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2022-03-11 17:34:39 3485




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汪明强,油画专业教授,硕士生导师,前后 毕业于山东艺术学院油画系,南京师范大学美术学院研讨 生同等学历硕士班,地方 美术学院油画系意大利写意油画创作班,中国汉画学会会员,山东省油画学会常务理事,威海市美协副主席。
油画作品从初期 的古典主义写实绘画研讨 转入对中国传统视觉图形与古代 绘画言语 表现研讨 。作品曾多次入选国内外许多重要展览活动并获奖。部分作品前后 被国内外知名人士和部分博物馆收藏,有1 百多篇研讨 论文与作品在《文艺研讨 》、《人民日报海外版》、《美术》、《美术观察》、《中国油画》,《江苏画刊》、《中华文明 画报》、《美术大观》、《东方艺术》、《文明 报》等国内权威性学术期刊上发表,入选中国当代画坛六十家油画三十家,出版《海色斑斓汪明强油画作品集》,掌管 策划地方 电视台十套交流节目“艺术热点论坛”。

Introduction to the artist

Canvas major is taught, the Master lays a teacher, be graduated from department of canvas of Shandong artistic institute early or late, class of Master of the same educational level of graduate student of academy of fine arts of Nanjing Normal University, canvas of central academy of fine arts fastens Italian enjoyable canvas to create a class, chinese Chinese draws academician, shandong saves canvas to learn standing director, power sea city is beautiful assist vice-chairman.
Canvas work from inchoate draw research turns into graph of traditional to China visual sense and research of expression of contemporary and pictorial language realistically classically. Work Ceng Duo second selected a lot of domestic and internationally weighing should show an activity and bear the palm. Partial work is mixed by domestic and international well-known public figure early or late partial museum is collected, paper of more than 100 research and work are in " literary research " , " the People's Daily is abroad edition " , " art " , " art observes " , " Chinese canvas " , " Jiangsu pictorial section of a newspaper " , " China culture pictorial " , " art grand sight " , " Oriental art " , " culture signs up for " etc publish on periodical of domestic authority learning, selected China draws altar now 60 canvas 30, publish " collect of work of canvas of Wang Mingjiang of sea splash Lan " , chair concoctive CCTV 10 communication program " artistic heat forum " .

