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钟楚浩,1960年毕业于上海戏剧学院舞台美术系的钟楚浩呼应 党的号召,被分配到青海省民族歌舞团,从事舞台美术设计工作,这1 干就是30余年。除了努力 于歌舞剧的舞台美术设计,他还潜心研习了油画、水粉画、烙画、版画等,并取得了较高的艺术成就 。其作品分别在省内外刊物上发表并受到业界人士的高度赞誉。舞剧《出征》和歌剧《椒山花儿红》的舞台美术设计,曾经入选全国舞台美术展,且前后 获得省文明 厅组织的舞美设计1 、二等奖。
钟楚浩先生的油画《瀚海情深》(与光绍天合作)是1973年他去西藏表演 途经海西时构思创作的:远处是起伏的沙丘,沙丘上拖着两根银线,两件军上衣,几只军用水壶,姑娘倒水时专注的神情和老人的招呼,画面上虽见不到架线兵的抽象 ,但却把军民鱼水情这个永久 的主题表现得含蓄而生动。 

艺术源于生活,又高于生活,如果没有对理想 生活的深刻体验,是很难创作出优秀作品来的。《布达拉宫》、《欢腾的青海湖》、《净土》等作品,都是作者深入生活、实地考察、反复观察揣摩创作出来的。油画《经趣》记录的是阿卡们辨经时的情景,从那1 张张憨厚、虔诚、闭目凝思的脸庞上,人们不难想象出辨经人在讲述怎样奥妙的经义,听经人又得到了怎样的彻悟和启迪。
古人说“仿古师其意,不泥其迹”,“须以神遇,不以迹求”。而楚浩先生的许多仿作不管 是人物的外型 还是服饰,皆对原作亦步亦趋,刻意“泥迹”,这与古人所提倡的正确的师古态度似乎不合,但作为以学习他人技法为次要 目的的技术训练而言,认真而规范的“泥其迹”不但是不可避免的,而且是十分必要的。《饮中八仙》、《琼楼雅韵》、《琴棋书画》等仿作都与原作无别,并且是用烙铁在木版上直接烙出,足见画家功力之深。业内人士从他的画作中既可以看到“画内功”,又可以看到“画外功”,这正反映出他深厚的文明 底蕴和艺术涵养 。
楚浩非常勤奋,巍巍昆仑、浩瀚戈壁、祁连雪峰、三江之源、古刹大寺、林场农舍,到处都留有他的脚印 。他随身总带着写生本,见什么都想画上去 :草原上美丽的景致、牧民们淳朴的笑脸、帐篷里升起的袅袅炊烟、僧侣们虔诚的举止、艺友们醉态可掬的抽象 ……都曾在他的笔下变成1 幅幅鲜活的画作。
油画《老阿卡》是他追踪和恳求老人三天才被允许入画的;为了请一名 收废品的老人当“模特”,他出资管饭;为了画几个少数民族的抽象 ,他请师友们帮忙相邀……
版画《环湖飞车》展示 了各国健儿参加环青海湖自行车赛的瞬间,留下了健儿们飞车竞技的美好画面,从而激发了人们敢于争先,奋斗不息的精神。
楚浩画室原在滨河路边,不少艺友常聚于此,谈诗论画,猜拳行令,酒酣之时,楚浩常击桌自吟,挥毫泼墨,龙飞凤舞1 番。
里果先生编著的《画家笔下的青海》就收录了楚浩的宣扬 画《欢迎您到青海来》,画作主题鲜明,寓意深远,富有凝练、含蓄的审美情趣。编者独具匠心,把它放在作品集的最初 1 页,意在使读者在掩卷深思时,能唤起再来青海的意念,这也正是画家创作的真正目的之所在。 

Introduction to the artist

The Zhong Chuhao that was graduated from faculty of art of arena of Shanghai Thespian institute 1960 answers the call of the party, be allocated chorus of Qinghai province nation, pursue job of arena artistic design, this works is 30 one's remaining years. Besides the arena artistic design that devotes oneself to drama of singing and dancing, he returned with great concentration to study canvas, gouache, pyrography, woodcut to wait, obtained taller artistic attainment. Its work is published on journal of province inside and outside respectively and get the high recognition of industry public figure. Pantomime " go out for a battle " with opera " pediment of any of several hot spice plants red " arena artistic design, once art of arena of selected whole nation is exhibited, and the dance beauty that acquires organization of province culture office early or late is designed one, second-class award.
The canvas of Mr Zhong Chuhao " vast situation is difficult " (cooperate with Guang Shaotian) was 1973 he goes sea of Tibetan show by way of on the west when conceive creation: Far is the dune that rise and fall, there are two silver-colored strings on dune, two army jacket, jug of a few for military use, the girl pours the accost of the dedicated expression when water and old person, the although see,is less than wiring arms figure on the picture, but however close relationship of the army and the people this lasting theme is behaved implicative and racily.  

Art results from the life, prep above lives, if do not have the deep experience that lives to reality, create an outstanding work very hard to come. " the Potala Palace " , " the Qinghai lake of jubilation " , " Sukhavati " wait for work, it is author development life, on-the-spot make an on-the-spot investigation, observe those who fathom creation to come out repeatedly. Canvas " classics is interesting " of the record is A Ka people the scene when differentiate classics, wherefrom a piece of Zhang Han on the thick, devotional, face that shuts eye to be buried in thought, people imagines person of classics giving differentiate is in not hard tell about how the classics of secret justice, listened to classics person to get what kind of thorough realizes He Qidi again.
The ancients says " archaize division its meaning, not mud its are slash " , "Must encounter with the god, do not beg with mark " . And the model that no matter be a character,a lot of copy of Mr Chu Hao make or dress, all right original work blindly follow sb, painstakingly " mud is slash " , this and the true division ancient attitude that the ancients encourages should not it seems that, but as the technical training that is main purpose with learning other ability way character, serious and normative " mud its are slash " not only it is inevitable, and it is very necessary. " the Eight Immortals in the legend in drink " , " Lou Yayun fining jade " , " painting and calligraphy of musical instrument chess " wait for copy to make do not have with original work not, and be with iron direct on block bake in a pan goes out, of force of work of artist of it serves to show deep. The personage inside course of study is made from his picture in can see already " picture exercise to benefit the internal organs " , can see again " picture exercises to benefit the muscles and bones " , this positive and negative reflects his solid culture inside information and artistic culture.
Chu Hao is very assiduous, farmhouse of big temple of the source of desert of lofty Kunlun, vast, Qi Lianxue peak, 3 rivers, ancient Buddhist templeput on the brakes, forestry centre, keep the track that has him everywhere. He always is leading paint from life this, see whats think the picture comes down: The beautiful scene on the prairie, herdsman people rise in honest smiling face, tent wave in the wind smoke from kitchen chimneys, abbe people devotional bearing, art friend people drunkenness but the figure of Ju... ever turned into a fresh picture in his the wording and purpose of what one writes make.
Canvas " old A Ka " it is him track and implore an old person 3 talents are allowed of suitable for a painting; Become to ask an old person that stops reject " model " , he is contributive tubal meal; To draw the figure of a few minority, he asks teacher and friends to help be invited...
Woodcut " annulus lake flying car " showed each country good athlete to attend annulus Qinghai lake the instant of cycle track, left good athlete people the good picture of flying car athletics, aroused people to dare thereby try to be the first, the spirit that struggles not to cease.
Hunan grand atelier roadside of Yuan Zaibin river, many art friend often get together hereat, talk about poetics picture, a finger-guessing game makes all right, wine to one's heart's content when, chu Hao often is attacked desk from chant, wield one's writing brush splash-ink, lively and vigorous in calligraphy.
Fruit gentleman compiles in " the Qinghai of painter the wording and purpose of what one writes " the poster that collected Chu Hao " welcome you to come to Qinghai " , the picture makes a subject bright, the implied meaning is far-reaching, be full of concise, implicative aesthetic appeal. Complier shows originality, put it in the last page of work collect, meaning in make the reader coils in attack by surprise thoughtful when, can arouse come again the idea of Qinghai, this also is the place of the real purpose that the painter creates.  

