, henan saves artist association director, seminar of Chinese tempera painting is standing director, henan saves canvas to learn vice-chairman, henan saves outstanding teacher, Henan to visit educational office committee member of committee of evaluation of senior technical position, institute of Henan university art hires a Master to lay a teacher especially, city of Luoyang city outstanding expert, Luoyang crosses century learning and technical leader, committee member of committee of learning of institute of normal school of assistant dean of academy of fine arts of institute of Luoyang normal school, professor, Luoyang, art learns course leader.
The canvas work of creation of Professor Li Jianzhong is successive and selected the 8th, 9, 10, work of art of 11 whole nations is exhibited, the 2nd, 3 China oily art exhibition, Sun Zhongshan and beauty of overseas Chinese international are exhibited, canvas of still life of the 2nd China.
Among them " dried fruit " in " beauty of the 8th whole nation exhibits outstanding work " in be judged to be work of bear the palm. " earthy kitchen " obtain " school of advanced normal school of whole nation of Lu Yi cup (department) large award of work of art major teacher is surpassed " outstanding award. " deep autumn " obtain canvas of still life of the 2nd China to exhibit second-class award. " Yu Xichu snow " obtain " China is small oily art exhibition " outstanding award. " story " obtain Henan to save first prize of work of college art teacher.
The canvas creation rich of Li Jianzhong of canvas great master is collected numerous long be used for me, going after hard behave contemporary consciousness with classic painterly skill, reflect culture spirit of China with canvas language.
Look in him, draw even if wait for a few things, phenomenon, affection, psychology, through specific agency translate into secures one kind, the image form that has lasting sense. Reflecting the nostalgic mentality of people greatly among them, because this fundamental key of his work is a kind of disappear of nostalgic psychology mostly,reveal like that. "He is in insensate in the picture gives life, life is created after ruining life. " his work " it is exquisite realistically the creates spirit perfect tie of skill and clever different " , "Maintained the momentum of the classic brushwork of dignified already, be permeated with vivid modern mind charm again. " -- Mr Xie Peng ever evaluated him so.
The feeling that insides information without culture is cadaverous, his canvas creates the ordinary decoration a few ordinary other peoples, with the expressional gimmick of the form of still life, photo, relay the intention of the content of the common that gives these ordinary other peoples as far as possible. Achieve resonance with ordinary heart. Use more on composition of a picture low inspect even wire or make the same score inspect composition of a picture, agree with the photograph of habits and customs of people, the person that make watch can enter work, arouse opposite of the person that watch to put more deep-seated attention of the environment thereby; Or the form figuration form that adopts contemporary brushwork, make the content of these common has new intention, give the person that watch a kind of enlightenment or the reflection to culture phenomenon. On ability law, he a classical dignified, those who exceed realism is accurate with the form of contemporary brushwork feeling be in harmony is an organic whole.
Exceeding photo is the characteristic of Li Jianzhong work, this primary color handles the simple sense of that with meticulous care and return, got favorable artistic result, the person that let watch acclaim as the peak of perfection. Exceed the person that draw the requirement makes a picture realistically to possess excellent strength and excellent skill, the influence of painterly material comes from Nidelan to draw an every. Love overcomes brother, this is Li Jianzhong absorbs the west ten years classical, realistic the crystallization that creates nutrition with the surrealism, it is him continuous to the Great Master such as Lun Bolang, Weimier, Xia Erdan study and the gain that experience for a long time to still life and smooth feeling.
Be enmeshed in brushwork, it is the most extravagant demand with his lively opposite. The individual character that he is brave in to study with its, the spirit with consecratory ready, halcyon and open-minded character charm, won the recognition of social all circles, develop gave the new scope of operation of life, ascended artistic Xin Diantang.
But should be free only, he or meeting stay silently in atelier, depicting him himself to suffer to the sense of reality of temporal with paintbrush...

