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 窦 鸿 (1965.12—) 陕西西安人。擅长油画。 1982年参军,毕业于解放军艺术学院美术系。 历任部队干事、俱乐部主任、表演 队队长、电影发行站长 。作品有《古渡口》、《残雪》、《金秋》、《塬》、《春雪》、《堤》等,《黄河谣 》入选建党七十周年全国美展并由中国历史博物馆收藏;《秋果》入选毛主席《讲话》发表 50周年全国美展;《山果》获第八届全国美展优秀奖,《小雨》和《障》由中国美术馆收藏 。


Introduction in English

 Dou Hong was born in Shaanxi in 1965. Good at oil painting. He joined the army in 1982 and graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of the PLA Academy of Art. Successive army officers, club directors, performance team captains, Film Publishing station directors. He is now the eighth director of the Chinese Artists Association, the director of the China International Association of Calligraphy and Painting Arts, the professional painter of the Literature and Art Creation Room of the Second Artillery Political Department, and the oil painter and senior artist of the Academy of Fine Arts and Calligraphy of the PLA.


Dou Hong (1965.12 -) was born in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. Good at oil painting. He joined the army in 1982 and graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of the PLA Academy of Art. Successive army officers, club directors, performance team captains, Film Publishing station directors. His works include Gudukou, Canxue, Golden Autumn, Plateau, Spring Snow, Dike, etc. The Rhyme of the Yellow River was selected for the 70th Anniversary National Art Exhibition of the Party and collected by the Chinese History Museum; The Autumn Fruit was selected for the 50th Anniversary National Art Exhibition of Chairman Mao's Speech; The Mountain Fruit was outstanding at the 8th National Art Exhibition. The awards, "Little Rain" and "Barrier" are collected by the Chinese Art Museum.

