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杨尧,男,汉族,1941年3月生于湖南省常德市,1965年毕业于广州美术学院油画系,后留校任教。现为广州美术学院教授,胡1 川研讨 室主任,中国油画学会理事。曾任广州美术学院油画系副主任、主任,中国美术家协会油画艺术委员会委员,广东油画学会副主席,广东省美协油画艺委会副主任,并数次聘为全国性油画大展艺术委员会委员、评委,2006年入编地方 电视台专题片《中国油画人物志》。
杨尧长时间 在高等美术学府从事油画教学和油画创作,20世纪80年代曾任广州美术学院油画系副主任、广东油画会副会长、秘书长。组织创建先锋派105画室,90年代掌管 油画系工作,全面推进教学改革,放开学术思想。在此期间,曾前后 应邀出访考察了欧洲、北非、南非、埃及、美国、日本、马来西亚、新加坡、泰国和香港等国家和地区的美术教育及美术现状。发表有《中国油画目前之动向与透视》的演讲,《对传统油画教学的反思》、《油画的教学与管理》等论文。
①《中国油画》1700 19851988年4月
④《中国古代 美术全集油画2》1997年9月
⑦《大河上下 新时期中国油画回顾展》2005年11月
⑧《精神与品格中国当代写实油画研讨 展作品集》2006年12月

Introduction to the artist

Yang Yao, male, the Han nationality, was born at city of Hunan Province Chang De in March 1941, was graduated from department of canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts 1965, stay after school teach. It is professor of Guangzhou academy of fine arts now, director of Hu Yichuan lab, chinese canvas learns director. Ever held the post of canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts to fasten vice director, director, committee member of committee of art of canvas of Chinese artist association, guangdong canvas learns a vice-chairman, guangdong saves the United States assist canvas art appoint conference vice director, hire several times exhibit artistic committee committee member, commissioner greatly for national canvas, entered 2006 arrange CCTV special subject piece " keep in mind of Chinese canvas person " .
Yang Yao is engaged in canvas education and canvas creation for a long time in advanced art institution of higher learning, 80 time ever held the post of 20 centuries canvas of vice director of department of canvas of Guangzhou academy of fine arts, Guangdong is met vice-chairman, secretary-general. The organization founds a pioneer to send 105 atelier, 90 time chair canvas to fasten the job, push education reform in the round, unlock academic thinking. During this, ever visited the art education that inspected country and the area such as Europe, North Africa, south Africa, Egypt, United States, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Hong Kong and art current situation on invitation early or late. Publish have " the trend with Chinese current canvas and fluoroscopy " speech, " to traditional canvas education think over " , " the education of canvas and management " wait for a paper.
Canvas represents work to have: " after rain " , " ox, farmer, land " , " bare earth " , " halcyon space " , " crepuscular " , " walk into western " , " rustic alley " etc, among them " crepuscular " , " walk into western " collect for Chinese art gallery, " ox, farmer, land " , " bare earth " obtain beauty of the 6th whole nation to exhibit outstanding work reward, collect for Guangdong art gallery, " after rain " collect for art gallery of Guangzhou academy of fine arts.
Publication individual draws collect to have: " drawing from nature of scenery of Yang Yao of home of Chinese contemporary canvas collect "
Into make up large picture collect to have:
① " Chinese canvas " 1700  In April 19851988
② " contemporary human body is artistic " , " new draw realistically " in July 1988
③ " Chinese contemporary oil painting is artistic " in October 1994
④ " complete works of Chinese modern ar  Canvas 2 " in September 1997
⑤ " canvas of 20 centuries China extends work market " in June 2000
⑥ " Chinese canvas human body hundred years " in March 2001
⑦ " does the great river fluctuate  Canvas of new period China reviews exhibit " in November 2005
⑧ " spirit and character and morals China is contemporary realistically canvas considers to extend work market " in December 2006
⑨ " reforming and opening Chinese art 30 years " (1978 2008) in December 2008
⑩ " Chinese art 60 years " (1949 2009) in October 2009

