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林玉祥先生初期 学习油画,后转入工笔画,研习工笔画创作。工笔画远在我国魏晋时期就有了很高的艺术成就,其精髓在于应用 工整、细致、周密 的技法来描绘物象,既重视 写实又富有诗情。在十年的工笔画创作中,林玉祥捉住 了工笔画的这1 精髓。林玉祥的工笔画线条工整、细致、流畅,色彩匀净、明丽、典雅,他的工笔画是在对中国传统绘画的深入研讨 以后 的体现出来的1 种审美观,1 种诗情画意。比来 几年,林玉祥也在不断的对国画的传统艺术进行研讨 和学习,有许多的水墨写意作品展示 给广大的书画爱好者。他的笔下,新疆的人物风情被描绘的淋漓尽致,活灵活现 的人物抽象 给人1 种美感的同时,让人更多的想到了新疆这样1 个美丽的地方。他不断地用画笔描绘着对新疆的炙热之爱,不管是工笔还是水墨写意,都很认真,很用情的去投入,去表达。

Introduction to the artist

Lin Yuxiang was born at Shandong heart city 1957. It is Chinese artist academician now, xinjiang artist association art appoint conference committee member, write central office vice director. Xinjiang imperial art academy hires an artist especially.
Mr Lin Yuxiang is inchoate learn canvas, labour strokes turns after, study labour strokes to create. Labour strokes is far there was very tall artistic success in period of advance of our country the Kingdom of Wei, its marrow depends on applying carefully and nearly, the ability law of meticulous, careful will depict content to resemble, pay attention to already be full of poetics again realistically. In the labour strokes creation in 10 years, lin Yuxiang captured this one marrow of labour strokes. Labour strokes line of Lin Yuxiang carefully and nearly, meticulous, fluent, colour is even, bright and beautiful, elegant, his labour strokes is the reflecting after the development that drawing to Chinese tradition studies a kind of careful that come out is beautiful, meaning of picture of a kind of poetics. The last few years, lin Yuxiang also is in the ceaseless traditional art to traditional Chinese painting undertakes consider and study, work of a lot of water ink freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting show lover of broad painting and calligraphy. His the wording and purpose of what one writes, the incisively and vividly that the character amorous feelings of Xinjiang is depicted, while lifelike figure figure gives a person a kind of aesthetic feeling, let a person more thought of Xinjiang a such beautiful places. He is depicting hot to the broil of Xinjiang love with paintbrush ceaselessly, no matter be traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail or water ink freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting, very serious, very use situation go throwing, go conveying.

