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林曰惠,男,山东省栖霞人,1952年8月生于辽宁大连。1982年毕业于沈阳鲁迅美术学院油画系,现任辽宁师范大学美术学院院长、教授、硕士研讨 生导师、MFA艺术硕士导师。大连市政协委员、美术家协会副主席。教学中担任油画基础训练及油画创作等专业课程,创作的油画作品有多件参加国家级展览和国外展出,并有作品获奖或被收藏。
油画《后悬浮》获辽宁省第十1 届美术作品展金奖、入选全国第十1 届美展、吾土吾民中国油画约请 展

Introduction to the artist

Male, shandong saves dwell glow person, was born at Liaoning Dalian in August 1952. Was graduated from department of canvas of academy of fine arts of Shenyang Lu Xun 1982, currently hold the post ofart of adviser of graduate student of dean of academy of fine arts of Liaoning Normal University, professor, Master, MFA Master adviser. Vice-chairman of association of committee member of Dalian city the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, artist. The special training course such as canvas foundation training and canvas creation is held the position of in education, the canvas work of creation has many to attend national level exhibition and abroad to exhibit, have work bear the palm or be collected.
Work " be like fire year " , " Chu Han " , " of fishing child " , " beauty go for a walk in the country in spring " , " the home " , " sunshine · rocking chair " Ceng Can adds couplet of courtyard of countrywide advanced beauty to exhibit, countrywide beauty is exhibited, Asian beauty is exhibited,
Canvas " rear overhang float " obtain Liaoning to save eleventh art work exhibits eleventh of gold prize, selected whole nation the United States is exhibited, my earth I civilian Chinese canvas invites exhibit

