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陈希文教授,1987年毕业于吉林艺术学院美术学院装璜 专业,同年留校任教至今,现任吉林艺术学院美术学院古代 绘画艺术系主任、教授,装潢 绘画第1 工作室导师,作品多次参加展览及出版,参加中外美术作品交流展,吉林省美术家协会会员,吉林省包装装璜 设计委员会委员。
次要 展览及获奖情况:《能飞的鱼》2002年纪念毛泽东同志《在延安文艺论坛会上的讲话》发表60周年全国美展。《吉祥之鸟》2002年参加中、俄、奥绘画作品交流展。《衍·幻·2004》2004年参加第十届全国美术展览。

Introduction to the artist

Chen Xiwen is taught
? ? ? ? Was graduated from major of decorate of academy of fine arts of Jilin art institute 1987, of the same age stays school teach up to now, currently hold the post ofacademy of fine arts of Jilin art institute contemporary and painterly art is director, professor, adornment is painterly adviser of the first atelier, work attends an exhibition to reach for many times publish, attend communication of work of art of China and foreign countries to exhibit, jilin saves artist academician, jilin saves the decorate that pack to design committee committee member.
Main exhibition reachs situation of bear the palm: " the fish that can fly " commemorated Comrade Mao Zedong 2002 " in Yan'an literary forum is met the talk that attend " publish beauty of 60 years of whole nations to exhibit. " lucky bird " attended medium, Russia 2002, abstruse paint communication is exhibited. " · of develop · unreal 2004 " entered exhibition of art of the 10th whole nation 2004.

