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吴芳谷,生于1916年,广东汕头人。1934年考入上海美专,1937年旅居新加坡,参加中华美术研讨 会,1939年协助徐悲鸿义卖展,支持国内抗战。1947年后在汕头1 中、汕头师范学校任美术教师,参加汕头艺术学校的筹办工作。擅长水彩画,作品多次参加省市展览和全国水彩画展。曾为潮汕文联美术组副组长、汕头工艺美术协会顾问,现为中国美术家协会会员、广东省水彩画会顾问,汕头市美术家协会名誉主席,揭阳水彩水粉画会名誉会长,汕头画院画师。
吴芳谷,青少年时期曾到曾幻1 、陈宗瑞、陈文希等创办的春阳绘画社学习素描,临摹王济远的水彩画。1934年考入上海美专,得到刘海粟、王远勃、陈人浩、刘抗、张弦等名家的指点 。1937年旅居新加坡,参加中华美术研讨 会,到马来西亚、印度尼西亚、越南等地写生,1939年协助徐悲鸿义卖展,支持国内抗战。1947年后在汕头1 中、汕头师范学校任美术教师,参加汕头艺术学校的筹办工作。出版有《吴芳谷水彩画选》、《海之诗———吴芳谷水彩画集》、《吴芳谷水彩画集》、《吴芳谷———心悟自然》等画册。
吴芳谷以风景画为主的作品,根植生活与自然,继承了英国传统水彩画的绘画理念,强调水与彩交融,宣写光色丰富的自然景观,同时又秉承了作为东方精神背景下的中国古典绘画意蕴,寻求 “虚融淡泊”与“虚怀若谷”的静远意念,当代水彩画艺术言语 中有着独到的风格。
他的水彩画,格调浑厚质朴,轻盈明快,清新润泽,富于潮汕乡土气息和海滨风味。在水彩画中,静物画成了吴芳谷绘画探索的重要领域,大概由因而 长时间 在海边生活的缘由 ,鱼更是他静物画中擅长的题材,他善于表现鱼的光感、质感,从那“微而细致的色调”中可以体会到“鱼体的坚实与柔软感觉”。而这些在《带鱼图》与《乌鱼图》中均得到上乘的表现:《带鱼图》中鱼的鲜润感,构图饱满,物象布置貌似随意实显匠心,挥洒自若 的笔触,千变万化,和谐明亮,在精神和内涵上有1 种强烈的海边生活情调。《乌鱼图》中鱼描绘细腻,乌鱼身体细长、前圆后扁、体灰黑色、背深腹浅和 体侧纵行黑色斑块等都刻划得丝丝入扣,色彩古朴,精致入微,充分表现物体的质感、体感,真是巧夺神工,横生妙趣。
对于吴芳谷所作的《带鱼图》,王兰若在观画后题诗1 首,诗曰:为问买来海鲜无,生葱银带入画图。活灵活现 神韵足,不愧岭表一位 儒。
此诗首两句描写画面静物:问你(画家)有无 买到鲜美的海鲜。信手拈来,生葱带鱼,巧妙构图,很快把带鱼身体侧扁,像1 条长带子,全身雪白 色,无鳞,口大,齿尖的特征栩栩如生地表现出来,令人佩服。诗的第三、四句离开画面,作了1 番谈论 :你绘画艺术精湛,画得如此生动逼真 ,活灵活现 ,不仅外形美,而且神韵足,赋予了带鱼以美的色彩和生命的活力。反复把玩,悉心回味,神韵 悠久 ,更觉得画家的思想内涵丰实深厚,艺术言语 新颖别致,不愧是岭南的一名 名画家。(岭南旧称岭外、岭表。)
对于吴芳谷所画的《乌鱼图》。王兰若也有另1 首题诗:老友画鱼美与鲜,庖丁问我怎样煎。生炊乌鱼蘸豆酱,与你同醉到明天。
此诗没有直接描写画面,而是以富于生活情趣的想象延伸作品中的意境:老友所画的鱼真的是神形毕肖,色彩斑斓,鲜美嫩滑,真叫人馋嘴,新来的厨工不懂烹调的方法,问我如何煎煮?最好的吃法是生炊,然后用普宁豆酱作蘸料,保证美味可口,而那硕大酥脆的“乌鱼术”,更令人饱享口福。希望今晚能尽兴,大家同醉到天明。全诗在赞美 画作精美,具有提高人们审美情趣的积极作用同时,以朋友之间日常交往的真诚 语气,写画写人,也写生活。

Introduction to the artist

Wu Fang cereal, was born 1916, guangdong Shan tribal chief. Took an examination of Shanghai beauty 1934 only, 1937 reside abroad Singapore, attend China art seminar, assisted Xu Beihong sale of work to exhibit 1939, support domestic war of resistance against aggression. After 1947 in Shan head training school holds the post of head of one medium, Shan art teacher, attend school of Shan head art make preparations the job. Be good at aquarelle, work enters the exhibition that visit town and countrywide watercolour art exhibition for many times. Head of assistant group leader of group of art of couplet of article of Ceng Weichao Shan, Shan association of arts and crafts is advisory, omit watercolour painting for Chinese artist academician, Guangdong now the meeting is advisory, honorary president of association of artist of Shan head city, gouache of the watercolour that uncover this world is met reputation chairman, painter of Shan head imperial art academy.
Wu Fang cereal, teenage period ever hoped to wait for the Chun Yang that establish to draw the company studies sketch to Ceng Huanyi, Chen Zongrui, Chenwen, the aquarelle of copy Wang Jiyuan. Took an examination of Shanghai beauty 1934 only, those who get the master such as far suddenly of bang millet, king, Chen Renhao, Liu Kang, Zhang Xian is directive. 1937 reside abroad Singapore, attend China art seminar, to paint from life of and other places of Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, assisted Xu Beihong sale of work to exhibit 1939, support domestic war of resistance against aggression. After 1947 in Shan head training school holds the post of head of one medium, Shan art teacher, attend school of Shan head art make preparations the job. Publish have " cereal aquarelle chooses Wu Fang " , " Hai Zhishi -- , aquarelle of Wu Fang cereal collect " , " aquarelle of Wu Fang cereal collect " , " Wu Fang cereal -- , the heart realizes nature " wait for an album of paintings.
 The work that Wu Fang cereal gives priority to with landscape, root plant life and nature, acceded the painterly concept of British tradition aquarelle, emphasize water and colour blending, announce writes the natural landscape with smooth rich color, held to the China that falls as Oriental spirit setting again at the same time classic and painterly meaning accumulate, pursuit " not seek fame and wealth of empty be in harmony " with " very modest " Jingyuan idea, contemporary aquarelle is having original color in artistic language.
 His aquarelle, style is simple and honest and plain, lightsome and lively, pure and fresh moist, abound wet Shan agrestic breath and littoral gust. In aquarelle, the principal territory that still life became brushwork of Wu Fang cereal to explore, the reason that because be long-term,lives in the seaside probably, the fish is the subject matter that is good at in his still life more, he is good at behaving smooth feeling of the fish, simple sense, wherefrom " small and meticulous tonal " in can experience " of piscine body solid feel with softness " . And these is in " hairtail pursues " with " snakehead pursues " in all receive excellent expression: " hairtail pursues " in piscine Xian Run feels, composition of a picture is full, content elephant decorates seemingly optional fact to show ingenuity, brandish asperses the brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy of freely, protean, harmonious and bright, there is a kind of strong seaside life sentiment on spirit and connotation. " snakehead pursues " in the fish is depicted exquisite, snakehead body slightness, before deep abdomen of grey black of flat, body, back is shallow after the circle and body side even if travel is black splash piece score gets with meticulous care, colour of primitive simplicity, delicate in a subtle way, behave the simple sense of the object, body sense adequately, the really artful labour that seize a god, clever interest of be overflowing with.
To Wu Fang cereal place makes " hairtail pursues " , if Wang Lan inscribes a poem after watching a stroke, the poem says: Buy seafood to not have to ask, raw onion silver takes picture. Lifelike verve is sufficient, be worthy of mountain expresses one name scholar.
This poem still life of picture of two first depict: Ask you (painter) buy delicious seafood. Have words, give birth to green hairtail, clever composition of a picture, very fast hairtail body side is flat, grow a belt like, systemic silvery white, without scale, the mouth is big, the feature of crown is shown lifelikely come, your person admires. Of the poem the 3rd, 4 leave a picture, made comment one time: Your brushwork is artistic and masterly, draw so racily clear, lifelike, not only the shell is beautiful, and verve is sufficient, gifted hairtail is mixed with beautiful colour the vigor of life. Repeatedly play, recall wholeheartedly, lasting appeal is long, more feel fact of thought connotation abundant is solid, artistic language is novel and chic, be worthy of is a renown painter south mountain. (south mountain old outside weighing mountain, mountain watch. (south mountain old outside weighing mountain, mountain watch..
To Wu Fang cereal place draws " snakehead pursues " . If Wang Lan also has another problem verse: Lad draws piscine beauty and delicacy, cook man asks me how decoct. Mullet of unripe cook a meal dips in fabaceous sauce, be the same as with you drunk to tomorrow.
This poem does not have direct depict picture, live in order to abound however the in imagining outspread work artistic conception of appeal: The fish that lad place draws is divine body really v/LIT resemble closely, glow, delicious tender slip, call a person really piggish, newcome hutch labour does not know the method of cook, ask me how decoction? Having a way best is unripe cook a meal, make with sauce of general peaceful beans next dip in makings, assure delicate and goluptious, and of that large big crisp " snakehead art " , make a person full enjoy the luck to eat sth delicious more. The hope can be to one's heart's content tonight, everybody with drunk to dawn. Complete poem is drawn in the praise elegant, have raise people the positive effect of aesthetic appeal at the same time, with the true mood that interacts daily between the friend, write a picture to keep a person, also write the life.

