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曾任湖北艺术学院,湖北美术学院教授、硕导及湖北美术院副院长,中国美协会员,湖北美协顾问及油画学会顾问,湖北省文联委员,享用 国务院特殊津贴。1939年创作《老妇》和多幅农民素描像,并参加在重庆举办的全国美展,油画《老人》被教育部收藏,《景颇族少女》入选1964年全国美展。主编专集《中国高等美术学院素描集》,获1987年全国优秀畅销书奖。《丝绸之路》、《母女俩》入选1989年巴黎国际美术联展,同年在巴黎国际艺术城举办个人作品展览,多幅作品被国外人士收藏。获奖论文有《培养我国高等美术人才的探索》,1993油画《画室里的裸女》在台北展出,2003年《青桃》入选湖北省第二届油画展及第三届全国油画展。

Introduction to the artist

Liu Yiwen was born in Wuhan, Hubei Province in 1919. In 1938, he was admitted to the Department of Western painting of Hangzhou National Academy of Arts, under the guidance of Guan Liang, Chang danghong and Fang ganmin.


He used to be a professor, master director and vice president of Hubei Academy of art, a member of China Artists Association, a consultant of Hubei Artists Association and oil painting society, and a member of Hubei Federation of literary and art circles, enjoying special allowance from the State Council. In 1939, she created "old woman" and many farmer sketches, and participated in the national art exhibition held in Chongqing. The oil painting "old man" was collected by the Ministry of education, and "Jingpo girl" was selected into the national art exhibition in 1964. He is the editor in chief of the monograph sketch collection of China Academy of fine arts and won the national best seller award in 1987. "Silk Road" and "mother and daughter" were selected into Paris International Art Exhibition in 1989. In the same year, the exhibition of individual works was held in Paris International Art City. Many works were collected by foreign people. The award-winning papers include "the exploration of cultivating higher art talents in China", 1993 oil painting "naked woman in the studio" was exhibited in Taipei, 2003 "green peach" was selected into the second oil painting exhibition and the third national oil painting exhibition in Hubei Province.

