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朱春林 - 朱春林访谈(前言):心灵深处的家…

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朱春林,安徽桐城人。著名画家。1968年4月生于安徽桐城,1988年毕业于安徽黄梅戏学校舞台美术专业。1992年毕业于地方 美术学院油画系第1 画室,获学士学位。
2000年至2003年参加地方 美术学院首届油画高级研修班学习。2005年4月调入中国艺术研院美术创作院任北京艺术设计学院讲师。现为中国艺术研讨 院中国油画院教学部主任。

2001年“建党八十周年美术作品展”;“研讨 与超越.小幅油画作品大展”。
2004年5月“同修与殊相—地方 美院首届油画高级研修班作品展”;
2004年起参加“ 中国写实画派联展”,成为中国写实画派成员。现任中国油画院教学部主任。在国内油画届具有极大的影响力。
著录:《同修与殊相—地方 美术学院油画系首届高级研修班2000-2003》广西美术出版社,2004年版第124页。
2008年参加“同修与殊相-地方 美术学院首届油画高级研修班作品展2”;
2009年参加“第十1 届全国美术作品展”;
2010年参加回到写生、回到原典── 三代油画家写生、临摹展
2011年9月参加“书画同源─中国艺术研讨 院优秀青年书画家联展”(中国妇女儿童博物馆),12月中国写实画派7周年展


朱春林自幼爱好 画画,几乎没有任何耽搁就走上专业习画的路。由于他在绘画上的领悟力,使他由 1 个在地方戏校学习舞台美术的先生 1 步考入地方 美院油画系。国中1 流的院系,竞争是很激烈的,最强的对手是地方 美院附中的先生 ,而他仍能在班里成绩不错,这是不容易的。他在学习上重视 方法,认真专注,属于让老师省心的好先生 。
美院毕业后,朱春林被分配在北京工艺美校当老师。他很爱好 教师这个职业,不像有些年轻人不愿受这类 束缚,喜欢自在 地漂着。他爱护保重 不变 ,爱好 纯净的生活,而学校最能满足这1 点。朱春林没有那种高言大志、自命不凡的不平衡,因而 在工作中他很敬业,找到了本身 的价值,很快便成为教学的主力。
我常能听到他谈起那些孩子时,从先生 作品中得到的启发,对那种纯真、直接、生气勃勃的生命力很看中。每次说起来都眼睛发亮,激动不已,真可谓应了“教学相长”的实意。看来1 个人若有1 个好的心态,踏实地回到基本点上,随处都可以学有所获,找到发展的可能。
具象中的意象参与 (杨飞云谈朱春林油画)
大家常常能从展览与刊物上见到朱春林的画,但对他这个人却了解甚微。由于内向谦和的性情 ,对本身 的严厉 要求,因而 他在地方 美院油画系毕业的先生 中属露面较少的一名 。通常人们更多的去关注作品,其实作品充其量是画家的产品,而深入地去解读1 个画家更有益 于理解他的作品。他生活的方式影响着他作品的层次,他心灵的品质决定着他作品的品质。理解了他的如今 ,就能看到他的将来 。
朱春林自幼爱好 画画,几乎没有任何耽延就走上专业习画的路。由于他在绘画上的领悟力,使他由1 个地方戏校舞台美术的先生 1 步考入地方 美院油画系,国中1 流的院系。但是竞争是很激烈的。最强的对手是地方 美院附中的先生 ,而他仍能在班里成绩不错,是不容易的。他在学习上重视 方法,认真专注,属于让老师省心的好先生 。
美院毕业后,朱春林到工艺美校当老师。不像有些年轻人愿受这类 束缚,喜欢自在 的漂着。他 爱护保重 不变 、爱好 纯净的生活,而学校最能满足这1 点。朱春林没有那种高言大志、自命不凡的不平衡,因而 在工作中他很敬业,找到了本身 的价值,很快地成为教学的主力。我常能听到他谈起那些孩子时,从先生 作品中得到的启发。对那种纯真、直接、生气勃勃的生命力很看中,每次说起来都眼睛发亮,激动不已,真可谓应了教学相长的实意。看来1 个人若有1 个好的心态,踏实地回到基本点上,随处都可以学有所获,找到发展的可能。
从画面效果看,朱春林学的是油画,但是对中国画的表现效果和意境却打骨子里喜欢。在画面上,他除了利用 那些油画所必须利用 的要素 外,他始终想把国画中的气韵节奏和意象之美放入他的具象绘画中。他总是在寻求 意到而不是那种刻画的周到。眼下虽还不能说做到了天衣无缝,但总能让我明显地看到他在这方面的固执 寻求 ,并时有可喜的亮光闪出。
从作品画面内容看,朱春林画的是城里本身 四周 熟悉的人。但是总情愿 将田野阳光、果实带入画面,而很少用复杂的情节和强烈的动作。画中的人总是在那里处于安静、平和的形态 。适度的动作和画中的环境联系,以写实的手法表现的却是他内心将其意象化的理想特征。他仅仅选择那些能表达他内心的物象进入他的画面。他的选择是挑剔的,带有强烈的意图指向性。
从画面内涵看,朱春林看中阳光,有1 种亲切、平和 、清新的特征。他的阳光从不火辣,但不乏暖和 和明亮。我们晓得 光的本质是色彩,光的折射是影子。因而 他总是对色彩和影子的构成有大兴味 。在他的画面中总有几块鲜明 的纯色块特别跳。而这些纯色不是放在果实上就是放在有含义的生活器具 上,可见他的用心所在。由于他生活经历 的单纯加上本身 的寻求 ,所以作品很纯净。他总是以平衡的心态去礼赞那些美好的事物,阔别 阴暗 ,向往光明。我们可以从他的作品中去体会1 种温情的幸福感。分享这类 心情 给观者带来了安宁。
生活的平稳形成 了画面的平稳,何以进步呢?近来在他平静的生活中有几次大的改变。首先是2000年被地方 美院的油画高研班选中,这是他多年努力的成果体现。直接面对全国各地做出成绩、有各种优点 的同龄人,彼此 的碰撞与交流使他的平静激起了波澜。再是经过1 年多的课堂研习后,无机 会与全班师生一同 游历欧洲,专门去朝拜历代大师的真迹,直接体验世界名作降服 人心的力度所在。这是他盼望已久的大事。更可喜的是在他很美满的家庭中增加 了1 个可爱的女儿,非常适时地让他承担起做父亲的责任,体验和实践人生的完全 。
上帝爱世人,按时定量地赐福给敬虔的人,使他完全。我置信 这几件大事的出现必然 能拓展春林的深度和厚度,会给他的艺术带来丰盛和成熟。人都有1 个天赐的禀赋,不会更改。震荡后复归的平静对朱春林来说,已不在1 个层次上了。让我们祝贺 他长存感恩的心,在他的艺术发展中始终能健康并且充满阳光地照亮别人。

English Introduction

Zhu Chunlin, Anhui Tongcheng. Famous painter. Born in Anhui in April 1968 1988 in Tongcheng, graduated from the Anhui School of Huangmei opera stage art specialty. 1992 graduated from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts with a bachelor's degree in the first studio.
2000 to 2003 to participate in the first oil painting senior seminar in China Central Academy of Fine Arts. In April 2005 China Art Institute of Art Institute of Beijing College of art and design lecturer. Director of Teaching Department of China Academy of art.
Exhibition Awards
In 1994 the Xinzhu cup China oil painting exhibition ", won the excellent prize; the first" China oil painting exhibition".
1997 "Chinese Portrait Art Exhibition"; "to the new century. China Youth Oil Painting Exhibition" award.
In 2001, the eighty anniversary of the founding of the art exhibition ";" study and beyond. A small oil painting works exhibition".
The third China oil painting exhibition in 2003".
In 2004 the tenth session of the "National Art Exhibition" won the bronze award.
May 2004 "initiates and special - the Central Academy of fine arts first painting exhibition senior seminar";
2004 to participate in the "China realism Exhibition", become China realism members. Director of Teaching Department of China oil painting academy. In the domestic oil painting session has great influence.
Description: "initiates and special - Oil Painting Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts the first senior class 2000-2003" Guangxi Fine Arts Publishing House, 2004, page 124th.
2005 to participate in the "Chinese realism exhibition 2005"
In 2006 2006 Chinese realism oil painting exhibition"
2006 to participate in the spirit and character - China realistic oil painting exhibition";
2004-2009 consecutive years in "China realism oil painting exhibition 2007".
In 2007 2007 Chinese realism oil painting exhibition";
2008 to participate in the "source - Yang Feiyun asked the teachers and students";
2008 participated in the same repair and special - China Central Academy of Fine Arts first oil painting senior seminar works exhibition 2";
In 2008 China realism relief charity auction "blood" May.2008 huge oil painting creation;
2009 to participate in the Eleventh National Art exhibition";
In December 2010 2010 Chinese small realism painting exhibition;
In 2010, back to the original code to sketch -- the three generation of oil painters painting and copying Exhibition
In September 2011, Chinese homology of painting and Calligraphy Art Research Institute Outstanding Youth Calligraphy Exhibition (China women and children's Museum), December China realism 7 Anniversary Exhibition
The publication of "Zhu Chunlin oil painting collection", "Zhu Chunlin thought of painting", "Chinese Realism -- Zhu Chunlin" etc..

Zhu Chunlin was fond of painting, there is hardly any delay will go on the road of professional painting. Because of his painting on the understanding that he is a learning stage art in the local school students step was admitted to the Central Academy of art. The Department of junior high school class, competition is very fierce, the strongest opponent is the Central Academy of fine arts high school student, but he can still in the class the result is good, it is not easy. He pays attention to the method in the study focused to make a good student teacher worry.
After graduating from the Academy, Zhu Chunlin was assigned as a teacher in Beijing art school. He loves the profession of teachers, unlike some young people who do not like this bondage, like the freedom to drift. He cherished stability, love pure life, and the school can best meet this point. Zhu Chunlin did not balance the high ambition, pretentious words, so he is very professional at work, find their own value, and soon became the main teaching.
I often hear him talk about those children, get inspiration from students' works, very fancy to that kind of pure, full of vitality and vitality directly. Say every time bright eyed, excited, really should be "real meaning Teaching benefits teachers as well as students.". It seems that if a person has a good attitude, practical back to the basic point, everywhere can learn to get, find the possibility of development.
Over the years he in addition to teaching investment, there is no relaxation in the accumulation of creation.
Mr. Yang Feiyun talks about Zhu Chunlin oil painting
Image participation in figurative image (Yang Feiyun talks about Zhu Chunlin oil painting)
You can often see Zhu Chunlin's paintings from exhibitions and publications, but have little knowledge of him. Due to the modest character, strict requirements on their own, one so he graduated from the oil painting department of the Central Academy of fine arts students in public less. Usually people pay more attention to works, in fact, works at best is the painter's products, and in-depth interpretation of a painter is more conducive to understanding his work. His way of life influences the level of his works, and the quality of his mind determines the quality of his works. Understand his now, can see his future.
Zhu Chunlin was fond of painting, there is hardly any delay would go on the road of professional painting. Because of his painting on the understanding that he is a local opera school stage art students step was admitted to the Central Academy of art, first-class faculty of junior high school. But the competition is fierce. The strongest opponent is the Central Academy of fine arts high school student, but he can still in class performance is good, is not easy. He pays attention to the method in the study focused to make a good student teacher worry.
After graduating from the Academy of fine arts, Zhu Chunlin art school as a teacher. Not like some young people would like this bondage, like freedom drift. He cherished stability, love pure life, and the school can best meet this point. Zhu Chunlin did not balance the high ambition, pretentious words, so he is very professional at work, find their own value, quickly became the main teaching. I often hear him talk about the children, inspired by the student's work. That kind of pure, direct, full of vitality vitality is very fancy, say every time bright eyed, excited, really should be the real meaning of the Teaching benefits teachers as well as students. It seems that if a person has a good attitude, practical back to the basic point, everywhere can learn to get, find the possibility of development.
Over the years he in addition to teaching investment, did not relax creation.
From the picture, Zhu Chunlin is painting, but on the Chinese painting effect and artistic conception but the bones of love. In the picture, he used those factors in addition to painting must be used, he always want to put the spirit of traditional Chinese painting in the rhythm and beauty of imagery in his figurative painting. He is always seeking to be conscious rather than thoughtful. Now, although still cannot be said to be a seamless heavenly robe, but always make me see clearly his persistent pursuit, and when there is a welcome light flash.
From the content of the work picture, Zhu Chunlin painted the familiar people around the city. But always willing to field, sunlight, fruit into the screen, and rarely use complex plot and strong action. The people in the painting are always in a quiet, peaceful state. Moderate action and the environment connection in painting, the realistic expression is the ideal characteristic of his heart. He can only choose those to express his inner images into his picture. His choice is critical, with a strong intention to point.

From the screen connotation, Zhu Chunlin fancy sunshine, there is a kind, gentle, fresh features. His sun is never hot, but warm and bright. We know that the essence of light is color, and the refraction of light is shadow. So he is always interested in the composition of color and shadow. In his pictures have few blocks of solid color bright special jump. The color not on the fruit is placed in a meaningful life, showing his intentions. Because of his simple life experience and his pursuit, so the work is very pure. He is always in a balanced state of mind to praise those good things away from the darkness, longing for the light. We can from his works to experience a kind of warmth of happiness. Sharing this state of mind brings peace to the viewer.
The smooth life caused the smooth picture, how to progress? There have been several major changes in his quiet life recently. The first is 2000 by the Central Academy of fine arts painting research classes selected, this is his years of hard achievements. Face directly across the country to make achievements, have a variety of strengths peers, mutual collision and exchange of his calm aroused waves. Then after a year of learning opportunities together after class, traveled to Europe with the class teachers and students, to worship the ancient masters of the original special, direct experience of world famous efforts to conquer the hearts of. This is his long expected event. Even more gratifying is that in his very happy family added a lovely daughter, very timely let him assume the responsibility of father, experience and practice the integrity of life.
God loved the world, on time to bless the godly man, made him completely. I believe that the emergence of these events must be able to expand the depth and thickness of the spring forest, will bring his art rich and mature. People have a gift that will not change. After the shock to return peace to Zhu Chunlin, is not in the same level. Let us wish him eternal gratitude, always illuminating others in his artistic development.

