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杨景芝:女,满族,1940年8月出生,天津市人。中国美术家协会会员,1960年毕业于北京艺术师范学院美术系油画专业修业5 年,师从卫天霖先生、吴冠中先生。
现任首都师范大学儿童文学艺术研讨 发展中心副主任、教授,中国美术家协会儿童美术艺委会秘书长、中华教育艺术研讨 会理事、中国少儿外型 艺术学会副会长。
①首都师范大学少儿文学艺术研讨 发展中心副主任
③中国少儿外型 艺术学会副会长
④中华教育艺术研讨 会理事
⑤中国少年儿童外型 艺术培训中心主任
⑥多次担任国际、国内严重 儿童绘画竞赛评委、评委主任
次要 事迹
①承担国家教育科学“九5 ”规划重点项目《学校艺术教育实践研讨 》,并出版著作《美术教育与人的发展》,2000年获北京市政府颁发的《北京市第六届哲学社会科学优秀成果》二等奖。
②主编《九年义务教育国家教委审定教材小学美术课本》,1991年人民美术出版社出版。获国家出版署颁发《教材编写出版发行》1 等奖。
⑥出版著作《中国当代儿童绘画解析与教程》,1997年获国家教委颁发《1996年全国师范院校基础教育改革实验研讨 项目优秀成果》三等奖。
⑦其它作品还有:《儿童绘画与智力启蒙》、《儿童画速写》、《基础素描教学》、《童心·童画》、《儿童采风速写集》、《北京中小先生 获奖优秀美术作品精选》等10多部。此外,还发表了大量文章。
⑧在地方 电视台、北京电视台、北京广播电台举办讲座,在全国各省、市为师范院校、中学、小学、幼儿园师生及家长举办讲座和学术报告50多场次。

Introduction to the artist

Yang Jingzhi: Female, manchu, was born in August 1940, tianjin city person. Chinese artist academician, was graduated from art of institute of Beijing artistic normal school to fasten canvas major study at school 5 years 1960, gentleman of continuous heavy rain of Shi Congwei day, Mr Wu Guanzhong.
Currently hold the post ofart of literature of children of capital Normal University to consider to recruit central vice director, professor, art of children of Chinese artist association art appoint director of seminar of skill of education of meeting secretary-general, China, China is little plastic arts learns vice-chairman.
Hold the position of a post
① capital Normal University is little literary art considers to develop central vice director
Association of ② China artist is little art appoint meeting secretary-general
③ China is little plastic arts learns vice-chairman
④ China teachs artistic seminar director
Plastic arts of children of ⑤ China teenager grooms central director
⑥ holds the position of director of commissioner of competition of brushwork of great children of international, country, commissioner for many times
Main outstanding achievement
① assumes a country to teach science " 95 " program priority discipline " school art teachs practice to consider " , publish book " the development of art education and person " , obtained Beijing government to issue 2000 " Beijing science of society of the 6th philosophy is outstanding achievement " second-class award.
② chief editor " 9 years compulsory education country teachs appoint textbook of art of elementary school of authorized teaching material " , people art publishing house was published 1991. Obtain a country to publish arrange to issue " teaching material is written publish " first prize.
③ chief editor " teaching material of kinescope of art of elementary school of full-time of 9 years of compulsory education " , chinese electron sound resembled a press publishing 1994.
Teaching material of art of cheeper of ④ chief editor " child old studio " , guangzhou press was published 2002.
⑤ ginseng is made up " 9 years compulsory education country teachs appoint textbook of art of middle school of authorized teaching material " , people art publishing house was published 1993.
⑥ publishs book " Chinese contemporary children is painterly and analytic with the tutorial " , obtained a country to teach 1997 appoint issue " education of foundation of school of countrywide normal school reformed an experiment to study the project is outstanding 1996 achievement " third class award.
⑦ other work still has: " children brushwork and intelligence are illuminative " , " children draws literary sketch " , " fundamental sketch education " , " childishness · Tong Hua " , " collect of literary sketch of children collect folk songs " , " unripe bear the palm of Beijing middle and primary school is outstanding art work concentration. In addition, still published a large number of articles.
Broadcasting station of broadcast of ⑧ centrally TV station, Beijing TV station, Beijing holds a chair, in the whole nation each province, city is teachers and students of normal school school, middle school, elementary school, nursery school and parent to run lecture and academic report 50 much showing number.

