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2003年油画作品《5 1 节合影》参加地方 美术学院《学院之光》油画作品大展
2004年油画作品《5 1 节合影》入选第十届全国美展
作品参展“具象研讨 ——重回经典”艺术展(北京时代美术馆)
前后 在地方 美术学院壁画系和油画系十二届助教研修班学习。1988年调入大庆画院任创作员至今。1979年调入大庆市文工团从事舞台美术工作,1984年调入大庆市铁人展览馆任美工。1991年至1992年在地方 美术学院壁画系进修,2003年地方 美术学院第十二届油画研讨 生班毕业。
有多幅作品赴俄罗斯、香港、日本等地展出,并被相干 艺术机构和私人收藏。
2002年,油画作品《共进午饭 》获第十届全军美展银奖。
2003年,油画作品《5 1 节合影》参加地方 美术学院学院之光油画作品大展,并入选第三届油画展。
2004年,油画作品《5 1 节合影》入选第十届全国美展。
2009年,油画作品《乡村选举》获第十1 届全国美展铜奖。

Introduction to the artist

Zhang Yanzhao Heilongjiang saves twin city person. Currently hold the post ofthe member that Daqing city imperial art academy is created. Chinese artist academician, heilongjiang saves artist academician.
2003 canvas work " 51 group photo " attend central academy of fine arts " academic light " canvas work is exhibited greatly
2004 canvas work " 51 group photo " selected beauty of the 10th whole nation is exhibited
Beijing held 4 people couplet to exhibit 2005
Work ginseng was exhibited 2010 " canvas art and contemporary society " Chinese canvas is exhibited (Chinese art gallery)
Work ginseng is exhibited " the research that provide an elephant -- regain is classical " art is exhibited (Beijing times art gallery)
Work ginseng exhibits academic spirit the 2nd 2010 canvas are exhibited (artistic house of world of China century world)  
Early or late department of mural of centrally academy of fine arts and canvas fasten 12 assistant to grind the study that repair a class. The member that transferred into Daqing imperial art academy allows to create 1988 up to now. Transferred into Daqing city song and dance ensemble pursues arena art job 1979, transferred into exhibition of Daqing city iron man-a person of exceptional physical and moral strength holds the post of art design 1984. Came 1991 mural of centrally academy of fine arts tied take a refresher course 1992, the academy of fine arts is dozenth in the center of 2003 a canvas graduate student the class graduates.
Many work goes to and other places of Russia, Hong Kong, Japan to exhibit, be mixed by relevant and artistic orgnaization private collect.
Canvas work " Qiu Wang " selected beauty of youth of the 4th whole nation is exhibited.
2002, canvas work " eat lunch in all " obtain beauty of the 10th horse and foot to exhibit silver-colored award.
2003, canvas work " 51 group photo " the smooth canvas work that attends college of central academy of fine arts is exhibited greatly, selected the 3rd oily art exhibition. Make
2004, canvas work " 51 group photo " selected beauty of the 10th whole nation is exhibited.
2005, 4 people couplet is held to exhibit in Beijing.
2006, canvas work " fellow-townsman " attend Jin Ling of Chinese a hunderd schools to be exhibited greatly realistically, win a gold prize.
2007, canvas work " team of hump flying tiger is in Yunnan " attend found an army 80 years countrywide art work is exhibited, win silver-colored award.
2008, canvas work " home town sister " obtain beauty of youth of the 3rd whole nation to exhibit a gold prize.
2009, canvas work " rustic election " obtain eleventh countrywide beauty exhibits cupreous award.

