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钟飙 - 钟飙与他的“大势”个展

2022-03-11 17:35:44 3520




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钟飙重庆人,1993年毕业于中国美术学院油画系,当代画家,艺术家。亦擅长哲学思辨及写作。1968年出生于重庆。1991年,毕业于浙江美术学院(现中国美术学院)油画系。后执教于四川美术学院油画系。钟飙以独特的构图方式和切入当代艺术的视角著称。跟其他同时代的艺术家迥乎不同,他的平面创作在很早的时候就进入了多维景观的世界现任教于四川美术学院油画系。钟飙一向 寻求 从人文的角度寻觅 不同时代事物之间的聚合规律,并以此作为方法论,用视觉的方式创造出这个时代不断变化的新的图象记忆。钟飙以独特的构图方式和切入当代艺术的视角著称。跟其他同时代的艺术家迥乎不同,他的平面创作在很早的时候就进入了多维景观的世界。钟飙近二十年的创作,经历了对社会观,历史观,到宇宙观的哲学进程。他的视点基本是跟他的时代一同 前行的,但他的艺术,超出某个具体的时代和具体的精神源头。他寻求 的,不仅仅是终极的艺术,而是终极的认知和跟这类 认知的深度和谐关系。?正如他在“显形”展览前言中写道:“1 切早已存在,只要 经过时显形"。

Introduction to the artist

Zhong Biao Chongqing person, was graduated from department of canvas of Chinese academy of fine arts 1993, contemporary painter, artist. Also be good at philosophy thinking of differentiate and writing.  Was born in Chongqing 1968.  1991, be graduated from Zhejiang academy of fine arts (show Chinese academy of fine arts) canvas is.  Teach to be fastened at canvas of Sichuan academy of fine arts after. Zhong Biao is mixed with kind of unique composition of a picture the perspective that cuts contemporary art is celebrated. With other contemporary artist fars away different, his planar creation is in early when entered multidimensional the world of landscape teachs to be fastened at canvas of Sichuan academy of fine arts now. Zhong Biao always is gone after seek the aggregate rule between different times thing from humanitarian angle, serve as methodology with this, with visual means innovation goes the new image memory that this times varies ceaselessly. Zhong Biao is mixed with kind of unique composition of a picture the perspective that cuts contemporary art is celebrated. With other contemporary artist fars away different, his planar creation is in early when entered multidimensional the world of landscape. Zhong Biao is close creation of 20 years, experienced pair of society view, historical view, to the philosophical process of world view. His viewpoint is basic be the travel before following his period one case, but his art, exceed a certain specific times and specific mental fountainhead. He goes after, it is culminating art not just, however culminating acknowledge and the deepness harmony that follow this kind of acknowledge concern. ? He is in no less than " show one's true figures " in exhibiting preface, write: "Everything exists already, have " of the show one's true figures when the course only.

