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高孟焕教授,1913年6月生于辽宁海城。1933年毕业于辽宁艺术专科学校西画系。1934年至1949年于沈阳、上海等地从事美术编辑、广告设计、美术教育等工作。新中国成立初期任上海教育出版社编辑。1951年后历任上海美术专科学校、华东艺术专科学校、南京艺术学院副教授、教授等职。1956年10月加入中国民主同盟,曾任民盟南艺支部主任。高孟焕教授在长时间 的艺术教育与创作、设计活动中,积累了丰富的经验,成就卓著。前后 开设了油画、年画、连环画等课程。并发表了大量的作品。油画作品有《上工地》、《宣扬 真谛 》、《会嵇山下》等。1983年获全国优秀包装工作者称号。

Introduction to the artist

Professor Gao Menghuan was born at Liaoning sea wall in June 1913. Was graduated from Liaoning art 1933 schools draws a department on the west. Came to pursued the job such as education of design of art editor, advertisement, art at and other places of Shenyang, Shanghai 1949 1934. New China establishs initial stage to hold the post of Shanghai to teach press edition. Shanghai art training school, Huadong is had successively held the posts of after 1951 the duty such as associate professor of artistic college of artistic schools, Nanjing, professor. The state is democratic and federal in was being joined in October 1956, ever held the post of director of branch of civilian alliance Na Yi. Professor Gao Menghuan is in activity of long-term artistic education and creation, design, accumulated rich experience, achievement is outstanding. Offerred the course such as canvas, New Year picture, comic early or late. Published much work. Canvas work has " ground of go to work " , " propagandist truth " , " below meeting Ji Shan " etc. Won the throughout the country 1983 title of the outstanding worker that pack.

