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张幼农(1951-),男,汉族贵州贵阳人。擅长油画,漆画。1982年广西艺术学院油画研讨 生班结业。现任深圳海天出版社美术编辑室主任,为中国美术家协会会员,广东省美协漆画艺委会委员,广东省装帧艺委会理事,深圳市美术家协会理事。

1995年国家文明 部选送苏联展览,漆画《乡间小路》东方艺术博物馆收藏。
1991年国家文明 部选赴日本“古代 中国漆画展”漆画《苗族节日》日本,东京。
2001年广东漆画八人联展《春天的风》等5 幅,广州博物馆。
2002年深圳油画学会作品展,油画《城市绎影》等5 幅,中国,深圳。
2004年巴黎国际艺术城,漆画《梦的解析》等十5 幅,法国,巴黎。
2006年深圳第二届油画学会作品展,油画《宝贝》等5 幅深圳,关山月美术馆。
2责任编辑、全体 设计图书
□封面设计《花季·旱季 》图书该书获“国家图书奖提名奖”、中宣部“5 个1 工程奖”。
□封面设计《香港回归与将来 经济繁荣》该书获“第11届中国图书奖”。
□封面设计《中国百年文学经典文库》获“首届南方12省市书籍装帧艺术评比1 等奖”。
□封面设计《俄罗斯黑猫系列》获“第5 届全国书籍装帧艺术展览优秀设计奖”、
获“广东省书籍装帧艺术评比封面设计1 等奖”。
□全体 设计《百年中国美术经典文库》获“第5 届全国书籍装帧艺术展览优秀设计奖”、
获“广东省书籍装帧艺术评比全体 设计1 等奖”。
□《深圳旧事三种》获“第1 届广东省优秀出版物奖(装帧设计奖)图书封面作品奖”。
□论文《抽象 ·心象·意象》获“第5 届全国书籍装帧艺术展览优秀论文奖”。
□责任编辑《姚茫父书画集》获“首届中国美术图书评奖铜牌奖”、获“首届贵州省优秀图书1 等奖”。

Introduction to the artist

Zhang Younong (1951 - ) , male, person of Guiyang of Guizhou of the Han nationality. Be good at canvas, lacquer painting. Guangxi is artistic 1982 academic canvas graduate student class complete a course. Currently hold the post ofart of press of Shenzhen sea day to edit room director, for Chinese artist academician, guangdong saves the United States assist lacquer painting art appoint conference committee member, guangdong saves art of binding and layout appoint conference director, director of association of Shenzhen city artist.

1982 lacquer painting " dragon boat section " , " the graph that raise chicken " Chinese art gallery is collected.
Work of art of the 6th whole nation was exhibited 1984, lacquer painting " downy caballero " , beijing, chinese art gallery.
Chinese lacquer painting was exhibited 1985, lacquer painting " country alley " " outstanding work reward " , beijing, chinese art gallery.
National culture ministry was chosen 1995 send Russia the exhibition, lacquer painting " country alley " Oriental and artistic museum is collected.
Work of art of the 8th whole nation was exhibited 1989, lacquer painting " golden bean " , beijing, chinese art gallery.
Work of art of sports of the 11st Asia Game was exhibited 1990, lacquer painting " trend sun " , beijing.
National culture ministry was chosen 1991 go to Japan " art exhibition of contemporary China lacquer " lacquer painting " Miao Zu festival " Japan, tokyo.
Art of the 3rd international exhibited Tokyo greatly 1992, lacquer painting " the happy person that drive a horse " , japan, tokyo.
1992 " lacquer painting art exhibits Zhang Younong " , shenzhen, shenzhen art gallery.
1992 lacquer painting " other people of a region of rivers and lakes " Shenzhen art gallery is collected.
1992 " collect of work of Zhang Younong lacquer painting " publish, guizhou nation publishing house.
1996 lacquer painting " buckwheat ground " roc of " Shenzhen city is literary " of award of award · art, china, shenzhen.
1999 " lacquer painting art exhibits Zhang Younong " , shenzhen, close hill month art gallery.
1999 lacquer painting " trend sun " wait for 3 work Shenzhen to close house of Shan Yuemei art to collect.
In April 2000 " Chinese canvas " publish canvas " urban · spring " wait for 3.
In January 1987 " art " publish a paper " the painterly theory of Yao Mang father and its practice " .
In June 1990 " art " publish a paper " abstract · is out of shape · China is temperamental " .
8 people couplet exhibited Guangdong lacquer painting 2001 " vernal wind " wait for 5, guangzhou museum.
Shenzhen canvas learned work to exhibit 2002, canvas " shadow of urban sort out " wait for 5, china, shenzhen.
First lacquer painting was exhibited 2002, lacquer painting " Zhu Qiqian and < Xiu act the role ofing records explanation > " , china, xiamen.
Art talked collected works in December 2003 " collect of overlook picture cabinet " publish, guizhou people press.
Parisian international is artistic 2004 city, lacquer painting " of the dream analytic " wait for 15, france, paris.
Couplet exhibited French international artist 2004, lacquer painting " horizon " wait for 10, france, paris.
Work of society of the 2nd canvas exhibited Shenzhen 2006, canvas " baby " wait for 5 Shenzhen, close hill month art gallery.
50 years of art of Guangdong were exhibited greatly 2006, lacquer painting " buckwheat ground " , guangzhou, guangdong art gallery.
2 responsibility editor, whole designs books
□ " art of hundred years China is classical library " obtain " award of books of the 12nd China " , obtained 1999 " Guangdong saves outstanding books award " .
□ cover is designed " monsoon of beautiful season · " this book obtains books " award of nomination of national books award " , China Communist News Ministry " award of 5 one project " .
□ cover is designed " Hong Kong regression and prospective economy prosperity " this book is obtained " award of books of the 11st China " .
□ cover is designed " hundred years literature of Chinese is classical library " obtain " first south first prize of appraise through comparison of art of binding and layout of book of 12 provinces city " .
□ cover is designed " series of Russia black cat " obtain " art of binding and layout of book of the 5th whole nation exhibits excellent design award " ,
Obtain " cover of appraise through comparison of art of binding and layout of Guangdong province book designs first prize " .
□ whole is designed " art of hundred years China is classical library " obtain " art of binding and layout of book of the 5th whole nation exhibits excellent design award " ,
Obtain " whole of appraise through comparison of art of binding and layout of Guangdong province book designs first prize " .
□ " Shenzhen old job 3 kinds " obtain " province of the first Guangdong is outstanding publication award (binding and layout designs award) reward of books cover work " .
□ paper " image of · of elephant of figure · heart " obtain " art of binding and layout of book of the 5th whole nation shows excellent paper reward " .

