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2022-03-11 17:37:04 3689




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次要 作品
油画《中华大戏——南粤花》入选“吾土吾民”鼎新华南油画作品约请 展
油画《2003——**在广东》获**广东省委宣扬 部主办的“百年风云”——广东近当代严重 历史画美术作品展优秀奖
油画《中华大戏之1 》入选广东省第1 届当代油画艺术展
油画《催马扬鞭》入选广东省第5 届当代油画艺术展

Introduction to the artist

Jiangxi person. Complete a course was fastened at canvas of Xi'an academy of fine arts 1983. Was graduated from faculty of art of institute of Jingdezhen pottery and porcelain 1989, of the same age teachs to fasten sculpture staff room at art of institute of Jingdezhen pottery and porcelain. It is Chinese artist academician now, committee member of committee of learning of institute of Guangdong technology normal school, art of academy of fine arts learns to fasten director, professor, Master to lay a teacher. 2003 ~ made an appointment with a painter for autograph of Guangzhou imperial art academy 2006, 2007 ~ made an appointment with a painter for autograph of Guangdong imperial art academy 2010.
Main work
Canvas " Oriental opera " work of art of the 9th whole nation exhibits selected People's Republic of China
Canvas " China makes fun of greatly -- appear " work of the 3rd canvas exhibits selected People's Republic of China
Canvas " China makes fun of greatly -- Na Yuehua " selected " my earth I civilian " work of Xin Huana canvas invites the vessel exhibit
Canvas " of Dao Madan series " obtain work of Chinese college art to exhibit second-class award
Canvas " Dao Madan " obtain school year of work of Chinese college art to exhibit second-class award
Canvas " dawn horn and buffoon " obtain dozenth outstanding work postpones a red-letter day of Guangdong province art outstanding award
Canvas " make fun of short spear " obtain Guangdong to save work of art of the 4th contemporary canvas to exhibit nomination award
Canvas " 2003 -- ** is in Guangdong " department of propaganda of provincial Party committee of the Guangdong that obtain ** sponsors " hundred years wind and cloud " -- work of art of picture of close contemporary and great history exhibits Guangdong outstanding award
Canvas " one of China big play " selected Guangdong saves art of the first contemporary canvas to exhibit
Canvas " pleasance Jing dream " selected Guangdong saves art of the 3rd contemporary canvas to exhibit
Canvas " urge Ma Yang to flog " selected Guangdong saves art of the 5th contemporary canvas to exhibit

