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司徒乔,原名司徒乔兴,开平赤坎镇塘边村人。1924年至1926年就读于燕京大学神学院。1926年在北京地方 公园水榭举办个人第1 次画展。1928年赴法国留学,师从写实主义大师比鲁。1930年赴美国,以绘壁画为生。翌年回国,任教于岭南大学。1931年与冯伊湄结婚。1934年至1936年任《大公报》艺术周刊编辑,后来去缅甸仰光养病,1939年展转 新加坡,做《放下你的鞭子》。1942年返回重庆,1943年赴东南 写生,并于1945年在重庆举办新疆写生画展。1946年曾远涉广东、广西、湖南、湖北等地作《义民图》多幅,并前后 在南京与上海展出。后赴美国养病,1950年回国途中作《三个老华侨》,后曾任地方 美术学院教授。擅长油画、水彩、粉画。有《司徒乔画集》行世。
生于清末光绪二十八年。童年时代,他在塘边村鹤鸣小学读书。1914年,其父司徒郁在广州岭南大学附属小学工作,因而 ,司徒乔也转学岭南大学附小,不断 读到岭南大学文学院,曾与我国著名音乐家冼星海和日本著名诗人草野心平同窗共读。1924年,他在亲友的帮助下,免费进入北京燕京大学就读。鲁迅热情赞美 他“不管功课,不寻导师,以他本身 的毅力,整天 在画古庙、土山、破屋、穷人、乞丐……”,是一名 “抱有明丽之心的作者”。这期间,他曾为鲁迅编辑的文艺刊物《莽原》画封面和插图。
1926年6月,司徒乔把70多幅初期 习作,在北京地方 公园水榭举行个人画展,其中《5 个警察1 个0》和《馒头店门前》两幅作品,被鲁迅用超过定价的数目选购了。1927年2月,通过同班同学、共产党员张采真的介绍,司徒乔到武汉苏联顾问鲍罗廷所在办公室搞美术宣扬 工作。1928年春,他把初期 的美术作品,在上海举办了“乔小画室春季博览会 ”,引发 徐悲鸿的留意 ,并在《良友画报》第26期上发表了短评,鲁迅也给博览会 写了叙言 。
1928年底,司徒乔在万国美术会的帮助下,到了法国巴黎,跟随法国写实派大师比鲁习画。1929年秋天,因经济困难而辍学。1930年,他得到同学的帮助,远渡重洋去了美国纽约,想入哥伦比亚大学半工半读学画,但美国司法当局认为他触犯了“移民法”,把他关进监狱。在狱中,他愤激地画了1 幅命名为《在不自在 的地方画自在 神》的画,出狱后被驱逐出境。
1931年5月,司徒乔回到广州,在母校岭南大学教授西洋画,并创造性地发明了用旧毛笔管削成竹笔,蘸墨汁作竹笔画。1934年初,他任《大公报》艺术周刊编辑。1936年,鲁迅去世,他以万分沉痛的表情 ,用竹笔蘸墨汁,画下了鲁迅最初 瞬间的遗容,并为鲁迅葬礼画了鲁迅的巨幅遗像。后在南京中山陵藏经楼工作,花了8年时间,几易其稿,画了1 幅孙中山巨像。一名 德国人看了此画后,在美国的《地理杂志》上撰文,誉为“惊人的肖像画”。
1937年抗日和平 爆发,司徒乔前后 流亡到缅甸、槟榔屿和新加坡等地。他的名作《放下你的鞭子》,就是1941年在新加坡观看了中国话剧团名演员金山等表演 同名话剧后创作的。1941年2月,新加坡沦陷在日军之手,司徒乔展转 回到四川重庆。1 年后,他随重庆军事委员会政治部前线视察团东南 视察组深入新疆等地写生,创作出《套马图》、《巩哈饮马图》等作品。1945年9月,在抗日和平 的胜利声中,于重庆举行了新疆画展。
1946年9月,司徒乔患肺病,偕同夫人冯伊湄往美国纽约医治 。1949年10月,新中国成立的喜讯传来,他于1950年8月从美国三藩市乘轮船返回祖国。在旅途上,他以惊人的毅力,忍受轮船颠簸之苦,根据同船的三个老华工的血泪控诉和抽象 ,创作了反映华侨苦难生活的名画《三个老华工》。后来这画发表于《大公报》,并被美国进步杂志《群众与生活》转载。
回到广州后,他于1950年10月,抵达北京,出席第1 届全国政协会议,受聘为地方 美术学院教授,并参加革命历史博物馆的筹建工作,设计和绘制我国的革命史画。他倾注4年血汗 ,于1956年秋完成了史画《亚太会议图》稿。
1956年9月,他回到家乡开平,创作了《故乡的凌晨 》等10多幅充满南国情调的作品。在开平画的最初 1 幅是《潭江夕照》,也是最大的1 幅。当时,他登临开侨中学教学大楼天台,此时正值傍晚时分,放眼潭江,只见旭日 把江水、归帆都染红了。江堤上的绿竹翠影,延伸至赤坎百足山下,远山呈现黛蓝色,山石被旭日 反照变成紫色,故乡的美景,使画家陶醉。司徒乔用长卷,画了三天时间,仍未完成,只好带回北京继续画。在这1 段时间里,他还到新会、台山、惠州和海南岛旅游 观光,创作了1 批优秀作品。1957年春天,他回到北京。1958年2月16日,于春节前两天的下午,因旧病复发,他在北京香山的画室里溘然逝世。

Introduction to the artist

Si Tuqiao, original name manages apprentice tall is promoted, open Pingchikan to press down person of pond edge village. Came to read courtyard of theology of university of Yu Yan Beijing 1926 1924. In Beijing central park waterside pavilion held art exhibition of individual first time 1926. Went to France to study abroad 1928, division is compared from realism Great Master rash. Went to the United States 1930, make a living with draw mural. Next year go back to the motherland, teach the university austral Yu Ling. Married with Feng Yi Mei 1931. Came to held the post of 1936 1934 " big bulletin " artistic weekly edits, go later the Burmese recuperate that admire light, 1939 flounder Singapore, do " the lash that puts down you " . Returned Chongqing 1942, went to northwest paint from life 1943, held Xinjiang drawing from nature to exhibit in Chongqing 1945. And other places of Guangdong of Ceng Yuan experience, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei was made 1946 " justice civilian graph " many, exhibit in Nanjing and Shanghai early or late. American recuperate is gone to after, went back to the motherland 1950 make in road " 3 old overseas Chinese " , professor of the academy of fine arts central ever held the post of after. Be good at picture of canvas, watercolour, pink. Have " Si Tuqiao draws volume " travel world.
Be born at smooth order in sequence or arrangement of clear minor details 28 years. Childhood times, he cries in crane of pond edge village elementary school reads. 1914, gloomy of apprentice of its father a surname in the university austral Guangzhou mountain accessary elementary school works, accordingly, attached primary school of the college austral mountain of transfer of department apprentice Qiao Ye, read courtyard of literature of the university austral mountain all the time, ever mixed with sea of Xian Xing of our country famous musician smooth schoolfellow of careless ambition of Japanese well-known poet is read in all. 1924, he falls in the help of relatives and friends, enter university of Beijing swallow Beijing freely to be read. Lu Xun enthusiasm praises him " without giving thought to homework, do not seek a teacher, with his own perseverance, painting hill of Gu Miao, earth, broken house, poor, beggar all day... " , be " the author of the heart that holds bright and beautiful " . During this, he ever was Lu Xun editorial literary publication " wilderness overgrown with grass " picture cover and illustration.
1925, sun Zhongshan dies, si Tuqiao was taking palette to attend to grieve over activity, make a picture on the spot before Sun Zhongshan's spirit, send Mrs. Sun of Shou Ling Song Qingling. This picture hanged a few years in Sun Zhongshan former residence later.
In June 1926, si Tuqiao many 70 inchoate do exercises in composition, in Beijing central park waterside pavilion holds individual art exhibition, among them " 5 polices 0 " and " before door of steamed bread inn " two work, be used to exceed the amount choose and buy of the price by Lu Xun. In Feburary 1927, through classfellow, communist Zhang Cai introduces really, si Tuqiao to Wuhan Russia adviser Bao Luoting is in the office to do art to publicize the job. 1928 spring, he an inchoate art work, held in Shanghai " exhibition of spring of Qiao Xiaohua room " , cause Xu Beihong's attention, be in " beneficial friend pictorial " the 26th period on published brief comment, lu Xun also wrote a preface to exhibition.
By 1928, the help that in 10 thousand countries art meets issues Si Tuqiao, went to French Paris, follow French realism Great Master is drawn than Lu Xi. Summer 1929, because of economic difficulty discontinue one's studying. 1930, he gets the classmate's help, far cross the seas and oceans went to American new York, think Colombian university is part-time learn a picture, but American judicatory authorities thinks he offended " immigration laws " , his coop jail. In jail, ground of his excited and indignant drew to name for " free spirit is painted in comfortless place " picture, after be released from prison by renvoi.
In May 1931, si Tuqiao returns Guangzhou, western painting is taught in the university austral alma mater mountain, and palpability of creativity ground hair uses old brush canal to cut Cheng Zhu pen, dip in prepared Chinese ink makes bamboo strokes of a Chinese character. At the beginning of 1934, he holds the post of " big bulletin " artistic weekly edits. 1936, lu Xun dies, he with extremely the mood of deep feeling of grief, the pen that use bamboo dips in prepared Chinese ink, the picture issued Lu Xun a portrait of the deceased of final instant, what drew Lu Xun for Lu Xun funeral is gigantic a portrait of the deceased. In Nanjing Zhongshan hill stores classics building work after, spent 8 years of time, a few easy its stalk of grain, drew colossus of a Sun Zhongshan. German after seeing this picture, be in the United States " geographical magazine " on write civil, praise for " breathtaking portraiture " .
The War of Resistance Against Japan erupted 1937, si Tuqiao is forced to leave his native land early or late island of Burmese, areca and Singapore and other places. His master " the lash that puts down you " , watched what the show such as actor golden hill creates Chinese troupe name after homonymic modern drama in Singapore 1941 namely. In Feburary 1941, singapore falls into enemy hands the hand in the Japanese army, flounder of department apprentice tall returns Sichuan Chongqing. After a year, he inspects round northwest to survey paint from life of group of thorough Xinjiang and other places along with front of ministry of politics of Chongqing war council, creation goes out " cover Ma Tu " , " consolidate breaths out drink Ma Tu " wait for work. September 1945, in the triumphal sound of the War of Resistance Against Japan, held Xinjiang art exhibition at Chongqing.
In September 1946, si Tuqiao contracts pneumonia, mei of Feng Yi of madam of in the company of goes to American new York to treat. In October 1949, the good news that new China establishs is transmitted, he from the United States in August 1950 3 hedge city return the motherland by ship. On journey, he with breathtaking perseverance, suffer the pain with bumpy ship, the tears of blood that is versed in according to be the same as 3 Laohua of the boat is accuse with figure, the name that created life of affliction of reflective overseas Chinese is drawn " 3 Laohua are versed in " . This picture is published at later " big bulletin " , be progressed by the United States magazine " masses and life " reprint.
After returning Guangzhou, he in October 1950, arrive at Beijing, attend meeting of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of the first whole nation, suffer hire teach for central academy of fine arts, attend revolutionary history museum prepare to construct the job, the revolutionary history of design and scale our country is drawn. His pour into 4 years of painstaking effort, 1956 autumn finished Shi Hua " Asia-Pacific conference pursues " draft.
In September 1956, he returns home town to leave smooth, created " the morning of birthplace " the work that waits to be full of austral emotional appeal many times 10. Last when opening flat picture are " pool river afterglow " , also be a the biggest. At that time, his climb a hill opens station of weather of building of education of live abroad middle school, be worth dusk time right now, river of scan widely pool, see the setting sun only Jiang Shui, Gui Fan incarnadine. The green Zhu Cuiying on Jiang Di, outspread to bare bank 100 sufficient hill fall, far hill presents black blue, hill stone is turned into purple by reflection of light of the setting sun, the beautiful scenery of birthplace, make the painter is intoxicated. Department apprentice Qiao Yongchang coils, drew 3 days of time, still half-baked, be forced to bring back Beijing to continue to draw. In this period of time, he returns city of hill of new meeting, stage, benefit and Hainan island to visit sightseeing, created a batch of outstanding work. December 1957, he returns Beijing. On Feburary 16, 1958, at before the Spring Festival two days afternoon, because of have a recurrence of an old illness, he suddenlies to die like that in the atelier of Beijing sweet hill.
All picture that he produces gave country, cent Tibet opens smooth museum and art gallery in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and birthplace, " Si Tuqiao draws volume " publish by publishing house of Beijing people art.

