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郑天君,号枕溪,1958年生于安徽蚌埠,现为安徽美术家协会副主席、中国美术家协会会员、黄山市美术家协会主席、地方 民革画院理事、安徽中山画院副院长、黄山学院艺术学院客座教授。
主攻油画和国画山水,作品多描绘皖南风光,画面重意境和神韵,曾入选第七届、第十届全国美术作品展览、第十六次新人新作展、第三届中国油画展、华东地区油画巡回展、中国美术家协会油画艺委会吾土吾民系列油画约请 展等,并获安徽省美展等级奖十余次。曾赴俄罗斯、美国、韩国、日本、法国、意大利、瑞士、土耳其等国进行艺术交流和举办画展。在《人民日报》、《美术》、《艺术界》、《西泠收藏》等多家重要杂志和刊物上刊登过美术作品。艺术成就收入《中国古代 美术家人名大辞典》和《中国当代美术家人名录》等权威辞典。

Introduction to the artist

Zheng Tianjun, date pillow brook, was born at Anhui mussel port 1958, it is academician of artist of vice-chairman of Anhui artist association, China, Huang Shan now visiting professor of college of art of institute of assistant dean of imperial art academy of Zhongshan of director of imperial art academy of the chairman of city artist association, civilian change central, Anhui, yellow hill.
Main attack canvas and landscape of traditional Chinese painting, work represents light of Anhui south wind more, the picture weighs artistic conception and verve, ever selected the 7th, the 16th exhibition of work of the 10th whole nation art, new personality is made newly exhibit, itinerate of canvas of area of oily art exhibition of the 3rd China, Hua Dong is exhibited, canvas of Chinese artist association art appoint meet me earth I civilian series, obtain beauty of the Anhui province to exhibit grade award more than 10 times. The country such as Ceng Fu Russia, United States, Korea, Japan, France, Italy, Switzerland, Turkey undertakes art communication is mixed hold art exhibition. In " People's Daily " , " art " , " artistic bound " , " Xi Ling is collected " it is important to wait for much home art work has been carried on magazine and journal. Artistic achievement income " big dictionary of name of family of Chinese modern art " and " directory of family of Chinese contemporary art " wait for authoritative dictionary.

