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1926年出生在河北省肃宁县,1949考入北京华北大学三部美术科,后保送进地方 美术学院美术干部训练班。1951年结业,分配到朝鲜意愿 军部队。1956年回国后在地方 美术学院油画系学习,1960年毕业分配到广西美术学院任教,现为中国美术家协会会员,中国油画家协会会员,广西美术家协会常务理事,广西艺术学院教授。
孙见光先生出生在河北省肃宁县的1 个普通农家,从小接触的是农民耕作的辛劳 ,生活的贫困,家中二弟1 妹,他排行老大,为了生计1942年16岁时他离开了日寇烧杀掠抢的农村,来到了日本侵略者侵占的北平城,饱受了人间之苦和亡国之恨。
1945年日寇投降后,国民党“地方 军”来到北平,老百姓仍然民不聊生,而且还带来贪污、腐败和内战。为继续生存下去他什么都得干,在磨坊卖苦力,在店铺里当小伙计……,不断变换着各种角色。漫长而痛苦的经历使他在过去农村中构成 的纯真、善良、美好的心灵,又增加 了对生活中那些从未见过的“假、恶、丑”事物的讨厌 ,从而构成 了他非常鲜明的爱憎观和自主倔犟的性情 。
生活的角色虽然不断变换,但他从小对绘画的酷爱和痴迷的程度,愈来愈 强烈,在当时穷困条件下,他几乎利用了1 切可以利用的工具,在空余时间里涂抹着本身 想画的1 切。
1949年北平解放了,在这座孤城中独立生活了七年的“无产者”,终究 盼到了本身 多年来梦寐以求的机会,1 所为培养革命美术干部的华北大学第三部的文艺学院在北平大量招收学员。真是神话!这所学校居然管吃、管住、管穿,还发给生活费。“我这个穷孩子,这个卖苦力的人也能上大学吗”他抱着1 丝幻想和疑问,从庙里的老和尚那里借了1 支毛笔参加了考试,而且奇迹般地被录取了。
他第1 次换上整洁的用土布做的灰色干部服,听大课、画石膏像、学创作,他不声不响地学呀、不停地画呀,尽情释放着他绘画的天分。
这位农民出身的青年,这块含金量极高的矿石被胡1 川罗工柳老师慧眼相识,在华大学习半年后他被保送到全国美术的最高学府——地方 美术学院设立的“美术干部训练班”,深得徐悲鸿大师的指教。
勤奋的他画生活速写在全班最好,从速写中锻炼出来了抽象 观察力和抽象 记忆力,?1950年美院开展的1 次“红5 月创作竞赛”中得到了充分验证。他在1 幅年画创作中,不但人物生动,而且1 头毛驴也画得栩栩如生,徐院看了眼前1 亮,大家都晓得 徐悲鸿院长是非常爱才的,他看了当前 极为兴奋地在全院大会上表扬他是“毛驴画家”,这幅画还得了奖。不能不说这都得益于他对农村生活的熟悉和他在速写中得到的很强的抽象 记忆能力和默写能力。
1951年美干班结业时,正好赶上中国人民意愿 军到学校请求派先生 到朝鲜去援助 部队的美术宣扬 工作,当时学院几位领导,徐悲鸿胡1 川罗工柳丁井文等先生决定,派美干班刚结业的孙见光等5名先生 到朝鲜参军锻炼,等战后再回校深造。“这样我们穿上军装过了江。”高祖英教授回忆说。“在金化驻地的1 次空袭中,1 架美机呼啸着俯冲上去 ,1 块弹片穿过我们居住的朝鲜老乡房子的泥墙,打进了老孙的速写本中,多亏了这个天天不离身的,与他结了缘的速写本,救了他1 命!小小速写本不但使他积累了丰富的生活素材,而且锻炼了他画记忆画的超强能力。他为《兵士 读物》画的大量插图和连环画,不参照任何东西可以使作品幅幅那么精彩,人物抽象 那么鲜明、那么动人,他的画无不受到部队领导的首肯和兵士 们的欢迎。我特别钦佩他”。
1956年7月,正是而立之时,他脱下军装又回到地方 美院油画系本科生的画室。按部就班 的严厉 基本功的训练,长时间 作业的锤炼、使他的速写能力得到了质的升华。他的速写抽象 更鲜明,更精练概括,更朴实无华,也更有个性,“观察迅速,感受细致,表现充分”的速写新境界。
1960年油画系毕业分配到广西艺术学院任教后,他被少数民族的淳朴与善良、豪放与粗犷的吸引,他带着速写本走遍了广西的村村寨寨,带着创作的思路速写多彩生活,鲜明朴实的抽象 ,他如鱼得水般地畅游在这个大的生活摇篮里,在他大量速写的支持 下,完成了大量反映广西各族人民生活的优秀油画作品,这些作品是在各种非难 声中,在“情势 主义”大帽子的批判声中产生的,因而 这些佳作被长时间 打入冷宫。
金子总是要发光的,后来他在台湾举办了个展,出版了两本油画集,是人品画品之上乘,得到了分歧 好评。这是他坚定不移地走本身 个性化道路、自甘寂寞,不知疲倦耕耘的结果。
他坚持深入到少数民族生活当中 ,而不仅仅是贴近生活之缘,坚持画生活速写是画家心灵的写照。他能终身 坚持不懈的画下去。没有对事业的虔诚 ,没有默默的献身精神是做不到的。
经过长时间 默默的艺术实践,他这块含金量极高的矿石已 练成了闪闪发光的纯金,在冶炼中速写则是加入的1 种绝不能缺少的特殊的催化剂。在此我们不能不想到,在60年代初,美术界的老前辈蔡若虹先生曾提出:1 个画家必备“四写”能力,其中对“速写”和“默写”能力的提出是明智的,是非常重要的!周楷教授称“孙见光的画不是时髦的饮料,而是1 杯充满着浓浓的乡情的苦茶;”地方 美术学院资深教授及艺评家钟函讲:“在中国大陆绘画界的活动中,常常 只能偶然瞥见他的身影1 现便又消逝 了,他走出河北平原又深入于八桂山乡的寨垌之间,二心 1 意地在乡土天地里从事艺术创造,”他的同学、战友高宗英教授说:“乡土画家”的美誉给了老孙是极为合适的,河北农村的泥土养育了他,朝鲜烽火 烧焦的土地锻炼了他,地方 美院的寸土之地培养了他,土地是他的母亲、他的根。他的艺术充满着土地的奇香,割断了他与泥土的情丝,就没有他在中国油画花园里独树1 只帜的这朵芳香的花。
1960年广西壮族自治区成立不久他就派到广西艺术学院任教,2003年在自治区党委的支持下,广西美术届提出了创造和培育漓江画派名家的口号,身为广西美协常务理事的孙见光则无旁贷,他带着速写本和简单的画具,跨遍了壮乡、瑶家、苗岭、侗寨,画了几千幅速写,创作了二百多张油画,辛苦 伴随着丰收,在有关组织建议推荐下,2008年《孙见光速写精品集》被列为《漓江画派名家》系列丛书,这位新中国建立后成长起来的第1 代画家,从艺术角度看,他接受的是延安美术的精神、徐悲鸿艺术学派的教育和前苏联社会主义的理想 主义的影响,扎根壮乡5 十年,为广西文明 建设做出了新贡献,成为了漓江画派卓有成就的画家之1 。

1950年,年画《赶集归来》获地方 美院“红5 月”创作三等奖;
《仇恨》、《缝》入选1957年全国第1 届青年美展,获二等奖;
多幅油画选入“广西少数民族风情展”,其中《踩堂系列之1 》获银奖。
《速写要领》、《头像入门》、《人像入门》出版,1998年《孙见光画集》出版,发表20余篇论文,和 多篇研讨 艺术理论和探讨美术古代 思潮的文章。[1]?
傅磬在首发式上致辞,他高度评价了孙见光先生的艺术成就及其对广西美术事业所作出的贡献,并衷心祝贺 孙见光先生艺术之树长青。
在研讨会上,预会 代表分歧 认为,孙见光先生的速写以简括的艺术手法和对生活对象,特别是对人物的深刻理解和敏锐观察,真诚、朴实、生动地表现了理想 生活和他对生活的真诚 的情感。他的速写艺术是其艺术创作成就的1 个重要的部分,达到了1 个很高的学术境界,其数量及艺术高度,在全国也不多见。大家还表示,广西美协这项工作做得很好,整理和出版老艺术家的学术成果,免费为他们出版画册,特别是在市场经济的今天,仍坚持以学术为导向,为文明 建设作基础构建,这很不容易并具有深远的理想 和历史意义。

Introduction to the artist

Was born in Heibei to save respectful peaceful county 1926, 1949 take an examination of boreal capital Beijing University to learn 3 art division, recommend after into training class of cadre of art of central academy of fine arts. 1951 complete a course, distribute unit of Korea people who volunteer to fight in another country. Canvas of academy of fine arts of the centrally after going back to the motherland 1956 fastens study, graduation allocation taught to Guangxi academy of fine arts 1960, it is Chinese artist academician now, academician of Chinese oily painter, guangxi artist association is standing director, the institute teachs Guangxi art.
 Mr Sun Jianguang is born in Heibei to visit a of respectful peaceful county average peasant family, what contact as a child is the hardship that the farmer plows, the poverty of the life, the 2 younger brother in the home one younger sister, his seniority old, for bread he left day bandit to burn when 16 years old 1942 kill sweep past the country that grab, the north that comes to Japanese aggressor embezzlement makes the same score a city, sufferred the hate of terrestrial suffering and a conquered nation.
 After day bandit surrendered 1945, kuomintang " in the center of army " will to north make the same score, common people still the masses have no means to live, and still bring corruption, corruption and civil war. Go down to continue to live his whats must work, coolie sells in mill, become in shop young fellow... , ceaseless commutation is worn all sorts of parts. Endless and the pure, goodness that the experience of anguish makes he is formed in past country, good heart, in adding opposite to live again, those never had seen " false, evil, ugly " of the thing detest, formed the disposition of outlook of his very bright love and hate and own gruff stubborn thereby.
 Although the part of the life alternates ceaselessly, but he is opposite as a child the painterly degree that love and is obsessed with, more and more intense, below destitute at that time condition, he used the tool that everything can use almost, in the daub in sky beyond time him move thinks everything of the picture.
North is smooth 1949 liberated, lived 7 years independently in this Gu city " proletarian " , expected the opportunity that oneself are longed for day and night for years eventually, the 3rd literary institute is in a China north university that is cadre of education revolution art a large number of north is smooth recruiting student. Really mythological! This school is in charge of unexpectedly eat, the canal lives, the canal is worn, still issue living cost. "I this poor child, can this person that sells coolie also attend a college? " he is holding an illusion and doubt in the arms, a brush borrowed to attend an exam over there the old monk from temple, and the ground like the miracle was admitted.  He changes the neat gray cadre that does with hand-woven cloth to take for the first time, listen to a lecture given to a large number of students, picture gesso resembling, learn to create, he learns silently ah, keep drawing, releasing his painterly endowment to the top of one's bent.
The youth of this peasant family background, this contains the ore with extremely tall Troy to be mixed by Hu Yichuan teacher of collect labour willow is a mind which perceives both past and future acquaintance, in China after learning half an year greatly, he is recommended the highest institution of higher learning of countrywide art -- the academy of fine arts central establishs " art cadre training class " , get Xu Beihong's master greatly give advice or comments.
 He assiduous draws life literary sketch to be in whole class is best, take exercise from inside literary sketch came out figure observation and image memory, ? When beautiful 1950 courtyard begins " red created a competition in May " in got sufficient test and verify. He is in creation of a New Year picture, not only the character is vivid, and a donkey also is drawn lifelikely, xu courtyard looked to shine at the moment, everybody knows Dean Xu Beihong is not Chang Aicai, after he looked very agitato praises him on complete courtyard congress is " donkey painter " , this picture still got award. Have to say this the very strong image memory ability that he is familiar with what the country lives and he gets in literary sketch mixes profit from write ability from memory.
 When complete a course of beautiful 1951 dry class, the art that as it happens catchs up with Chinese people people who volunteer to fight in another country to request to send a student to help unit to Korea to the school publicizes the job, the institute is led a few times at that time, the gentleman such as willow of Xu Beihong, Hu Yichuan, collect labour, Ding Jingwen decides, 5 students such as the Sun Jianguang that sends the United States to do a firm complete a course join the army to Korea take exercise, wait for afterwar farewell school to take advanced courses. "Such we put on a military uniform to pass river. " memory of great-great-grandfather flower professor says. "In air attack that turns place where troops are stationed in gold, howl of a beautiful machine is worn dive comes down, a shrapnel crosses the slimy wall of the Korea fellow-townsman house that we live, the literary sketch that is made into Laosun this in, thanksed to this does not leave a body every day, writtened guarantee with him the literary sketch of the predestined relationship this, saved him one life! Little literary sketch this not only make he accumulated rich life material, and exercised him to draw those who remember a picture to exceed strong capacity. He is " soldier reader " a large number of illustration of the picture and comic, do not consult any can make work so wonderful, figure figure is so so bright, appealing, the welcome of the agree that his picture all without exception is led by army and soldiers. I admire him particularly " .
 July 1956, just about and stand when, he takes off next military uniforms to return canvas of central beautiful courtyard to fasten the undergraduate students' atelier again. The training of the rigorous basic training of successive, of long-term exercise hammer into shape, the sublimate that makes his literary sketch ability got pledging. His literary sketch image is more distinctive, more chastening and wraparound, more simple and unadorned, also more individualize, "Observation is rapid, experience meticulous, expression is sufficient " literary sketch new state.
 After canvas fastened graduation allocation to Guangxi art institute to teach 1960, he by minority honest with kind-hearted, bold and unconstrained and straightforward attraction, he was taking away literary sketch to all over the village village stockaded village of this Guangxi, the literary sketch of train of thought that taking creative work lives colorfully, the figure of bright guileless, the ground like his feel just like a fish in water has a good swim to live greatly in this in the cradle, in him of a large number of literary sketch prop up below, the work of fine oil painting that completed life of people of every nationality of many report Guangxi, these work are to be in all sorts of accusing sound, be in " formalism " of the generation in the critically sound of an exaggerated epithet used to categorize a person, accordingly these an excellent work are infiltrated for a long time limbo.   Gold always wants to give off light, he was held in Taiwan later exhibit, published two canvas volume, it is bearing what the picture tastes is excellent, got accord reputably. This is he takes him individuation way adamantinely, from pleasant loneliness, indefatigable cultivated result.
 He insists to arrive deep in minority life, is the predestined relationship that press close to lives not just, holding to picture life literary sketch is the portraiture of painter heart. He can the picture of lifetime unremitting goes down. Without the faithfulness to the career, without silent self-devotion spirit is impracticable.
 Through long-term and silent artistic practice, he contained the ore with extremely tall Troy this piece to had drilled glisten bullion, be being written in smelt middling speed is a kind of when join special activator that cannot lack absolutely. Here we have to think of, it is at the beginning of 60 time, mr Cai Rehong ever put forward the old-timer of art group: A painter is necessary " 4 write " ability, be opposite among them " literary sketch " and " write from memory " of ability putting forward is well-advised, it is very important! Professor Zhou Jie says " Sun Jianguang's picture is not modern beverage, however a cup of bitter tea that is full of strong countryside feeling; " senior professor reachs central academy of fine arts art case of the bell that judge the home tells: "In the activity of bound of chinese mainland brushwork, often can catch a glimpse of his form disappears again now accidentally only, he walks out of Heibei Campagna between the stockaded village Dong of mountain area of thorough Yu Bagui, absorbed ground is engaged in artistic creation in agrestic heaven and earth, " his classmate, comrade-in-arms Professor Gao Zongying says: "Local artist " beautiful praise giving Laosun is very appropriate, the clay of Heibei country fostered him, the land that Korea flames of war scorchs exercised him, the ground of the Cuntu of central beautiful courtyard fostered him, land is his mother, his root. What his art is full of land is strange sweet, cut off the affection of he and clay silk, what do not have him to cultivate this scent that flags only alone in Chinese canvas garden is beautiful. 
? ? ? ? The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region held water 1960 before long he teachs to Guangxi art institute with respect to the clique, fell in the support of municipal Party committee 2003, guangxi art the catchword that put forward to create and breed Li Jiang Hua to send a person of academic or artistic distinction, as Guangxi beauty assist the Sun Jianguang of standing director is not had by borrow, he is taking literary sketch to be mixed originally simple painter's paraphernalia, crossed strong countryside, precious jade stockaded village of the home, Miao Ling, Dong, drew thousands of literary sketch, created more than 200 pieces of canvas, arduous companion as the bumper harvest, in concerned organization the proposal is recommended below, 2008 " collect of high-quality goods of Sun Jianguang literary sketch " be labelled " Li Jiang Hua sends a person of academic or artistic distinction " series a series of books, the generation painter that rise grows after this new China is built, look from artistic angle, the realistic influence of socialism of the Russia before the education of artistic school of the spirit that what he accepts is Yan'an art, Xu Beihong is mixed, take root is strong countryside 50 years, made new contribution for Guangxi culture construction, became Li Jiang Hua to send one of eminent painters. 

Create a field
1950, new Year picture " go to market returns " obtain central beautiful courtyard " red in May " award of creation third class;
" animosity " , " seam " selected beauty of the first youth of countrywide was exhibited 1957, win second-class award;
1964 " fish " , " meet and discuss is met " selected " countrywide commune scene is exhibited " ;
1980 " the Mid-autumn Festival " selected " congratulatory People's Republic of China establishs the whole nation 30 years to exhibit " ;
1981 " the person that takes a gun " and " full of beautiful things in eyes " respectively selected " congratulatory Chinese Communist establishs the United States 60 years to exhibit " and " congratulatory Chinese Communist of each province, city, municipality establishs the United States 60 years to exhibit " obtain Guangxi second-class award;
" try new shoe " selected " beauty of countrywide little people is exhibited " ;
1984 " in March 3 " beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited, win second-class award;
1985 " country fairdyke day " selected " the United States postpones teacher's day of school of countrywide academy of fine arts " ;
1987 " dissuade " , " bonfire " obtain Guangxi beauty to exhibit second-class award;
1992 " walk hall " selected " Chinese canvas art is exhibited " .
Many canvas is chosen " Guangxi minority amorous feelings is exhibited " , among them " step on one of hall series " the award that obtain silver.
In Guangxi art the institute was held 1997 " canvas art exhibits Sun Jianguang " .
" farming happy dance " , " the person that takes a gun " , " A Mom Ni " wait to be Chinese beautiful house 3 times to collect. 
Treatise respect
" literary sketch essentials " , " head portrait introduction " , " figure introduction " publish, 1998 " Sun Jianguang draws volume " publish, publish more than 20 paper, and theory of many research art and discuss art the article of contemporary thoughts. [1] ?
On August 28, 2008, guangxi artist association held Li Jiang Hua to send a person of academic or artistic distinction in Nanning is an a series of books -- " collect of high-quality goods of Sun Jianguang literary sketch " head hairdo and seminar of art of Sun Jianguang literary sketch. Chime stone of secretary of leading Party group of Guangxi article couplet, vice-chairman teach, zhao Rufeng of member of leading Party group of Guangxi article couplet, vice-chairman, lei Bo of chairman of Guangxi artist association, famous artist Mr Sun Jianguang, guangxi art group and all circles delegate attended an activity.
Teach chime stone is in a speech on hairdo, the artistic achievement that he evaluated Mr Sun Jianguang highly and the contribution that its make to place of Guangxi painting career, wish the tree of art of Mr Sun Jianguang is evergreen heartily.
On the seminar, delegate attending the meeting thinks consistently, the literary sketch of Mr Sun Jianguang is mixed with the artistic gimmick of brief but comprehensive pair of life objects, understand to the character's profundity especially and observe exquisitely, vivid and genuine, guileless, upper real life and he is right the true affection of the life. His literary sketch art is a when its art creates achievement important part, reached a very tall learning state, its amount reachs artistic height, also do not see more in the whole nation. Everybody still expresses, guangxi is beautiful assist this job is done very well, arrange and publish the academic positive result of old artist, publish an album of paintings freely for them, be in especially of market economy today, still insist to be with learning oriented, for culture construction makes fundamental compose build, this has far-reaching reality and historical sense not easily very much.

