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1962年10月出生于山东省临沂市,现任中国美术家协会副主席,全国政协委员,解放军美术创作院常务副院长,中国美协中国画艺术委员会副主任,北京美术家协会顾问,中国画学会副会长,中国书法家协会理事、中国油画学会理事,中国艺术研讨 院美术研讨 员,是中国文明 名人和中宣部“四个1 批人才”,享用 国务院政府特殊津贴。前后 就学于解放军艺术学院和地方 美院。多年来勤奋努力,创作了大量美术作品,参加过许多全国性重要展览。组织并掌管 过许多全国、全军性的美术展览和学术研讨 活动并多次担任全国、全军美展评委。作品曾在第八届、第九届、第十届全国美展中获奖。全国第二届速写大赛获1 等奖,作品选入全国中国画百年大展和首届、第二届、第三届北京国际双年展。代表作品有《红色乐章》《画兵》《父老同乡 》《原乡》《扎西平措上尉和阿爸阿妈》《南沙天浴》《母亲·母亲》《南海·南海》等。许多作品被中国美术馆、国家博物馆等海内外收藏机构收藏,出版作品集多种。
1962年10月10日生于山东临沂市1 个书香门第,小时候住的地方前边是银行,后边是书店,可谓精神、物资 两全之地,可惜这些都是和我家无缘的,看看而已。刚刚六、七岁父母遭迫害,家毋宁 日。
1980年高考入解放军信息工程大学学习,专业 时间画板报、练字、画速写,毕业分配到北京总参某部工作,继续画速写、学习美术理论并报名参加了中国书画函授大学和北京市西城区专业 美术学校(任学习班班长)。
1986年自在 投稿在中国书画函授大学学报首次发表本身 的作品:《荷塘清趣》,甚喜。
—-1990年10月速写作品《集市》获全国第二届速写大赛1 等奖。
—-1992年7月借调到总政文明 部文艺局帮助工作,组织建军65周年全军美展的有关活动。
—-1997年8月掌管 举办了《纪念建军70周年全国美展暨第九届全军美术作品展览》,设计(与人合作)建军70周年邮票1 套5 枚全国发行。
—-1998年9月参加“第5 次全国美术家代表大会”,任中国美术家协会理事。
—-2000年8月组织“全军画家高级外型 研讨 班”,聘请王华祥掌管 教学,出版《发现?再现?表现》、《百日素描体验》素描集。
—-2001年《红色乐章》入选百年国画大展(国家文明 部、中国美协主办)。
—-2001年至2003年入地方 美院十二届油画助教研讨 班学习,重点研讨 彩墨湿画系列技法。
—-2001年6月掌管 举办了“第三届全军书法作品”展览。(中国美术馆)
—-2003年创作《原乡》参加“首届北京国际双年展”。9月,团地方 会议决定成立“全国青联书画工作委员会”,由李翔任主任。同年掌管 举办《众志成城 抗非典,浓墨重彩绘英雄》全国名家约请 展(全国青联主办,国家博物馆展览)。
—-2003年7月至9月掌管 举办“首届全军书法骨干培训班”,开始重点研讨 王遽常草书。
—-2004年7月组织“全军迎十届全国美展创作班”(武警四季青接待 所),创作《父老同乡 》获全国十届美展铜奖。
—-2004年11月1日至12日?参加中国青年代表团随团地方 第1 书记出访韩国、日本,其作品分别送韩国总理、日本首相。

Introduction to the artist

Was born in Shandong to visit Linyi town in October 1962, currently hold the post ofvice-chairman of Chinese artist association, committee member of countrywide the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, courtyard of creative work of liberation army art is standing assistant dean, china is beautiful assist China draws artistic council vice director, beijing artist association is advisory, traditional Chinese painting learns vice-chairman in, canvas of director of Chinese calligrapher association, China learns director, researcher of art of Chinese artistic academy, it is Chinese culture celebrity and China Communist News Ministry " 4 one ability that approve a person " , enjoy government of the State Council special allowance. Early or late go to school is mixed at institute of liberation army art central beautiful courtyard. Will try hard conscientiously for years, created many art work, had entered a lot of national important exhibitions. The art exhibition that organize and has chaired sex of a lot of whole nations, horse and foot and academic research activity hold the position of beauty of the whole nation, horse and foot to exhibit a commissioner for many times. Work ever was in the 8th, the 9th, the 10th throughout the country is beautiful the bear the palm in exhibiting. Contest of the 2nd literary sketch of countrywide wins first prize, work choosing is drawn into countrywide China hundred years be exhibited greatly and first, the 2nd, international of the 3rd Beijing double year exhibit. Delegate work has " gules movement " " picture arms " " villager of elders of a country or district " " raw country " " Zaxipingcuo Captain and Mom of A pa A " " south Sha Tianyu " " maternal · . A lot of work be waited for by museum of Chinese art gallery, country global collect an orgnaization, publication work collect a variety of.
 On October 10, 1962? Be born at Shandong Linyi city a scholarly family, the place that lives in one's childhood in front it is a bank, the bookshop is behind, the ground of be satisfactory to both sides of spirit of it may be said, material, regrettablly these are with me the home does not have a predestined relationship, look just. Just 6, 7 years old of parents persecute, the home does not have peaceful day.
1968 Reach Linyi city along with country of parental transfer to work at the grass-roots level or to do manual labor in the countryside or in a factory Yi Hedong presses down small Wang Zhuang 9 times, go up in this village elementary school, the table of the school is earthy base. Does father write in the country, picture? Picture, exert a subtle influence on is affecting me.
 1970 Go into town along with the mother Linyi closes elementary school on the west, linyi is entered after 3 in on junior high school, high school, live in two broken thatched cottage in big miscellaneous courtyard.
1980 The university entrance exam learns into university of project of liberation army information, newspaper of off hours palette, practice calligraphy, picture literary sketch, graduation allocation always enters some job to Beijing, continue to draw theory of art of literary sketch, study to sign up picture of the credential in attending teachs by correspondence university and Beijing on the west school of art of amateur of the city zone (allow to learn squad squad leader) .
 1986 Free submit a piece of writing for publication teachs by correspondence in Chinese painting and calligraphy the work that university journal publishs him first: " Qing Dynasty of pond of carry on one's shoulder is interesting " , be fond of very.
 In September 1987 By army the leader recommends study of attend in a advanced studies of institute of liberation army art.
 In September 1989Studying art of institute of liberation army art is study of class of traditional Chinese painting, the instruction that waits for a gentleman is shown during school by Lu Chen, Yao Youduo, Liu Dawei, He Haixia, Bai Xueshi, Liu Tian.
, - in October 1990 Literary sketch work " market " win first prize of contest of the 2nd literary sketch of countrywide.
, - 1991? Join Beijing artist academician
, - in July 1991 The graduate work of creation " gules Yi Meng " obtain Beijing to celebrate found a party 70 years to the United States exhibits outstanding work reward and be collected by Beijing artist association.
, - 1992? The work that created Yi Mengshan theme first half of the year " the first month of the lunar year " selected souvenir " 5.23 " beauty of speaking whole nation is exhibited.
, - in July 1992 Temporarily transfer arrives always politics literary bureau helps culture department the job, the organization founds an army 65 years the concerned activity that beauty of horse and foot exhibits.
, - in March 1993 Classics bureau leader is recommended transfer into formally always politics literary bureau is in charge of job of organization of art of horse and foot of be assigned personal responsibility for, calligraphic, creation.
, - March 1994 Join Chinese artist consortium.
, - in June 1994 Along with group of Chinese martial music visit Finland experiences the life, traditional Chinese painting was created after coming back " gules movement " ; The organization is held greet beauty of 8 whole nations to exhibit art of horse and foot to create a class (the institute is directed in air force) .
, - in July 1995? Approval is committee member of countrywide green couplet
, - in September 1995? Painter of bear the palm of constituent horse and foot goes to Qi Lu frontier defence of coastal, Xinjiang is sketchy. Among them the Zhang Daoxing, Home Zhou Yong, comrade such as Chen Yuming attends.
, - in August 1997? Chair held " souvenir founds an army 70 years countrywide beauty is exhibited and work of art of the 9th horse and foot is exhibited " , design (cooperate with the person) found an army 70 years stamp 5 whole nations are issued.
, - in May 1998? Constituent part painter goes to Guangxi, Guizhou a mountainous area paint from life, the comrade such as Luo Genxing, Miao Zaixin, Xing Junqin attends.
, - in September 1998? Attend " congress of artist of the 5th whole nation " , hold the post of director of Chinese artist association.
, - in August 1999? The organization is greeted " beauty of the 9th whole nation exhibits art of horse and foot to create a class " (below Great Wall foot south the mouth is pressed down) create " picture arms " obtain beauty of the 9th whole nation to exhibit cupreous award.
, - came on June 16, 2000 on July 6 Painter of constituent army bear the palm goes to Europe to look around, liu Dawei is colonel, the participant has the Yuan Wu, Kong Zi, Gong Li, Shao Yachuan, 16 people such as Qin Wenqing.
, - in August 2000 Organization " deluxe model studies painter of horse and foot class " , invite Wang Huaxiang to chair education, publish " discovery? Emersion? Expression " , " 100 days of sketch experience " sketch collect.
, - by 2000 Attend " congress of calligrapher of the 4th whole nation " , hold the post of director of Chinese calligrapher association.
, - 2001 " gules movement " selected hundred years traditional Chinese painting is exhibited greatly (national culture ministry, China is beautiful assist sponsor) .
, - came 2001 2003? Into central beautiful courtyard 12 canvas assistant studies the class learns, study law of ability of set of colour ink wet painting mainly.
, - in June 2001? Chair held " work of calligraphy of the 3rd horse and foot " exhibition. (Chinese art gallery)
, - 2002? The organization was held " work of art of the 10th horse and foot is exhibited " , creation traditional Chinese painting " music " enter an exhibition.
, - 2003? Creation " raw country " attend " first Beijing international double year exhibit " . September, the conference decides to hold water in the center of the group " committee of job of painting and calligraphy of countrywide green couplet " , you Lixiang holds the post of a director. Of the same age is chaired hold " all the people of one mind fights SARS, hero of heavy coloured drawing or pattern of thick Chinese ink " countrywide a person of academic or artistic distinction invites exhibit (countrywide green couplet is sponsorred, national museum is exhibited) .
, - came in July 2003 September? Chair hold " backbone of calligraphy of first horse and foot grooms class " , begin to research book of king hurriedly Chang Cao mainly.
, - by 2003? Attend " congress of artist of the 6th whole nation " , thing of reappoint China beautiful assistant manager.
, - 2003 autumn Publish " the traditional Chinese painting in Li Xiang " (face spends a press) and " work of picture of Li Xiang China picks army brigade famous expert " (people art publishing house) .
, - 2004? Paint from life of North Shaanxi country is gone to during the Spring Festival, collect material.
, - in July 2004? Organization " horse and foot greets beauty of 10 whole nations to exhibit creation class " (green hostel of armed police the four seasons) , creation " villager of elders of a country or district " obtain 10 beauty of countrywide to exhibit cupreous award.
, - came 12 days on November 1, 2004 Attend Chinese youth delegacy to follow a group Korea of visit of the first secretary central, Japan, its work sends Korea premier, Japan prime minister respectively.
, - 2007 Have the honor to win 2007 " net of China of painting and calligraphy " , " Chinese book pictorial " , " art signs up for " the year that waits for more than 20 professional media to choose painter of 10 large force; Attend to be held in Japan " high-quality goods of art of 2007 China painting and calligraphy exhibits world Chinese greatly " win outstanding award (this is exhibited set outstanding award only, by China Wenlian and world Chinese congress are sponsorred)

