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刘晨煌,男,1982年广西艺术学院美术系油画专业本科毕业,同年考上地方 美术学院油画研讨 生课程班学习,师从前地方 美术学院院长靳尚宜油画前辈,并在地方 美院研修油画两年,现为广西艺术学院美术学院油画副教授,兼任广西民族书画学院院长。油画代表作:油画作品《啊,1 九二九,广西百色起义》入选“第六届全国美术作品展”,并获全国优秀奖,广西1 等奖。油画作品《世界冠军的壮族女儿》入选为“第三届中国体育美术作品展,并获广西1 等奖。
近年著作有《素描情势 与技巧》、《素描静物入门》、《人物半身写生》、《石膏像写生》等四本书。

Introduction to the artist

Liu morning brilliant, male, art of Guangxi art institute fastened graduation of canvas major undergraduate course 1982, on take an examination ofing of of the same age class of course of graduate student of canvas of central academy of fine arts learns, master dean of academy of fine arts is stingy Shang Yi canvas elder in the center of once upon a time, and centrally beautiful courtyard grinds repair canvas two years, it is associate professor of canvas of academy of fine arts of Guangxi art institute now, hold prexy of Guangxi nation painting and calligraphy part-time. Canvas masterpiece: Canvas work " ah, 1929, guangxi uprises 100 kinds " selected " work of art of the 6th whole nation is exhibited " , win countrywide outstanding award, guangxi first prize. Canvas work " the Chuang daughter of world champion " selected for " work of art of sports of the 3rd China is exhibited, win Guangxi first prize.
Canvas work " hold captive Xiong Gao " , " person of outstanding ability of manage state affairs " be collected by memorial hall of 100 lubricious uprise.
Canvas work " Deng Xiaoping and Tian Dong of Zhang Yunyi join forces are right Jiang Erya dock " be collected by museum of history of Tian Dong revolution.
In recent years composing has " sketch form and skill " , " introduction of sketch still life " , " character half body is sketchy " , " gesso resembling is sketchy " wait for 4 books.
Reference material

