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谷钢,1942年生于吉林省,1958年参加工作,1978年考入地方 美术学院油画系研讨 生班,1980年毕业,现为中国美术家协会会员、辽宁师范大学美术学院教授、硕士研讨 生导师、国务院特殊津贴获得者。曾前后 担任吉林艺术学院、辽宁师范大学美术系主任。
 1998年参加第5 次全国文代会,1995年应邀赴日本讲学并举办个展。1999年赴俄罗斯参观访问。从60年代开始,创作的作品曾前后 参加第四、六、九、十届全国美展、全国纪念建军、建党美展、首届中国油画展、中国油画肖像艺术百年展、全国水彩画、全国粉彩画等展览。
所获的次要 奖项有:全国宣扬 画展二等奖、和平与正义国际美展铜奖、全国写生画展佳作奖、首届全国水彩人物画展银奖、首届全国粉画展银奖、首届全国小幅水彩画展银奖、美国第三十1 届国际粉彩画展1 等奖、第二届中国美术金彩奖作品展铜奖、第十届全国美展铜奖。
1 些作品被中国美术馆、苏州粉画艺术馆、金彩奖组委会等单位和 国外私人收藏。
2008年受国家文明 部拜托 ,创作中国百大历史题材之《大庆人》。

Introduction to the artist

Gu Gang, gave birth to Yu Jilin to save 1942, had a job 1958, took an examination of canvas of central academy of fine arts to fasten graduate student class 1978, graduated 1980, it is adviser of graduate student of professor of academy of fine arts of Normal University of Chinese artist academician, Liaoning, Master, the State Council now special and subsidiary gainer. Art of Normal University of Jilin art institute, Liaoning is being held the position of after Ceng Xian is a director.
  Attended countrywide Wen Daihui the 5th times 1998, went to Japan to discourse on an academic subject on invitation 1995 and hold exhibit. Went to Russia to visit a visit 1999. Begin from 60 time, the work of creation attends after Ceng Xian the 4th, 6, 9, beauty of 10 whole nations is exhibited, countrywide souvenir founds an army, beauty of found a party is exhibited, effigies of canvas of first China oily art exhibition, China is artistic hundred years exhibit, the exhibition such as picture of famille rose of countrywide aquarelle, whole nation.
Wins main award have: Second-class award, peace and just international beauty exhibit art exhibition of countrywide conduct propaganda first award of silver of art exhibition of pink of first silver-colored award of art exhibition of character of watercolour of first award of an excellent work of cupreous award, whole nation sketchy art exhibition, whole nation, whole nation, throughout the country is small aquarelle is exhibited.
A few work are drawn by pink of Chinese art gallery, Suzhou unit and the abroad such as organizing committee of prize of color of artistic house, gold are private collect.
Sufferred national culture ministries and commissions to hold in the palm 2008, create 100 great history theme of Chinese " Daqing person " .
  have: " canvas character is sketchy " " scenery of Gu Gang canvas is sketchy " " character of Gu Gang canvas is sketchy " " Gu Gang canvas < Daqing person > " " Gu Gang canvas is sketchy "

